Sahak Karapetyan unsuccessfully shot at the beasts

Deputy Yuri Chaika died in a plane crash in the Kostroma region during a hunt.
Today it became known that one of the most famous prosecutors, Deputy Prosecutor General Sahak Karapetyan, was killed in the crash of the AS 350 B3 helicopter that occurred Wednesday night in the Kostroma region. According to preliminary data, Saak Karapetyan, who was on vacation, was going hunting together with his comrades. However, in poor visibility conditions, the helicopter pilot lost control and the car fell to the ground.

Information about the crash of a private AS 350 B3 helicopter in the Soligalichsky district of the Kostroma region arrived at the Ministry of Emergency Situations at 18:40 on Wednesday. Residents reported the crash of the aircraft to rescuers. At first, the department reported that the bodies of four people were found at the crash site, but since as a result of the fall of AS 350 B3 it caught fire, their identification was very difficult. This morning it became known that Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia Saak Karapetyan, who oversaw international legal relations in the supervisory department, became one of the victims of the crash.
Sources of “Kommersant” say that Sahak Karapetyan was on vacation and was going on a hunt.

The Investigation Committee of Russia (TFR) opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under Part 3 of Art. 263 of the Criminal Code (violation of the rules of traffic safety and operation of air transport, resulting in the death of two or more persons). The helicopter, according to the TFR, flew without permission. Moreover, they clarified in the department that “the flight was carried out according to a notification application, which does not require permission to fly, therefore there is no exact information about the route of its flight”. AS 350 B3 belonged to the Russian commercial structure and was based in the Heliport Moscow complex. From there a helicopter flew the night before to the village of Spasskoe, but before it reached him, it crashed into the forest near the village of Vonyshevo. According to preliminary data, the accident could have occurred due to the loss of orientation by the pilot at night in bad weather: the helicopter caught the tops of the trees and fell. However, several examinations have already been scheduled, including the quality of the fuel with which the helicopter was refueled. The Interstate Aviation Committee, which has already launched a technical investigation, will determine the cause of the accident.

The official representative of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, Alexander Kurennoy, confirmed to “Kommersant” the fact of the death of Sak Karapetyan. “I confirm that, according to preliminary data, Sahak Karapetyan died,” said Mr. Kurennoy. “Kostroma transport prosecutor Pavel Makarov and north-west transport prosecutor Oleg Kolesov are working. The flight notification was submitted to the appropriate services in the prescribed manner. ”

The 58-year-old Sahak Karapetyan was one of the most famous workers in the supervisory authority, since he represented the department also abroad. After graduating from Rostov State University in 1983 M. A. Suslova in the specialty “jurisprudence” he began to work in the prosecution bodies. Starting from the post of intern, Sahak Karapetyan was promoted in the Rostov Region Prosecutor's Office to the post of head of the department for supervision of the investigation of particularly important cases and operational investigative activities. In 1996 he was elected to the State Duma, where he took the post of deputy chairman of the security committee.

Since 2000, Sahak Karapetyan worked in the Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia, consecutively serving as head of the legal support department and senior assistant to the prosecutor general — plenipotentiary representative of the prosecutor general of the Russian Federation at the Federal Assembly. Then Saak Karapetyan worked in the Ministry of Justice - first as the head of the legislative drafting department, and then as the director of the international law and cooperation department. In 2006, he returned to the Prosecutor General’s Office, taking the post of head of the Main Directorate for International Legal Cooperation, and in 2016, he was Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

Awarded state and departmental awards. State Counselor of Justice 1 class.