Prosecutor General's Office demands to punish Roskosmos leadership

The audit showed that the orders for 1.8 billion rubles placed before the New Year had violated the law "On space activities".
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Trying to Roskosmos to announce New Year's Eve two major competition for the development of sectoral documents turned into a scandal, as a result of which the head Oleg Ostapenko Space Agency may be subject to disciplinary action. Terms and technical specifications of tenders totaling 1.8 billion rubles have been verified Prosecutor General's Office, which saw in them a violation of law, entailing misuse of budget funds. The audit Deputy Prosecutor General Alexander Buksman was an idea to Ostapenko's name (copy of the document is in "Izvestia").

Lot "Development of conceptual documents on the development of space activity of Russia on the basis of the system of research and study of the problems of space exploration in the country and abroad for the period up to 2030 and refinement of strategic goals and tactical tasks of national space activities" was declared with a starting price of 883 million rubles. "System problems of the development of research and development of space vehicles program-planning documents for the development of advancedspace assets "valued at 968 million rubles. Both lots were published on the public procurement website on December 27 last year.

The winner of the tender was known in advance: 1.8 billion rubles were intended Head of Roscosmos Science - TsNIIMASH (Korolev, Moscow region). There have been developing basic industry documents before getting any orders of this kind of this particular organization. February 5 tender commission opened the envelopes with applications for participation in both tenders and found that, as expected, - offers from TsNIIMASH.

- Exactly the same day in the representation General Prosecutor's Office it Roscosmos regarding these competitions, told "Izvestia" an informed source in the agency (the very idea is dated January 30). The document says that the two orders are placed in violation of the law "On space activities".

"By virtue of Article 8 of the Law" On space activities ", the development of the Federal Space Program projects, the federal target program" Global Navigation System "and other programs in the field of spacece, conducting system studies for substantiation of directions of development of space technology research and socio-economic purpose are exclusive authority Roskosmos "- written in the submission of the Prosecutor General.

Placing orders referred to, according to Buksman, will lead to the transfer of business entities Roscosmos functions, contrary to the law "On Protection of Competition".

"These violations of the law have been made possible due to improper execution of Roskosmos officials of their duties, as well as by the lack of proper management of the agency control over the work of subordinate employees," - say the prosecutor's office.

Deputy public prosecutor demanded the cancellation of the tender and the disciplining of the proper agencies persons who have violated the law.

Secretary of State Denis Lyskov agency agreed terms of reference for the tender, and Oleg Ostapenko, to confirm it: in this case, the disciplinary proceedings against the first persons of the Russian Space Agency may be involved.
<br /> A source in the Russian Space Agency says that the tenders were canceled on the day following receipt of the submission. The site of public procurement, however, is not reflected: both orders there appear on the stage "Working Commission".

- Of course, the Russian Space Agency made a grave mistake, just to substitute, - says member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics, son of John Andrew. - In two tenders pushed hundreds of different questions. In fact, this consulting contract, but to the extent that there is no McKinsey and never dreamed of. If the task to split into pieces, then everything will fall into place. Roskosmos is not the only authority, to solve such problems, there is the Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Industry, which also need documents. They also have scientific organizations, preceded by a task. In such cases, much depends on the wording. It was possible to write not "Implementation of System Studies," and say, "Preparation of materials for Strategic Studies." Then it would be difficult to find fault.

"Skolkovo" Space Cluster Development Director Dmitry Paison previously worked inTsNIIMASH and participated in the development of industry documents.

- These 1.8 billion rubles in fact - pay a very large range of works, - says Paison. - In TsNIIMash of Roscosmos call five times a day and say: "And prepare our position to such a negotiation to 18 points," or "Please provide information on the number of starts for each of the space centers of the world since 2000". This work in huge TsNIIMASH engaged staff. And there is no other way to pay for this work except through competition. Traditionalism works financing schemes leads to such situations.

Paison suggested that deprivation TsNIIMASH this channel of funding would lead to layoffs of many employees.

- These research works (SRW) allow employees to ensure an acceptable level of existence itself. . There's salaries by 20-30 thousand rubles, and surcharges for research work allows to earn 2-3 times more - he said. - If you leave the bare TsNIIMash budget, many young officers fired.

Director General TsNIIMASHNikolai Panichkin calls not to dramatize the situation.

- We unscrew. Yes, we announced to employees that some time allowances will not be, but I think in the end we will solve the issue. Perhaps will issue advance payments for some other topics, - he says.

A spokesman for the Russian Space Agency, Irina Zubarev, the phone did not answer.