The Central Bank will check every loan transferred to Promsvyazbank

If its quality does not satisfy the regulator, banks will have to pay in addition.
The government decided to create a support bank for state defense order on the basis of sanated Promsvyazbank to protect other banks from possible tightening of US sanctions. According to the plan of officials, they will be able to transfer loans to enterprises of the defense industry on the balance sheet of Promsvyazbank and thus reduce their risks. Such loans Promsvyazbank can get up to 1 trillion rubles., Estimated in February, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov.

How to transfer them, it is not decided. Sberbank and VTB do not want to transfer capital together with loans, and the head of Prosvjazbank, Petr Fradkov, said in an interview with Kommersant that there is simply no other option. Fradkov's correctness was confirmed by the participant of discussion of the bill: the capital is supposed to be transferred proceeding from quality (risk-weight) of the credit.

Moreover, it is discussed that every loan transferred to Promsvyazbank will be tested by the Central Bank, Vedomosti said. The regulator does not trust the assessment given by banks. The reserves for such loans may be understated, and accordingly, less capital will be transferred to such a loan. To prevent this from happening, the appraiser is the CB.

This is discussed, confirmed two state bankers and the head of a large private bank. "The information about this appeared last week, we expect that the employees of the CBA risk analysis service will check the credits," says the state banker. He does not expect the Central Bank to require additional reserves.

The idea to check how banks reserve loans to the defense industry is very sensible, the head of the private bank notes: no one wants to transfer capital, it is logical that banks will try to minimize reserves as much as possible, and then it may turn out that the asset is not so good that it will put pressure on the capital Promsvyazbank.

The list of banks working with the money of the defense industry enterprises was closed by the Central Bank in late 2017. As of October 1, there were eight of them: Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank, Rosselkhozbank, RRDB, Novikombank, Rossiya and St. Petersburg. Their representatives did not answer the questions, as did the representatives of the Central Bank and Promsvyazbank.

"Technically, transfer of assets with capital can, for example, transferring loans below the market value: as a result, Promsvyazbank will receive a profit that will be sent to reserves," says Fitch analyst Alexander Danilov. - The Central Bank's desire to check every loan can be caused precisely by this - the desire to establish the market value reliably, to make sure that the reserves are adequate. "

In general, the MIC segment is not bad, but it's impossible to say that all these are high-quality loans with guaranteed cash flow, says Cyril Lukashuk, head of the group of bank ratings of ACRA, the question of what exactly will be considered loans to the defense industry: the wider this concept, the higher the risks. Money, as a rule, is spent at the end of the year and goes along the chain and along its length there can be overlays, he continues: the company's credit to the "granddaughter" or the contractor may be worse than the head structure.