In Kemerovo, they began demolishing the shopping center "Winter Cherry"

In Kemerovo today began dismantling the shopping and entertainment center "Winter Cherry", where a fire in late March killed 60 people.
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Last Monday, authorities of the Kemerovo region reported that the employees of the ice committee had removed the arrest from the burned down shopping center building. "All issues with the owners are settled," said the governor of the region, Sergei Tsivilev.

Today, workers began to dismantle one of the buildings that are part of the "Winter Cherry" complex, which houses saunas and a car wash. In total, the complex consists of seven buildings erected from brick and reinforced concrete, Interfax reports. Among them there is a boiler room and a sauna, the "Kemerova Gazeta" clarifies.

Arrived at the scene, Sergei Tsivilev told reporters that the building of the "Winter Cherry" is in an emergency condition and can not be operated. "But most importantly - these buildings will always be associated with the residents of Kuzbass with the tragedy," he stressed.

According to Tsivilev, the main owner of the SEC - OAO Kemerovo Confectionery Plant - donated all the buildings of the complex to the municipality free of charge, and also buys shares from those who are dissatisfied with the plans for dismantling.

Earlier it was reported that the owners of the premises of "Winter Cherry" asked not to demolish the part of the building that survived in the fire - the concrete building of the former confectionery factory, which served as the basis for the shopping center. Businessmen noted that many of them took loans, sold other businesses and invested savings for decades in development for the "Winter Cherry".

At the same time, entrepreneurs were ready to invest in the reconstruction of the building, as well as organize a park in the adjoining territory in memory of the victims with the monument.

The fire in the shopping center "Winter Cherry" occurred on March 25. The fire occurred on the top floor, where there were cinemas and children's rooms. The automatic fire alarm did not work in the shopping center, and the guard did not turn on the serviceable warning system after the outbreak of fire. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the cause of the fire was a defective lamp.

In a fire, according to official figures, 60 people were killed. Eight people were arrested in the framework of criminal cases opened.

By the number of victims this fire became one of the largest in Russia for a hundred years. In connection with the tragedy, the head of the Kuzbass Aman Tuleyev resigned. In the fall of 2018, a park or square should appear on the site of the "Winter Cherry".