Telegraph concluded an amicable agreement with Rosenberg

The company will withdraw the 100 million rubles claim to the dismissed employee.
Kuybyshevsky District Court of St. Petersburg on Thursday approved an amicable agreement between Telegraph and the former employee of the company Anton Rosenberg, Rosenberg himself told Vedomosti.

"I am pleased with this amicable settlement. It met all my requirements, except for the restoration at work, which I myself would not really like, "he said. "And also the company undertook to cancel a counter-claim to me in the amount of 100 million rubles within two days."

The scandal around Telegram broke out in mid-September after a former employee of the messenger Rosenberg published a letter on Medium's blog platform (later the site deleted the email.) - Vedomosti. In it Rosenberg told about the conflict with the founder of the messenger Pavel Durov and his brother Nikolai, accused the company of illegal dismissal and questioned the confidentiality of personal correspondence in the messenger. He also claimed that Telegraf is the Russian legal entity of the Telegram messenger.

Rosenberg in the company was the director of special areas, as he himself wrote. He was fired from his job after a quarrel with Nikolai Durov, who provided signs of attention to his future wife, he wrote himself. Rosenberg was fired for a formal reason - due to absenteeism, although he continued to work outside the office, he clarified. Rosenberg sued the company to challenge the legality of the dismissal. From the documents published by Stepanov it follows that Rosenberg offered a settlement agreement of the company, in compensation he asked 30 million rubles. Rosenberg in writing demanded 30 million rubles from Telegraph. and hinted that if he refused to pay this amount, he would disclose confidential information about the company, wrote Stepanov.

The company filed a counterclaim against Rosenberg, in which it claimed 100 million rubles. compensation for the disclosure of trade secrets. Employees are not allowed to disclose to third parties that they work in this company, as well as the disclosure of any confidential information about the company, follows from documents that the director-general of Telegraf, Alexander Stepanov, previously published.

On what conditions Rosenberg agreed

"We agreed on an amicable agreement with the representatives of Telegraf even earlier. The court today approved this amicable agreement, "he told Vedomosti.

Rosenberg himself proposed an amicable agreement, but within the framework of his proposal he asked the company for 30 million rubles. compensation.

The founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, called the proposals of the settlement agreement from Rosenberg "extortion". "This is not the Telegraph demanded 100 million rubles from Rosenberg, and Rosenberg extorted 30 million rubles from Telegraph," he wrote.

The company "Telegraph" itself twice proposed an agreement to Rosenberg, but with other conditions: for the first time the company offered the former employee to pay compensation of 4 million rubles, for the second time - 1.5 million rubles. It follows from documents that were earlier published Stepanov.

As a result, Rosenberg agreed to the terms of the company. "Telegraph" will be obliged to pay Rosenberg a salary for forced absenteeism in the amount of 1.5 million rubles. after personal income tax and compensation for moral damage in the amount of 60 000 rubles., wrote a correspondent of from the courtroom. Also in the work book of Rosenberg it will be indicated that he resigned at his own will on October 24, 2017. Also, Rosenberg, as part of the settlement agreement, refused to file repeated suits against the company.