Pavel Durov promised to bypass the blocking of Telegram in Russia

According to him, the messenger will use methods to bypass locks that do not require user action.
The founder of Telegram Pavel Durov commented on his page in the "In Contact" decision Tagansky Court of Moscow on the blocking of the messenger in Russia. He said that the messenger will use the built-in methods of circumventing locks that do not require actions from users. However, Durov does not guarantee the availability of the service without using a VPN.

The businessman warned that during the first hours of the blocking start by Roskomnadzor, third-party VPN / Proxy services could be overloaded and slow. According to him, Telegram will send out notices to its users, informing about the development of the situation.

"Important: Do not remove or reinstall Telegram if you have communication problems. Try to download updates in time Telegram in the AppStore or Google Play, "- wrote Durov.

For Instagram, the founder of Telegram prepared a separate post. He wrote that one must be prepared to risk everything for the sake of freedom.

In his Telegram channel Durov reacted to the blocking in English. "The power that governments have over IT corporations is based on money. At any time, the government can collapse the quotes of their shares, threatening to block revenue streams from local markets, and thus force these companies to do strange things (remember how last year Apple moved iCloud servers to China), "wrote the entrepreneur.

"Telegram has the luxury of not worrying about revenue streams or advertising sales. Confidentiality is not sold, and the rights of people should not be infringed by fear or greed, "the messenger creator stressed.

Earlier on April 13, the judge of the Tagansky court, Yuliya Smolina, granted Roscomnadzor's petition for the blocking of Durov's messenger and decided to limit access to him immediately. The court explained that the messenger can be unlocked if he fulfills the requirement of the Federal Security Service (FSB) and passes to the siloviki the keys to decrypt user messages. The lawyers of the messenger promised to appeal the decision of the court in the Moscow City Court within a month.

 Roskomnadzor has not yet begun to block the messenger, but promised to carry out technical work to limit the work of Telegram in Russia "impeccably."

According to MediaScope, the audience of Telegram in Russia, taking into account desktop version users, reached 12.4 million people by March. And according to Combot, the number of Russian messenger users last month approached $ 15 million.