Tax fraud revealed in the kickback case of the Sakhalin governor

After a bribe to Alexander Khoroshavin, millionaire Nikolay Kran's companies were chosen to supply equipment for the local CHP-1 plant; the businessman tried to get 270 million rubles from the budget through the tax fraud from the budget.
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In a criminal case of bribery in the $ 5.6 million for the preferences in the execution of public contracts in the construction in 2010-2013 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk TPP-1, which became defendants in Sakhalin Governor Alexander Khoroshavin and his assistant Andrew Ikramov, new details. The Federal Tax Service (FTS) and UFNS Sakhalin learned that received these contracts Vneshtorgbank president of the Pacific and known on the island millionaire Nicholas Crane tried using tax fraud to make money on the supply of three gas turbine units for power plants 1 270 million rubles. High-tech equipment for the strategic facility worth about 1.8 billion rubles has been formally put through one-day firms, traded sausage and cigarettes, after which the company Crane "Energostroy" asked her to return of VAT in the amount of 270 million rubles. Now Crane cooperating with the investigation and says, what other things he had to Khoroshavin and other regional officials.

After the decision of the Basmanny District Court of Moscow of the arrest of the suspects Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) sentSakhalin Governor Alexander Khoroshavin in the metropolitan detention center "Lefortovo", and his assistant Andrew Ikramov - in spetsblok "Sailor's Silence". There they will remain until 27 April 2015.

Interests Khoroshavina Ikramov and yet is a team of lawyers from different regions of Russia, but in the near future it will strengthen the defenders of Moscow. Ikramov's lawyers have said that the arrest of the two defendants in the criminal case will be appealed.

Alexander Horoshavin incriminated h. 6 Art. 290 of the Criminal Code ( "Taking a bribe in a large scale"), for which he could get up to 15 years in prison. Ikramov accused of mediation in obtaining bribes.

According to investigators, the governor received a rollback of $ 5.6 million from Nicholas Crane for his preference for the company "Energostroy" in the performance of the state contract in the construction of large industrial facilities in the region - unit number 4, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk TPP-1. Construction of the project began in September 2010 and was completed in early 2013.

As it turned out, received a supply contract for the supply of the governorequipment for this facility, the company "Energostroy" using fraud tried to get another 270 million rubles of budgetary funds to a tax deduction. In March 2011, "Energostroy" found a contractor - a local company LLC "STROYDOM".

According to the contract, up to 31 December 2013 "STROYDOM" had to put "Energostroy" three gas turbine power LM6000. The contract value amounted to 1.77 billion rubles. In the contract, it was stated that payment takes place wholly in advance - bills Pacific Vneshtorgbank. The deal formally on 30 June 2011, after which the "STROYDOM" provided "Energostroy" invoice for 1.77 billion rubles, including the value-added tax (VAT) to 270 million. "Energostroy" asked the Federal Tax Service tax a deduction for the full amount of VAT.

FTS-1 and the Federal Security Service of the Sakhalin region initiated a check which revealed interesting details. As it turned out, "STROYDOM" was a typical one-day firms. She has been selling food, drinks and cigarettes, but did not have an office and fizicheskogaddress. The head of the company was listed a local resident, who said that she agreed to register the company at the request of his friend and no documentation of transactions for the supply of equipment is not signed. Bank promissory notes, which allegedly received "STROYDOM" at that time belonged to the company "contour of Sakhalin". Thus, the Federal Tax Service has determined that the transaction was not. As it turned out, the supply of three gas turbine LM6000 units held under the contract of 12 March 2011 № 714 072 concluded between "Energostroy" and GE Packaged Power Inc.

Suspecting "Energostroy" of fraudulent taxes, the Federal Tax Service has exposed the company general account for 290 million rubles. It was previously included unpaid VAT deal, fines and penalties. "Energostroy" protested the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Federal Tax Service, but the process is lost. A few weeks ago, and the requirements of the tax authorities confirmed Atribrazhny Far Eastern District Court.

Chapter "of power generating" Nicholas Crane was arrested in September 2014 on Sakhalin, after which he was taken to Moscow, where the court issued a warrant for his arrest.

Soon the businessman began to cooperate with the TFR, and in December 2014 he changed the measure of restraint, releasing him under house arrest. He is now under the control of the Federal Penitentiary Service in Moscow. It is unknown what kind of readings and who gives the businessman, but it is on the basis of his testimony in Sakhalin held a special operation to arrest the governor and his aides.