Sechin has won a lawsuit against Vedomosti because of the publication about his house in Barvikha

The newspaper did not agree with the decision and will appeal.
CEO of "Rosneft" Igor Sechin, has won a lawsuit on protection of honor and dignity to the newspaper "Vedomosti" because of the publication on the construction of a house in Barvikha. "The lawsuit suit recognize the publication of the article violated the right to privacy, to oblige the defendants to remove the article from the site to publish information about the court decision and destroy all available copies of the edition", - announced the decision of the judge Albina Husnetdinova.

"We do not agree with the decision and we will appeal," - said the representative of "Vedomosti".

The court refused to "Vedomosti" newspaper in all petitions, said the head of the legal department Vladimir Rumyantsev. "The court violated our right to protection", - he said. "Vedomosti" asked for an adjournment of the proceedings in time to provide certified copies of extracts from the register, but the court did not give the possibility to provide such evidence, the lawyer said. According to him, the case of "Vedomosti" the court was not interested. All data in the newspaper taken from public sources or other media, said Rumyantsev. According to him, lawyers'Rosneft "is not given the original papers, and a notarized copy.

Igor Sechin August 30 filed a lawsuit in the protection of personal privacy to the publishing house "Business News Media", published by "Vedomosti". In the investigation of "Vedomosti" dated July 20, it said that Sechin is building a house on a plot of land of 3 hectares near the sanatorium "Barvikha" manager of the president, close to the sites of the two children of the head of "Rosneft". Cost of the Sechin estimated at $ 60 million.

The lawsuit Sechin to "Vedomosti" no material claims, said the press secretary of "Rosneft" Mikhail Leontiev. The subject of the claim - "a denial of the facts and distortion of the recognition of the illegal invasion of privacy and use of personal data," he said.

The plaintiff asks to oblige JSC "Business News Media" destroy all the means at its disposal copies of the edition of July 20, containing the article "Sechin building a nest in Barvikha." Also, the director of "Rosneft" asking to oblige media to remove a controversial article published in the newspaper and on the website of the court decision and prohibit PLAYBACKThe value you publication or extracts from it.

In August Sechin filed another similar claim - to "Novaya Gazeta". The edition published an article which claimed that Sechin owns yacht St. Princess Olga price above $ 100 million. CEO of "Rosneft" also demanded to destroy the entire circulation numbers and delete the material from the site of the newspaper. Consideration of the claim on the merits will begin at Basmanny Court on 28 September.