Summa was not able to convince the prosecutor's office

Journalists Andrei Krasavin and Yevgeny Feldman, who allegedly extorted 200,000 dollars from the company of the Magomedov brothers, were transferred under a written undertaking not to leave the place.
From under house arrest, the general director of the publishing company "IDR-Format" Yevgeny Feldman and the journalist of this publishing house Andrei Krasavin were released under a written undertaking not to leave their homes. They are accused of extorting $ 200 thousand from the leaders of the multi-profile holding "Summa" under threat of publication of compromising company materials. However, the Presnensky Prosecutor's Office of Moscow actually questioned this version, returning the case materials for an additional investigation.

According to the lawyer Dmitry Kurepin, the transfer of his client, Yevgeny Feldman, to a written undertaking not to leave the city was announced by the investigator on Thursday. "No one explained the reason for this decision," Kurepin told Kommersant. "But I believe that this happened after the Moscow prosecutor of the Presnenskaya interdistrict prosecutor's office in Moscow refused to confirm the indictment in the case of Mr. Feldman and the journalist of the" Kompaniya "magazine (the" IDR-Format ".-" Kommersant ") Andrei Krasavin." According to the investigation, he published in November 2016 in the "Company" unflattering material about the multi-profile holding "Summa", which caused discontent of the head of the company - Ziyavudin Magomedov. The latter asked the director of the holding for public relations, Ekaterina Grishkovets, to contact the author of the material in order to receive explanations from him. "This is a common practice," Ms. Grishkovets told Kommersant. "After all, he published the material without taking into account the position of the holding, which I consider a violation of journalistic ethics." What happened in the future, the parties to the conflict interpreted differently.

So, the investigation believes that Mr. Feldman, "acting on a preliminary conspiracy with Krasavin," demanded from the representatives of "Sumy" to pay him $ 200 thousand, threatening otherwise continue the publication of materials damaging the holding. This requirement was considered unacceptable in the "Sum," after which the leadership of the holding company appealed to the Moscow police with a statement about extortion. The police seriously took this statement, provided the Summa staff with sound recording equipment, after which all negotiations with Yevgeny Feldman and Andrei Krasavin were under the control of operatives. And on March 9, 2017 Mr. Feldman was detained in the restaurant "Tai-Thai" in the center of Moscow after the representatives of "Suma" transferred payments for transfer to the account specified by him 6 million rubles.

Soon was detained and journalist Krasavin, who, like Eugene Feldman, the Presnensky court sent under house arrest. But when, at the end of 2017, the investigation was completed, the Presnenskaya Moscow prosecutor's office refused to approve the indictment, returning the case materials for an additional investigation. In support of this decision, the prosecutor's resolution stated that "when studying the materials of the case, the phrases from Feldman and Krasavin, which can be regarded as a requirement to transfer money accompanied by threats of spreading the disgraining group" Sum ", is not established." At the same time, the linguistic expertise for the analysis of records of the victims' talks with journalists was never scheduled. According to prosecutors, the investigator did not collect evidence that "Feldman or Krasavin generally possessed information discrediting the business reputation of OOO" Summa Group "."

At the same time, lawyer Kurepin told "Kommersant" that the very thing under art. 163 of the Criminal Code (extortion) was initiated unlawfully. "The fact is that the victims of extortion can only be an individual, not a legal entity, which is the holding company Suma," said the lawyer. Also, according to him, there can be no question of extortion, since the representatives of Suma not only acted as initiators of all meetings with Feldman and Krasavin, but they themselves offered to pay money. Mr. Feldman allegedly agreed to accept them, but only as material support to the IDR-Format company within the framework of the partnership agreement concluded between the parties.

Sumy's official representative Ekaterina Grishkovets told Kommersant that although she applied for clarifications to Andrei Krasavin first, but neither him nor Yevgeny Feldman, the management of the holding company offered money. And about the partnership agreement, within the framework of which the company Eugene Feldman received the money, the first time he hears.