Brothers Magomedov checked for involvement in the murder of banker Andrei Kozlov

The case of the murder of Andrei Kozlov can be sent for further investigation.
Origin source
According to a source close to law enforcement agencies, the case of the murder of the deputy chairman of the Central Bank, Andrei Kozlov, was requested from the archive and may be sent for further investigation. The reason for this was the information received by the Investigative Committee from the FSB Economic Security Service about the verification of the involvement of the Magomedov brothers in the killing of Kozlov.

Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedov suspected of organizing a criminal community and embezzling 2.5 billion rubles.

Kozlov was shot with his driver on September 14, 2006. Alexey Frenkel, one of the closest business partners of the brothers, was convicted of organizing the crime. The press noted the close connection of the convict with the Magomedovs and that they were on the boards of almost all banks that Frenkel created or headed (VIP bank, Diamanta, Europrominvest, Sodbiznesbank, etc.)

Having received data on the laundering of criminal money, Andrei Kozlov excluded these banks from the deposit insurance system, and then stripped him of his licenses. Owners, having lost multibillion-dollar incomes, decided to eliminate Kozlov from revenge. Among them was Frenkel, but there is reason to consider him only an accomplice. During the investigation and trial of the killers, it turned out that the surveillance of Kozlov began earlier than they received an order from Frenkel.

Then these and other facts were not taken into account, but after the arrest of the Magomedov brothers, checking of all the old cases where they figured began. Now Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedov are working with the FSB's SEB. Earlier, the same operatives dealt with the affairs of General of the Interior Ministry Denis Sugrobov, Sakhalin Governor Alexander Khoroshavin, Komi leader Vyacheslav Gayzer, businessman Dmitry Mukhalchenko, close to FSO director, and other resonant investigations of recent years.