It is proposed to prohibit the civil servants to travel abroad

Due to the deteriorating political situation in the New Year's holidays, and in the next six months, civil servants should stay in the country, according to the Public Chamber.
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The Public Chamber have proposed a ban on travel abroad for six months the Russian civil servants. The statement Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev (a copy is in "Izvestia") sent a member of the commission on social policy OP Georgy Fyodorov. It is necessary, in his opinion, due to the worsening foreign relations with Turkey.

The exception, according to Fedorov, the country could become the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization), which includes Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, India and Pakistan.

- In recent years, there was a tradition to celebrate the New Year outside of Russia among the part of Russian officials. Leave beyond the moral aspects of the decision. In the current situation, in a situation of military escalation Russian bureaucrats, many of whom are high-level, overseas can become a lever of pressure on Russia, I think that it would be appropriate to restrict their travel abroad for personal use for a while, until the situation settles and the situation is not discharged. For example, at 3-6 months - said GeFedorov orgies.

According to him, Turkish side's actions create an increasingly strong impression of interest in Ankara military escalation with Russia. "We can not rule out a large-scale provocation during the upcoming New Year holidays", - believes the author of the letter.

The initiative is proposed to extend to all categories of civilian public servants, which, according to Russian law, include the majority of workers: the presidential administration, the government, federal executive authorities (ministries, services, agencies, including their territorial authorities in the regions), as well as in the executive branch Russian regions (subjects of administration, the regional Ministry), in the Federal Assembly of the unit (the state Duma, the Federation Council), courts and other state bodies.

I should add that to the civil servants are not members of the Federation Council, State Duma deputies, judges and law enforcement officials.

Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on Defense Victor Vodolatsky ( "EdiSingle Russia ") supported the proposal of the Public Chamber.

- State and municipal employees, especially in the New Year holidays, when there are various incidents should be in range of your seat, - said Victor Vodolatsky. - Nothing to do abroad, in Russia there are great places to relax. Exclude provocation against our officers abroad can use the prohibitive exit measures.

Recall that in last year's New Year's holidays the federal government unofficially gave the order for governors, parliamentarians and federal officials to refrain from trips abroad during the economic complications. However, some government officials still have broken the unspoken advice and spend your vacation in the European Union and the Persian Gulf.

Thus, for example, already the former vice-governor of the Oryol region Alexander Ryavkin Russians remembered that at the time of the imposition of sanctions would prefer Russia Czech Republic. Ex-official posted on the social network Facebook photo report on their Christmas vacation, where he ate trudnodoto-reach for the majority of Russians because of foie gras sanctions. "This is the best restaurant in Carlsbad. Foie gras here - something divine! "- Signed a vacationer.

Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Construction Vadim Soloviev (CPRF) has assured that the prohibitive measures for government officials do not violate the rights provided by the Constitution of Russia, "especially given the fact that the official has certain information, the dissemination of which could cause the state security damage" .

- Public service - this is the type of activity, when a man walking on it, realizes that the state's interests are in the foreground. I think there will be no grievances or violations of the Constitution, which provides for the restriction of certain rights in the interests of security of the state, - said the deputy. - I am advocating that our officials more than holidays conducted in our country.

According to a member of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs Ian Zelinsky (LDPR), restrictive measures may cause even more inteEU to rest outside the territory of Russia. In his opinion, it is necessary to encourage the level of recommendation to the rest of civil servants in the country.

- I think, to make some kind of banning legal act does not make sense. In the current international situation, every civil servant himself must decide for yourself. Restrictive measures do not lead to positive results. It is necessary to call for morality, including through the media - this is the best solution, - said the MP. - Unfortunately, the Russian civil servants are of particular interest to the intelligence services of other countries, the more people on vacation vigilant than they can use. I suggest as a deputy to think about the New Year's holiday, especially in Russia, we have a vast country and the appropriate choice - from Kaliningrad to Sakhalin.

Member of the Advisory Board of the Institute of Socio-Economic and Political Studies Alexei Zudin believes that the current course of "nationalization" of the elite enough.

- Be impulsive and dominant mood is not necessary. This proposal layssmiling in the current mood, but before he was seriously considered and try to turn into an amendment to the law, should take stock of the existing legal instruments regulating the conduct of civil servants, - the analyst believes. - Recently in this direction made a lot of sound and take some new measures does not make sense. The proposal was made in the OP is understandable, but please note that we are going to live in an open world. Openness - an important resource for the development of the state, so there need adequate measures.

Earlier, the State Duma has already made proposals to ban travel abroad current and retired officials, possessing classified information. In 2013, the Chechen parliament decided to issue the law as stated in the "News" initiative of the head of the republic, Ramzan Kadyrov.