American friends and private jets of Igor Sechin

Rosneft is lobbying for the US aircraft industry.
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There is a topical anecdote:

- What will happen to Russia if Sechin intermarry with Shuvalov? - Asked the Armenian Radio.

- Nothing special. Just two dogs Vice Premier peresyadut with business jets on the boat cost $ 150 million - it has answered.

In essence, this dialogue reflects the situation in the country in which it is unclear whether the Deputy Prime Minister is working for the people, or all the people working for the dogs, the vice-premier. The same of course applies to the head of Igor Sechin group: it is unclear whether the head of "Rosneft" earns hard work dime (so that even his salary hesitate to call it), which are then spent on boat trips your favorite Olga on the yacht, on the "accidental coincidence "called St. Princess Olga, whether the whole country working to ensure that this humble man could afford to satisfy their little whims. In favor the second version is the fact that the whole machinery of state officials working on a hobby.

Once Olga Rozhkova Sechin, has made its first step aboard St. Princess Olga, the Russian government announced the inclusion of yachts and other floating Weddstv to relax in the list of preferential goods for temporary admission. Having dealt with the beloved Sechin, the Cabinet of Ministers are thinking about hag Shuvalov. As the "Vedomosti" reported as early as last year, Vladimir Putin instructed to support the treatment of the CEO of "Rosneft" and free trial of business aviation from import duties and VAT, to bring them under Russian jurisdiction. Uchityvayatraditsionnuyu hardline Sechin modesty, this letter became known only now.

The executors of orders to reduce taxes on business jets assigned to the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Customs Service (which has recently, as if by order, stavlenikov Belianinov almost universally replaced people Bortnikov), proposals worked out, a spokesman for the Economic Development Ministry said. Mr Putin's spokesman, the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Transport, Industry and Trade Ministry and the Federal Customs Service did not respond to requests.

Proposal to abolish duty more than a year, the company is no longer true, says a representative of "Rosneft": the idea was due to certain circumstances, they are now not. What kind of circumstances, he said. The "Posnefti "had the idea for the northern fields to buy several aircraft with ski landing gear for up to 19 people, knows the federal official.

But please Sechin continues to be debated, the report of the President of the Ministry of Finance should prepare to 14 October, the letter said Deputy Finance Minister Ilya Trunina sent last week. In oil and gas companies in Russia, the largest business jets parks, said the company's manager of business aircraft, the largest in "Rosneft" - 20 boards. But their ships are registered in Russia and are not official data there, he complains. "Rosneft" on the issue of aircraft park did not answer.

The Russian customs naGulfstream G650 for 2015 - 16.8% (. At a price of 4.74 billion rubles is 790 million rubles plus VAT 850 million.) In the EU - 2.7%, reads a letter the Deputy Minister for Development of the Far East, Cyril Stepanova.

So often use the temporary importation procedure of the territory of the Customs Union, continues Stepanov - a conditional partial exemption from duties and taxes: pay monthly only 3% of the duties and taxes. Park business jets, affiliated with the Russiantheir owners - about 500 units in the Russian registry account 72 results Stepanov Ministry of Economic Development data.

"Because of the crisis, many are selling business jets. Previously really figured number 450-500, now there are about 300 vessels, of which 5% of the owners of the Ukraine, 2% - from Kazakhstan and 10% are registered in Russia ", - says the managing director of Jet24 (operator of business aircraft) Paul Zakharov. CEO Infomost Boris Rybak also estimates the number of Russian business jet at 300-400.

"The presence in the Russian registry provides several advantages and benefits for service on domestic flights, but navigation abroad becomes more difficult - Zakharov explains. - For example, the acquisition of German permit can take up to 48 hours. There are closed for political reasons zone, such as Ukraine. "

In addition to taxes, there are other reasons why the Russian jurisdiction unpopular continues Zakharov: insufficient privacy, high bureaucratic costs - in Russia demanding aviation legislation and business aviationI have not been allocated in a separate category.

Minvostokrazvitiya considered Sechin's request in terms of the development of the aviation business, according to the Ministry, zeroing duties and VAT will increase the fleet of ships and the development of a network of airfields. Deputy Transport Minister Valery Okulov said that the zero duty and registration of ships in Russia will lead to job creation and the growth of budget revenues, including by service (referred to in his letter). Do not object to any of the FAS or the Ministry of Industry, it follows from their letters.

"If the aircraft is registered in Russia and flies 400 hours a year, according to the norms Rosaviation he needed a second crew - it is not two, but four jobs. Increase staff and technical experts throughout the aircraft service chain ", - I agree Zakharov. But abroad, storage and maintenance of ships is much better and cheaper knows fisherman.

In Russia, the most popular heavy (weighing over 15 tons and cost $ 6-60 million) business jets: Bombardier Challenger and Global, Gulfstream, Embraer, Falcon, for boats up to 15 tons, and so acts zero duty, but remains VAT, concludes Zakharov.

Osttsya open question: what about the notorious "import substitution"? In a country that remained aircraft manufacturing facilities, or do they, on the contrary, suffer from an overabundance of orders, so that even the mighty "Rosneft" to straighten out and asked to take a seat at the end of the queue? But who do not know the bitter truth as to Sechin, who with another in the same pest, head of concern "Rostec" Sergei Chemezov lobbied together screwdriver assembly of Italian AW189 helicopters instead of art in Russia. Of course, for it now "does not matter" whether it produced in the state of Georgia Gulfstream rossyskuyu have registration or not, for the same reason that the yacht and St. Princess Olga is not going to change the flag of the Cayman Islands to Russia.

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In essence, for the head of "Rosneft" passed the point of no return: as his wife, Sechin does not bind its long-term prospects with Russia. And if earlier, when he wrote the infamous letter to Putin, he still hoped to gain a foothold with svoimiyahtami and business jets in the Russian Federation, but now he's looking for a friendie, quieter, alternate aerodromes.