Spain has ceased to consider Vladislav Reznik the Russian mafia

Justified State Duma deputy wants to punish the Spanish law enforcement officers.
As it became known to “Kommersant”, fully justified by the Spanish authorities on charges of involvement in the “Russian mafia” State Duma deputy Vladislav Reznik “does not harbor illusions” that international sanctions will now be lifted from him. However, the parliamentarian intends to demand the return of his arrested property in the Pyrenees, unblocking of accounts, payment of compensation and “administrative punishment” for those Spanish law enforcement officers who were involved in his criminal prosecution. At the same time, Mr. Resnick himself said that he no longer has the desire to visit Spain.

"On Tuesday evening, through a lawyer, the decision of the Spanish court on the entry into force of the acquittal verdict was transmitted to me," Vladislav Reznik said to Kommersant. According to him, after the already completed procedures, this was more a formality, but still a very important event. He recalled that the investigation of the criminal case about his involvement in the allegedly settled in Spain "Russian mafia", the creation of an organized crime group, money laundering and other crimes lasted 11 years.

“Three main stages should be noted here: this is a court that began last year, the acquittal was taken almost six months later, and the attempt of the prosecutor’s office, which did not agree with the decision, appealed to the Supreme Court of Spain,” Mr. Reznik said. He noted that, unlike Russian legislation, the Spanish prosecutor did not immediately file a complaint against the court decision, but sends it to the Prosecutor of the Supreme Court, which determines the validity of the claims. In this case, the prosecutor did not find sufficient grounds in the complaint of his colleagues. Therefore, the materials of the criminal case with the acquittal accepted on it were returned to the lower court.

Thus, it was already impossible to appeal against it and only formal procedures remained, which ended with the passing of the decision of January 22 on “loyalty to the acquittal”. The deputy emphasized that all the time the investigation and the court, he spoke about his non-involvement in the alleged crimes. The same position was taken by the other defendants, of whom there were more than 15 people. They, including Mr. Reznik’s wife, who was well-known in banking circles, businesswoman Diana Gindin, who was also accused in the case, denied their guilt. At the same time, the deputy, together with his wife, voluntarily came to Spain to testify and participate in the court, in order to clear his name of all suspicions. During the debates, the prosecution demanded five years and six months for Mr. Reznik, claiming that he was one of the key defendants in the case, who allegedly laundered criminal proceeds by investing them in property in Spanish resorts.

I am extremely glad that this story has finally ended - for 11 years I, a public person, have been slashed in all the media, ”said Vladislav Reznik, stressing that he will now begin to return his property in Mallorca and punish offenders through his lawyers.

According to him, the discussion will deal with the removal of his arrest from his Spanish home, which in its time became one of the main reasons for the prosecution, arrest from his personal account and other property. The deputy explained that he would immediately close the foreign account in accordance with Russian legislation. But what to do with real estate, until he knows and intends to consult with his family. “I’ll get it, obviously, but I don’t know in what condition it will be and what to do next,” Mr. Reznik explained.

The question of the amount of compensation from the Spanish authorities for illegal criminal prosecution, the parliamentarian promised to discuss in detail with his lawyers. At the same time, as he explained, it has not yet been decided whether one lawsuit will be filed directly from the two spouses, or whether he and Diana Gindin will demand compensation for harm separately. Separately, the deputy stressed that he would demand "administrative punishment" for those Spanish law enforcement officers who were involved in his criminal prosecution. “I know who is behind this,” said Vladislav Reznik.

Based on the decision of the Spanish authorities, State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin instructed the International Affairs Committee to prepare an appeal to US Senator Benjamin Cardin, with whose submission Deputy Resnick was included in the sanction lists as a person involved in organized crime. The senator, they believe in the State Duma, should apologize and withdraw their initiatives. Vladislav Reznik himself “has no illusions” that the situation with sanctions will change, although he himself is interested in seeing the reaction of the American legislators.