Dubai, London, Austria - where are the villas and castles of Igor Shuvalov

Journalists estimated the real estate of a former official, and now an influential banker in the civil service, at 17 billion rubles.
Origin source
Dubai, London, Moscow, thousands of square meters and billions of rubles of assessed value - all this refers to the palaces and apartments of Igor Shuvalov, the current head of Vnesheconombank. The former deputy prime minister has amassed an impressive collection of real estate, some of which he hides from a mandatory declaration by hook or by half-truth.

Long shores

Some of the objects caught in the “Interlocutor” investigation were already known to the general public earlier, some were made public for the first time. The total cost of all the objects in the catalog was estimated by journalists at an amount equal to almost 17 billion rubles.

The Shuvalov family hid their villa in Dubai for several years, transferring it to the property of the British company Regional Property Developments Ltd, after which it rented it. It sounds meaningless if you do not know that the daughter of the head of VEB Maria Shuvalov owns a foreign company, and before that his wife and son owned it. The area of ​​the mansion, located on one of the "leaves" of the artificial island of Palm Jumeirah, exceeds 650 square meters. meters, and the cost - $ 8 million

Shuvalov turned the trick on renting his property with the Burgau forest castle, which was built on the shores of the Alpine lake Attersee in Austria. The area of ​​the house is almost one and a half thousand square meters. The castle also turned out to be decorated by one of the Shuvalov firms. At one time, the building wanted to buy the oligarch Roman Abramovich.

The London apartment of Shuvalov in the mansion of Whitehall Court was also rented. By the way, you can buy an apartment in this house only with the personal permission of the Queen of England. Owl Real Estate, a Shuvalovs family-owned firm, is renting it out. The area of ​​the apartment, resulting from the union of two neighboring, is 424 square meters. m: six bedrooms, a fireplace room and a living room overlooking the Thames.

Metropolitan excesses

In Moseva, the Shuvalovs, in particular, own an apartment in the LCD Redan business class on Mozhaisk Highway. Duplex area of ​​170.6 m2, divided between the banker, his wife and daughter Maria. According to the Interlocutor, apartments of such an area were never mentioned in Shuvalov’s declaration. Olga Shuvalova, the spouse of the former deputy prime minister, indicated her address when registering her offshore company Severin Enterprises Inc., managed to get on her trail.

“Two more undeclared apartments of Shuvalov (129.3 and 192.3 m2) are located on Kosygin Street on the Sparrow Hills, in a mansion for the former Soviet nomenclature. First, Olga Shuvalova bought only one apartment there - from the heirs of the ex-KGB chairman Vitaly Fedorchuk, and bought the neighboring house from the family of the former deputy. Yeltsin’s head of administration, Yevgeny Savostyanov, asset manager Shuvalov Sergey Kotlyarenko. But then Kotlyarenko gave up his purchase to Shuvalov, and today their real estate in Kosygin is framed on Owl Real Estate, ”the publication reports.

The main Shuvalov estate is located near the Moscow Ring Road in the village Zarechye. Here is a mansion with an area of ​​almost 4.2 thousand square meters. meters, which, as usual, is leased through Owl Real Estate, as well as several adjacent buildings: a garage, a guard house and a personal recreation complex of 666.8 m2. Nothing of the latter Shuvalov never indicated in the declaration even as rented or in his possession. The estate of the banker's daughter with a new house of 734.1 m2 is also located nearby. Prior to Maria, the owner of the villa was Yevgeny Shuvalov’s son, and before that, part of the estate belonged, as in the history of apartments at Vorobievykh, Sergey Kotlyarenko.

Through Kotlyarenko, the vice-premier of the government bought himself a “king-flat”, as Alexei Navalny called it, in a Stalinist high-rise on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment. The trustee of Shuvalov bought dozens of neighboring apartments on the 14th floor of a high-rise building with a total area of ​​719 m2, combining them into one. Sergei Kotlyarenko confirmed that he had indeed made deals not for himself, but for his patron, adding that the “king-flat” could later be officially re-arranged for Shuvalov.

The name Kotlyarenko led the journalists to another apartment with which Shuvalov was associated. As journalists found out, since 2014, premium-class apartments of 298.9 m2 on the third floor of the St. Petersburg residential complex have been decorated in the name of Sergey Kotlyarenko. Nickolas on Nikolskaya street. There is such a restored pleasure about half a billion rubles. “This is the most luxurious apartment in one of the most luxurious houses in Moscow,” writes the Interlocutor.

In a similar amount - 500 million rubles - the journalists estimated the 490-meter penthouse at the White House in Grubber House, which is designed for Olga Shuvalova. The neighbors of the Shuvalovs on the floor were Joseph Kobzon. Today, the penthouse is decorated at JSC "Business Group", led by Lilia Aranovskaya. At the same time, Aranovskaya heads the firm ProfDir Kotlyarenko, which manages the assets of Igor Shuvalov.

Rich man

The representative of Shuvalov, Alexander Machevsky, explained to the Interlocutor that his owner indicated in his declaration all the property that he officially owns. And if one of the palaces did not get into the declaration, it means that it is an investment that is already managed by the Shuvalov Trust, and has no relation to the personal property of the statesman. At the same time, Machevsky did not explain why then Shuvalov should rent the property himself.

“I don’t know about Arbat, but if we assume that the penthouse belongs to Igor Ivanovich there, then this could also be an investment and he is not obliged to indicate it anywhere. The main thing here is that Igor Ivanovich is a rich man. Can't he buy a penthouse? ”, Representative of Shuvalov was genuinely surprised.

Meanwhile, according to the deputy director of the Center for Anti-Corruption Research and Transparency International Russia Initiatives Ilya Shumanov, renting a home from himself does not formally contradict the law, although it may be an attempt to disrupt corruption violations: “Russian legislation does not imply that information on real estate objects is indicated in the declaration, owned by commercial and non-profit organizations of an accountable person. There are no violations in this, but this is an ambiguous story in terms of ethics. There is no economic sense in arranging residential property for a legal entity, and then renting it. Often this is done in order to hide the official information about the property owned by him ".