Alexander Abramov will hide in New Zealand

Co-owner of Evraz Group Alexander Abramov completes his estate Helena Bay in New Zealand.
Russian tycoon Alexander Abramov, who is co-owner of the largest Russian steel corporation - Evraz Group and partner of the infamous rossiyanskih compradors Roman Abramovich is planning a Catholic Christmas to visit his freshly built manor Helena Bay on the North Island in New Zealand.

By December, the developers of the Northland Coastal Developments promise to finally finish the oligarch mansion worth more than $ 40 million. Recall information that Alexander Abramov, who is also a citizen of Cyprus expressed interest in New Zealand, it appeared in 2010. He bought a total extent up to 214 hectares of land, including agricultural land and in Northland, where in 2012 began the construction of his villa with pool, private jetty, beach and a total area of 3,000 square meters of floor space. The area of ​​all the coastal area of ​​the villa - up to 10, 000 square meters, to get an idea of ​​the estate you can see Abramova_cid = 1503075 & gallery_id = 138433 "target =" _ blank "> Video its flyby. Stylish, quiet and expensive, without too much pathos.

As the publication of The New Zealand Herald representative Northland Coastal Developments Chris Force Christmas finish work on the estate of the steel tycoon, which apply the best, expensive and exclusive materials, will be completed, and Abrams plans to come stay at his villa. For how long delayed tycoon in New Zealand, is hard to say. However, in contrast to Russia, where the metallurgical enterprises of Evraz Holding relentlessly zagryaznayut the environment, and on them hundreds of people get work-related injuries each year, to the place of his habitation oligarch refers very kind.

As previously reported by the media, Alexander Abramov, through its structure already listed several large tranches of hundreds of thousands of dollars to local environmentalists, and on their lands Russian comprador mercilessly robbing the natives in Russian Federation, touching dropped to 150 thousand seedlings of native trees. When neededuw environmentalists and local supervisory authorities the colonial "effective manager" recreated at their own expense 2 hectares of a unique "marshy biotope", with difficulty, but still all around the butter and was given permission to build ... a concrete path along the coast, as well as the construction of a small berth of 13 meters in length. In Russia, people like Abramov demolished packs forests and pollute the vast river, without incurring any penalties, we will not forget.

Abramova total costs for the resettlement of their family names in New Zealand is estimated at about 50 million dollars. I must say that the Russian oligarch patiently waits all the vicissitudes of the construction of his estate, including those due to which have been lengthened, for example, the timing of construction. In this case we are talking about litigation between the sub-contractor Temporary Protective Solutions and contractor Northland Coastal Developments - last claimed the first $ 1.5 million for broken mirror coating on the windows. The architect of the project Abramova New Zealand acted as the local architectural Jones Architects Office of Auckland, which is recommended and festiveAsians from the Russian Federation to do everything "strictly and with taste."

Now at the completion of the estate Abramova employs about 100 New Zealand workers. whether Abrams will live in New Zealand, no one knows. However, in connection with the future "hot" events in Russia, against which entered constantly more and more sanctions, quiet and "bearish" angle for the Russian compradors, which will allow him in the den properly digest stolen his corporation in Russia money - the most it .


Having Helena Bay rossiyanskih oligarch Abramova in New Zealand.