Sergei Makhlai did not bring bribe to the Supreme Court

According to the investigation, the banker and the owner of Togliattiazot were going to bribe justice.
The Investigative Committee has finished a criminal case on an attempt to bribe a judge of the Supreme Court (SC). For $ 2 million, according to the investigation, the beneficial owner and head of Togliattiazot (ToAZ) Sergei Makhlai, the Armed Forces, had to resolve the tax dispute for 1 billion rubles. in favor of his company. Since Mr. Makhlai is on the wanted list, Alexander Popov, the former chairman of the board of JSC Togliattikhimbank, should go to trial. The financier is also involved in a criminal case about a criminal community, the investigation of which is ongoing.

The Main Directorate for Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the TFR, having completed the investigation, sent a criminal case against the former chairman of the board of Togliattikhimbank JSC Alexander Popov to the Prosecutor General's Office to confirm the charges. The financier is accused of attempted bribe-giving in the amount of at least $ 2 million (part 3 of article 30 and part 5 of article 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

In 2012, employees of the Interregional Inspectorate No. 3 for the largest taxpayers of the Federal Tax Service considered that ToAZ had underestimated by more than 1 billion rubles. export proceeds from sales of ammonia in 2010. As a result, the tax authorities charged additional income tax of ToAZ for 2010 by more than 160 million rubles. The company's lawyers appealed this decision in arbitration, but lost the case. The last opportunity to set aside an arbitration award that had already entered into force was to file a cassation appeal with the Supreme Court.

According to the ICR, Sergei Makhlai decided to achieve the desired decision with the help of the banker Popov and the head of the ToAZ security service, Oleg Antoshin, who were instructed to find an intermediary and through him bribe the judge of the Armed Forces.

And while the search continued, the money for the bribe was put into a cell rented in Togliattikhimbank. The attackers were unable to complete their criminal intent due to circumstances beyond their control: the Supreme Court refused to submit the cassation appeal for consideration to the judicial board for economic disputes.

Representatives of Mr. Popov's defense confirmed to Kommersant the end of the investigation, noting that they had been familiarizing themselves with his materials since summer. According to the lawyers, the financier does not admit his guilt, believing that there was no crime, because the judge of the Supreme Court, who was supposedly intended to receive the illegal remuneration, was not identified.

The TFR and FSB officers learned about the attempt to bribe the Supreme Court while investigating another criminal case against Sergei Makhlai, his father Vladimir and banker Popov. According to the investigation, they organized an organized crime community (Article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) to transfer ToAZ assets to other enterprises. According to the investigation, with the complicity of the banker, property estimated at almost 90 billion rubles could be stolen. The investigation of this case, according to Kommersant, is still ongoing. And the criminal prosecution of Oleg Antoshin was terminated due to active repentance. Apparently, the investigation learned about the cell with the alleged bribe from him. At the same time, Mr. Antoshin did not remain without his verdict: in February of this year, along with other defendants, he was appointed three and a half years for illegal circulation of weapons and explosives (part 3 of Art. 222 and part 3 of Art. 222.1 of the Criminal Code) who were planted on the territory of the enterprise to discredit its management.

Sergey and Vladimir Makhlai are on the wanted list - within the framework of a criminal case considered in absentia by the Komsomolsk District Court of Togliatti (initiated at the request of a minority shareholder of the Uralkhim JSC plant), they were found guilty of stealing ToAZ products worth 85 billion rubles, having been appointed for nine years.