Moscow's baker Igor Pinkevitch is suspected of deception of co-investors

In Moscow, the head of the largest capital bread maker was arrested.
Origin source
The general director of the group of companies "Nastyusha" Igor Pinkevych was placed under arrest on suspicion of cheating equity holders while delaying the construction of residential areas in the Moscow district of Tsaritsyno. He will spend two months in custody.

The Tver court of Moscow authorized the arrest for two months of the general director of the largest Moscow grain producer - the group of companies "Nastyusha" Igor Pinkevych. This is reported by TASS with reference to the press service of the company.

The head of the group is suspected of fraud for delaying the construction of residential areas Tsaritsyno-1 and Tsaritsino-2, the developer of which is Nastyusha. The company itself was searched. In addition to Pinkevich, several more employees were arrested, their names are not known.

The source of RBC, close to Pinkevich, confirmed the fact of detention. Pinkevitch was elected a preventive measure in the form of restriction of freedom for 1 month and 24 days, he was sent to the hospital with the FSIN, RBC's interlocutor specified.

According to the representative of the company, the delay in the construction of residential areas was caused by the fact that "Nastyusha" faced an economic crisis. Because of him, the company took large loans because of the social obligations undertaken before the mayor's office of the city.

"But when the funds for construction were found, the commissioning of housing was again postponed due to the delay in issuing permits by officials," the press service of the developer said.

The construction of LCD "Tsaritsyno" began in 2006. The capital of the building was attracted funds of citizens under the equity participation agreements. The completion of works and the commissioning of facilities were planned for 2012, but by now only eight of the 28 buildings planned for construction have been commissioned.

As a well-informed source told in the TASS commentary, the facts of the delay in the construction of a criminal case under part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud). According to the investigation, the leadership of "Nastyusha" stole funds of co-investors by "fraudulent means", as a result of which over 6 thousand people were deceived.

The shareholders themselves organized a massive submission of applications to the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin. They demand to intervene in the course of the criminal case. In the TFR they answered that Bastrykin was ready to listen to the demands of citizens.

Grain company "Nastyusha" was founded in 1992 by the spouses Igor and Lyudmila Pinkevici. Initially, the organization was engaged in the food business, in particular, owned bakery. TASS said that in Moscow, the company "Nastyusha" provides up to 60% of the market of bakery products. In the Forbes rating of "200 largest non-public companies", it ranks 50th.

In Moscow, arrested the head of the company "Nastyusha" for the delay in the construction of LCD Tsaritsyno
The company specified that Igor Pinkevich was brought to court from the hospital
TASS, August 21, 1975

The Tver court of Moscow arrested for two months the head of the group of companies "Nastyusha" - the largest bread maker in the capital, Igor Pinkevich, on suspicion of fraud for delaying the construction of residential areas Tsaritsyno-1 and Tsaritsyno-2. This was reported by TASS on Sunday at the company itself.

The Moscow bakery "Nastyusha", headed by Igor Pinkevych, is the developer of these residential areas. "By the decision of the Tver court, Pinkevich was sent into custody," the source said. According to him, the reason for the detention was the delay in the construction of residential areas Tsaritsyno-1 and Tsaritsyno-2. The company "Nastyusha" was searched.

"The company took huge loans because of the social obligations it assumed to the Moscow government to build housing, but when the funds for construction were found, the commissioning of housing was again postponed due to the delay in issuing permits by officials," the company representative added. . The company named the economic crisis as the reason for the delay in construction.

In addition to Pinkewich, several other employees were arrested.

On the criminal case

According to a TASS source familiar with the situation, a criminal investigation into the delay in construction was initiated by the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow for part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud). According to the investigation, "the management company-developer TsK" Tsaritsyno "- the Moscow Combine of bakery products - fraudulently abducted funds of citizens in the construction of residential buildings in Moscow on the street 6th Radial." As a result, more than 6 thousand citizens were deceived, a source told Tass.

Officials still have the official comments of the Moscow Interior Ministry's GUS for Moscow and the Tverskoi Court of the capital TASS. The company itself is preparing an appeal to the business ombudsman Boris Titov with a request to understand the situation.

At the same time, defrauded co-investors organized a massive filing of applications to the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin demanding to intervene in the course of the criminal case, which was initiated by the Moscow Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Svetlana Petrenko, the official representative of the IC, said that Bastrykin was ready to listen to the arguments of citizens, and if they were confirmed, appropriate decisions would be made.

The construction of Tsaritsyno LCD began in 2006 with the attraction of citizens' funds under equity agreements. The developer of the Moscow Integrated Hleboproducts undertaking undertook to deliver the facility in 2012.

The company "Nastyusha" provides up to 60% of the market of bakery products in Moscow. The company owns eight bakeries, which employ about 7 thousand people.