Alexey Kuznetsov will live in "Lefortovo"

Former Minister of Finance of the Moscow Region returned to Russia in handcuffs.
Today, the former First Deputy Prime Minister, Finance Minister of the Moscow Region, Alexey Kuznetsov, was extradited from France to Russia. The investigating committee of the ex-official is accused of a dozen frauds, the damage from which exceeds 14 billion rubles. For his repayment arrested accounts and real estate, including abroad.

Alexey Kuznetsov is accused in absentia by the head office for the investigation of particularly important cases of the TFR in the commission of crimes under Part 4 of Art. 159, part 4 of Art. 160 and Part 3 of Art. 174.1 of the Criminal Code (fraud and embezzlement on a large scale, as well as laundering (legalization) of the abducted person). According to the investigators, they committed 10 frauds and three wastes, all in organized groups.

In nine cases, the ex-official laundered the stolen money by investing in shares and real estate. In particular, in hotels in the Alps, which were arrested by the decision of the Basmanny district court.

According to the calculations of the investigation, the government of the Moscow region, the housing and utilities enterprises of the Moscow region and the company Mosobltranstinvest Mr. Kuznetsov and his associates suffered damage amounting to more than 14 billion rubles.
It should be noted that the petitions of the Prosecutor General’s Office for the extradition of Mr. Kuznetsov have been considered by French courts since December 2013. Initially, it was the court of Aix-en-Provence, and then the appeal in Lyon. The decision to extradite the former official was annulled several times and sent for a new consideration. The French authorities insisted that the supervisory authority of Russia offered special guarantees that Mr. Kuznetsov would be kept in custody under conditions relevant to Europe in the event of extradition, and that diplomats would have access to it. The decree on the extradition of the accused French Prime Minister Edward Philip signed on November 21, 2017. However, the defense of the extradited appealed this decision to the State Council of France, arguing that the persecution of the ex-official was carried out for political reasons. Counterarguments of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation were heard in the State Council, which on December 28 rejected the complaint of Mr. Kuznetsov.

Alexey Kuznetsov - the former Minister of Finance of the Moscow Region, held this post from 2000 to 2008, and from 2004 to 2008 he was the first deputy prime minister of the Moscow region. The governor of the Moscow region at that time was the hero of the USSR Boris Gromov, who ultimately acted as a witness in criminal cases of his subordinate. The investigation concluded that Mr. Kuznetsov, committing fraud, was misleading the then governor.

Today, the ex-minister, accused in absentia, was taken by Aeroflot plane to Moscow and placed in the SIZO.

Earlier, the ex-minister was arrested in absentia by the Basmanny District Court for two months from the date of its issuance.

By the way, General Alexander Filin, who was investigating the cases against Mr. Kuznetsov and his accomplices, has already retired, having reached the maximum age of 70 years on the committee. At the same time, the courts have already assessed his work. Former Deputy Finance Minister of the Moscow Region Valery Nosov was sentenced to 14 years and 9 months of imprisonment, and the ex-general director of OJSC Moscow Regional Investment Trust Company Vladislav Telepnev to a 10-year term.

Zhanna Bulak, ex-wife of Mr. Kuznetsov, received 11 years in absentia last - in January last year. Now she is listed in the international wanted list for the execution of a court decision.