Russian platinum of Musa Bazhaev mines billions from the budget

Why Russian platinum does not fulfill the promises of investment in Russia and wastes money on the purchase of foreign assets.
Recently, the press reported that another major Russian investor bought mine in Kyrgyzstan. The company "East-geoldobycha" acquired a license to develop Kyrgyzstan's second largest "Jeruy" gold mine. The government has already received on his account $ 100 million as part of the deal. For Kyrgyzstan, probably could only rejoice. If it were not ambiguous reputation of the investor.

LLC "East-geoldobycha" - a structure owned by the largest Russian company, engaged in mining platinum group metals and precious metals - "Russian platinum." And recent events related to the company, causing more and more problems. The most important of them - with what means it gets more and more expensive assets, and why not invest these funds in the development of the old?

Just last week, the entire Russian business press discussed the "march" owner "Russian platinum" Musa Bazhaev to the government for money. As it became known, Bazhaev asked gar Stateanty 220 billion rubles, and by a strange coincidence, the same amount of its structure had to invest in the development of one of the largest industrial regions of Russia - the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

"Russian platinum" owns two licenses for PGE deposits in Taimyr - "Montenegrin", and the southern part of the deposit "Norilsk-1" (the northern part of developing a "Norilsk Nickel"). In the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum in 2014 that Bazhaev declared its readiness to invest $ 4 billion "in order to create a world leader in the production of metals of the platinum group in Russia" until 2019.

This means that the region had to get not only a strong industrial base in the face of today's mining companies, but also the accompanying infrastructure - roads, housing, hospitals, kindergartens, families working mills. But it took more than a year, and the work on the fields have not begun. Not to mention the construction of social facilities - there is still lush blooms summer Tundra.

Why Bazhaev failed to fulfill its promises? After all, he borosmiling for the Taimyr license is literally a life-and-death. All the odds to win the contest were at the "Norilsk Nickel". Firstly, part of the deposit "Norilsk-1" already belongs to the company and successfully developed. Secondly, in the "Norilsk Nickel" side it was the Ministry of Nature and Environment. However, the license went to the "Russian platinum" - after the scandal involving the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the RF interference and Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich.

However, from the outset, experts suspect that the concern Bazhaev simply do not have enough resources to raise new assets to the proper level and, moreover, to ensure the growth of the infrastructure around the newly acquired facilities. "We can not say with certainty - believes the chief researcher of the Institute of Economics, Doctor of Economics, professor Nikita Krichevsky, - that the" Russian platinum "has no chance to engage in the development of deposits without state support.

But from the beginning, that is from the summer of 2013 it was clear that this mestorozhdix she will not pull. Whether it was to be an alliance with the "Norilsk Nickel" or the state support or support of some foreign companies. The "Russian platinum" simply trite not have the necessary means and resources and technologies in order to develop this field. Moreover, it is unclear why, for no apparent reason the government issued a license not "Norilsk Nickel", which would be perfectly natural, namely, "Russian platinum", "- says the expert.

Casket, as it turned out, just opened. In October 2014 it was reported that a Russian businessman bought a complex of hotels Forte Village in Sardinia. The transaction amount is estimated at several hundred million dollars. After reviewing the documentation the company Progetto Esmeralda, which bought the resort, journalists were surprised to find that this structure belongs to the "Platinum King" Bazhaev Musa and his brother Mavlitu. Bazhaev himself has not commented on the situation. Although the questions to him there were many.

What has made this an expensive purchase, the profits from which are quite ephemeral? Why the huge funds invested in overseas projects while waiting for Siberia and did not wait for the promised investments in the Krasnoyarsk forum? Why do I need this fight was with the "Norilsk Nickel" over the ownership of the Taimyr mines when they are not engaged in one after the fact, and the money spent on luxury resorts? And why officials from the government since lobbied for the explicit outsider in the competition for the right of ownership "Norilsk-1" and "Montenegrin"?

As shown by further investigations (and they worked almost the entire Russian press), Forte Village for a few months, visited virtually all Russian inteblishment. According to journalists, the majority of the guests at the resort rested for free, due to the hospitable owner Musa Bazhaev. He was seen in the Forte Village and Deputy Prime Minister Dvorkovich, who fought for the victory as "Russian platinum" in the dispute over the deposit on the Taimyr Peninsula.

Even when the Amur Region two years ago suffered a unprecedented in the history of the flood and the total score was affected by hundreds of thousands, Deputy Prime Minister took the time to rest on the sea. At the same time there cameand a whole family of Deputy Prime Minister, especially in a luxury hotel like the rest wife Dvorkovich. According to some reports, for her local musicians even learned the Russian chanson, like "Vladimir Central" and play it almost every night.

In the past year - 15 August - the wife of Musa Bazhaev celebrated at the birthday. In addition to the usual family Dvorkovich has already been there and Ahmet Bilyalov.

Ahmet Bilyalov presence all the more interesting that the former chairman of the board of directors of OJSC "Resorts of the North Caucasus" is suspected of abuse of office. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Rosfinnadzor, the company cranked fraud on millions of rubles: a kind of Cyprus company listed on a monthly basis, 21 million rubles, regardless of the construction results.

As a result, contractors have paid more than half a billion rubles, though, as the audit showed, part of the paid work was carried out before any conclusion of contracts - a completely different organization, and for less money! In addition, Bilalova suspected that he spent money on expensive and state-owned companiesviaperelety and "luxury items". From the combination of all these law enforcement agencies are very eager to see Mr. Bilyalov at home, but he resides abroad and come to Russia for questioning refuse, citing poor health.

April 10, 2013 the representative of the Prosecutor General of Russia stated that Bilalov became involved in the case (Article 201 of the Criminal Code) and he faces up to 4 years in prison. This is one of the Bilyalov friends Dvorkovich, as in political get-together has long been known. It is strange that a year ago the Deputy Prime Minister did not stop communicate with Bilyalov, which already at that time was on the federal wanted list.

When you have so much to do, so many visitors and so much investment, it seems, to the Siberian sotsialka hands simply do not reach. Press-service of "Russian platinum" sluggish waves away from journalists, accusing them of sabotaging the administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. They say that officials are not allowed to turn around the business. However, the statement is true does not look one iota - it was the administration and have the end user in this chain.

By the way, in itself "Jeruy" - that has an attachment. As recent history with another major Kyrgyz mine - "Kumtor" - Kyrgyzstan foreign owners take root poorly, and mineral wealth often become a bargaining chip in political clans fight for dominance. "Kumtor" repeatedly blocked by protesters, plant deprived of electricity - is the usual tools of blackmail used by local "potentates" in order to achieve their own goals.

"Jeruy" seems to be waiting for the same fate. Lobbyists have already launched the flywheel of "popular protests" against foreign owners in the Talas region, where thebut mine. And the situation will only escalate. As the "Russian platinum" plans to develop production in such a situation - only knows its owner Musa Bazhaev.

It is possible that none of this in his plans, and is not, and the purchase of Kyrgyz gold mine - the next adventure of the series, "so it was." Since it is clear that the priorities of the company did not work in the living areas, and "collecting" expensive facilities with clear purpose.

Anyway, the Krasnoyarsk Territory will likely never see the promised billion. And officials will continue to have fun at the expense of its hospitable Bazhaev luxury resort, turning a blind eye to the misappropriation of funds and failure to comply with social promises.

And he Bazhaev taking people in the federal wanted list, will continue to go to the government and ask for money, and then still surprised that the state does not help. Can you first need to figure out with friends, and at the same time begin to fulfill their promises?

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