Money deposits of Musa Bazhaev

It became known that the company Russian Platinum owned by businessman Musa Bazhaev will sell 20 percent of its stake in the projects on development of deposits on the Taimyr Peninsula to VTB. 
It is a Chernogorskoye field and the southern part of the deposit "Taimyr-1."

According to preliminary estimates, the cost of the transaction is $ 170 million.

However, market participants are skeptical that raised a lot of money shifted projects off the ground. For example, the first stage of the Montenegrin deposit should be handed over as early as this.

It provides start-up and processing plant needed for its operation of the transport infrastructure - a road and rail sidings. But the year ends and on the Montenegrin what is called "the horse is not lying."

But squeezing bank loans for their projects Musa Bazhaev already in the blood. For example, he begs parallel loan of half a billion dollars at the Savings Bank.

And last year, 1.2 billion "green" lent him "Vnesheconombank". And also for the development of deposits of Taimyr. Money taken - both projects were and are. More precisely, their implementation in nature and did not start.

So the same situation and with Norilsk - 1, one of the largest deposits in the world. Stocks of the southern part of the amount to 273 thousand tons of nickel, 378 tonnes of copper and 12.7 thousand tons of cobalt and approximately 518 kg of platinum group metals. When at last the country wait for valuable metals, is known to God alone, and ... Musa Bazhaev.

Independent observers ask a reasonable question: where is the money issued by the banks is strictly for the intended purpose?

On it eloquently responded fighters against corruption. According to them, last year Bazhaev Musa and his brother purchased Mawla luxurious resort on the island of Sardinia in Italy. It is called Forte Village. Get it 8 hotels 770 rooms and 33 individual cottages.

The exact purchase price one can not name, but it is not necessary to be a great expert to understand that the whole complex is estimated at several hundred million dollars. It is also known that the operational management of all these island oasis is being certain company Progetto Esmeralda S.R.L. A manager of all this beauty, among others is the CEO of "Russian platinum" Magomed Gala.

This conclusion can be only one - the main beneficiary of the complex or other than Musa Bazhaev.

Returning to bank loans "Russian platinum." They somehow have to give. And Musa Bazhaev is a long time a beaten path called begging. So, the media leaked information that he on behalf of his company made in the Russian government official request to allocate it as state support neither more nor less than 220 billion rubles.

When this story became public, the press service of "Ruska platinum" made an angry statement: "Russian Platinum" did not apply to the government for the provision of state guarantees. The company is asking for additional benefits, financial and other assistance from government agencies. The company develops independently owned her assets, using available in the markets and the corresponding current Russian legislation and ways of financing instruments "(unquote).

In general, public money Bazhaev never received, but for some strange reason, banks are constantly "under way" to the promises of a businessman and an enviable (or more precisely, with the unenviable) lend constancy "Russian platinum" huge amounts!

The Negotiator

Market participants noted the unique ability Musa Bazhaev finish in their favor when it smells a lot of money. Many remember the story in the Khabarovsk region with the sale of the local airport.

Sold it was for a ridiculous price for such an object in 10 million dollars. The buyer was a kind of company "Alliance-Prom". It is a subsidiary company of the group "Alliance", which is controlled by Musa Bazhaev.

In a bizarre transaction was involved, and the then Governor of the Khabarovsk Territory Viktor Ishayev, without whose consent the sale of strategic companies would have been impossible. No doubt that with the head Bazhaev personally arranged region. Of course, not without good "rollback."


In a howling while independent newspapers told how Bazhaev family illegally took possession of tank farms "Krymnefteprodukt". Then we say that White could not have done without the intervention of criminal structures. In particular, "the company POL overcome Bazhaev allegedly helped organized criminal group" Salem ".

According to some information, it was a member and currently the head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov. Bazhaev himself drove a close friendship with fellow-criminal authorities and Abu Archakova Sultanbekov Aydamirova

And a great resonance in his time made a very strange death of lawyer Dmitry Shumkova. He was considered a long-standing partner and close friend even Bazhaev. In particular, Shumkov had its share in the "Russian platinum."

Suddenly, Shumkov decided to sell it to the buyer. Once it has learned the principal owner of the company Bazhaev, Shumkov was found hanged. According to the official version, it was a suicide, what, however, have questioned journalists and independent observers. Shumkov was known as quite a successful entrepreneur without any problems in their personal lives. And then suddenly I decided to commit suicide!

However, they say that after the sudden death Shumkova Bazhaev simply seized the remaining assets of the partner.

Now here's the big deal with VTB. True latter was sighted other credit institutions are not giving the money as a loan, and became instead a big stake in Taimyr deposits. Only here, where to invest derived from TSWV huge money Musa Bazhaev?