Family Business: will the stepson of Alisher Usmanov become a major developer

Anton Viner is trying to capture the real estate development market for the second time. His previous trip into the big business ended with the intervention of his eminent stepfather.
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"I believe that the" Group of Motherland "- a stunning project - said in February at the presentation of the development company stepson Alisher Usmanov Anton Wiener, President University of Finance of the Russian Federation Alla Hraznova. - This is a signal that we are moving away from the stage of primitive accumulation of capital and move to a civilized society, the business with a "human face". On the kind words addressed to undertakings Wiener and his partners did not stint, and other guests of the presentation: Olympic champion Alexei Nemov, actors Sati Spivakov and Konstantin Habensky. In Moscow and the region thousands of real estate companies - none of them could boast of at the start of such allies.

"Rodina" announced the first major project - a residential complex area of ​​330 000 sq. m in the Odintsovo district. After the hands-free presentations passed four months. Partners continue to promise to invest in the construction of residential complexes of a new type of 18 billion rubles to build more than 1 million square feet. m in Moscow and Moscow region. But specifics speeches Anton Wiener is now much smaller and its partners Pavel Rodin and Dennis Borodakiy and completely refused to answerForbes questions (one of the partners is not in Russia). Why I braked "Homeland"?

"Children - our base"

"We want to build residential complexes of a type that do not have parents to take their children to the sports section, theater or music school to the other end of the city", - says about his future projects in an interview with Forbes Anton. This is the close proximity of residential buildings and objects of sport and educational infrastructure.
In theory, schools, kindergartens and sports and recreation complexes, and so a mandatory part of any large construction. But in the projects "homeland" for the school of acting will meet Konstantin Habensky for music - conductor Vladimir Spivakov, for sports - Alexei Nemov. All of them and many other famous people have agreed to enter the expert advice that Wiener first of all created for a group. "We will prepare, if not Olympic champions, or at least healthy physical development of children, - says Wiener. - Children - our basis, we plan to build a cadet corps, to engage in patriotic upbringingiem. That is why the company is called "Motherland".

Partner Shares in the group were not disclosed. The concept of synergy sports and residential clusters belongs to Anton Wiener. For sale must meet Pavel Rodin, partner realty company "Best new building." It is part of a group of companies "Best Real Estate" and was established Rodin and other top managers of the head office in 2009. Immediately Building - the competence of the third partner Denis Borodakiy, who spent several years in the company "Terra Auri" performs technical functions of the customer for the construction of housing.

According to Wiener, "Group Motherland" - a vertically integrated holding company, which consists of three entities: the parent company, the investment company and the company managing development projects. I managed to find only one of these three companies in SPARK data base - Ltd. "Rodina project management" with registered capital of 10 000, was created in March of this year. The owner is Denis Borodakiy. And Borodakiy and Rodin did not answer the question Forbes. <br />
"We will show"

Viner still declares that he is ready to invest 18 billion rubles of its own and borrowed funds. Over the next four years, the company intends to build 1 million square feet. meters of housing, but no details were disclosed.

"Information about our projects - this is a presentation of the new iPhone, - says Wiener. - We'll do the show. " Where the project is located, he says. When waiting for the show? "For five or six months."

At what stage is the pilot project in the Odintsovo district? Businessman and then did not mention any specific figures. "Odintsovo district we do not want to shine, it is too early" - he explained. However, according to a top manager of a consulting company in the real estate business, partners since then have been unable to "negotiate the ground with its owners", so the idea has stalled.

"We are in the negotiation process on the ground at a good stage, - commented cautiously Wiener. - Perhaps, somewhere will buy and pay constructed square meters. "

Expressing serious investments of 18 billion rublesLei, Wiener simultaneously seeking financial partners. Alexander Khrustalev, the owner of "NDV - Real Estate", confirms that he has received offers to become a co-investor in projects of the "Group of Motherland". "Yes, I'm Anton [Wiener] know he offered me to do something together, invest - says Khrustalev, without specifying what kind of project in question. - While I was not ready, but we'll see in the future. He is a man energetic, talented, I think he will succeed. " "This is an attempt to create a fee-development company - said the" homeland "one of the real estate market consultants. - No money, no land they have. "

"Son helped"

Behind Anton Wiener has several partially implemented development projects, the largest of them - a multifunctional complex "Olympic Village Navagorsk" in Khimki, on the banks of the river Skhodnya. On this project Anton Viner has worked closely with his mother, honored coach of rhythmic gymnastics Irina Viner (she trained, for example, Alina Kabaeva) and stepfather, one of the richest menRussian Alisher Usmanov.

Olympic rhythmic gymnastics team trained at a base in Novogorske since 1983. In 2008, at a distance of one kilometer north of the center of the construction of the sports complex under the auspices of the International Academy of Sport Irina Viner. "There's a very good place: and clean, and close to Moscow - Wiener told in an interview with Forbes. - I always wanted to be near a room where she could train and youth team which I supervise, so that children can look at adults. I met with Governor Boris Gromov, he identified the earth under the sports complex of which I dreamed. "

Anton Viner second time trying to conquer the real estate development market. His previous trip to the big business ended the intervention of eminent stepfather.

According to Irina Viner, a long time she could not find an investor in the construction of the sports center project, and as a result had to finance the project by Alisher Usmanov. However, Gromov has allocated enough land for a project that, in addition to the sports complex, to build another 68 TauHouse. "Naturally, the money for construction of the complex was not, - explained to Forbes in 2010, Irina Viner - and in the project were houses, which will be surrounded by the sports complex. Their sales have the money for its construction. "

The initial investment is estimated at 1.75 billion rubles, after the number of private houses has increased to 120 and they added two apartment houses. The total area of ​​the first phase of the project "Olympic Village Navagorsk" more than 37 000 sq. m. The idea was to combine sport and educational infrastructure with housing. Irina Viner recalled that as a child too much time spent on public transport, motayas for training and home. "The Olympic Village Navagorsk" had to solve this problem.

Judging from the data register, at the beginning of the project, in 2006, the founders of "Land Technologies", which was engaged in the construction and the sports complex, and housing were equally Irina Viner and OOO "Group of Companies San" her son Anton Wiener. Wiener said in an interview with Forbes, that the concept of the project with theHe was given "under him." His mother admitted that her son "helped." "His development activities Anton Viner began on the project" Olympic Village Navagorsk "as a consultant for the concept, design and public relations", - said Forbes, the press service USM Holding Alisher Usmanov.

In 2011, much of the housing was built and sold, but to stop there is not going to - sales were brisk. Anton Viner registered company CJSC "Khimki Groups". Companies Wiener different way to get control over another three large plots of land nearby and the beginning of the project "Olympic Village Navagorsk. Apartments "and" Olympic Village Navagorsk. Resort "with a total area of ​​more than 200 000 sq. m with an investment volume of more than 7 billion rubles. Anton Viner scale concept and promised to invest in the construction of multifunctional complexes in the suburbs more than 120 billion rubles of own and borrowed funds as well as funds of investors.

They were already other projects - Wiener began to build apartment buildings. On the bank of the river gangways erectedCamping buildings 5-6 stories, no longer sold houses and apartments, the project is actively credited Sberbank. In addition to the Academy of Sport Irina Viner, developers have promised to build a school "Sambo-70" under the direction of Renata Laysheva, boxing academy Alexander Lebzjak, table tennis school and many other sports and educational organizations. The total area of ​​sport and educational infrastructure should exceed 40 000 sq. M. For comparison, the Palace of Sports "Amber", which was built next to their housing estate in Strogino company "City-XXI Century" and the inauguration of which came to Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, has an area of ​​34,000 square meters. m.

"We have no plans to invest"

Outwardly, it looked good, but in late 2013 Anton Viner promptly left the project. All companies Wiener, who were related to the "Olympic Village Navagorsk" were purchased by structures Alisher Usmanov, who is now being finished and objects. "Usmanov has completely changed management, - says one of the suburban real estate developers. - The "Khimki Groups & raquo; there were serious difficulties with financing. "

"Unfortunately, despite the bright image of the project, at the time of redemption" Khimki Group "USM holding company's business was accompanied by many challenges, and we actually had to deal with its complete sanitation", - reported the press service of the USM.

In addition, the object has attracted the attention of ecologists. Territorial community "Kurkino" appealed to the tribunal with a claim to the LLC "North Country" (builder "Navagorsk Apartments.") - The developer charged with building on the territory of a water security zone without permission. In 2012, Rosprirodnadzor wrote "North Country," a fine of 7000 rubles for the fact that it has established a grid-netting and held bank protection works. The journalist "Moskovsky Komsomolets" Alexander Minkin wrote a series of articles entitled "Letters to the President", which said that "Khimki Groups" Anton Wiener fenced several hectares natural park, cut down the forest reserve, ignores the water protection legislation. In Khimki held several meetings under the loUng "Defend the valley Gangways". Later Minkin wrote in "Novaya Gazeta" that he allegedly called himself Alisher Usmanov and demanded that the journalist apologized to Irina Viner.

What about all this speaks Anton Viner? "For me, the project was completed, - he explains the reason for his release. - We have created a land bank, the idea worked. I left the project is in safe hands and reliable foundation funding. All projects will be completed and will be even better than me. " The businessman owns a chain of restaurants and beauty salons, but beyond that it is actively engaged in development of real estate development "Groups Homeland". Do Alisher Usmanov will come to the aid of her stepson next time? "Today, the activities of Anton Wiener, as well as its business projects, we have nothing to do - meet the press service of the billionaire. - Invest in them, we do not plan to. "