Shumkov's business divided between Nisan, Iliev and relatives of the Tula governor

After the mysterious death of Dmitry Shumkov, the owner of a hotel project on Varvarka in Moscow, his heirs were forced out of the family business.
As it turned out, after Dmitry Shumkova death, his heirs - Love, Alexander and Elena Shumkova withdrew from the owners of "multifunctional complex" Barbarian, 14, pp 1, 2 "(IFC), which owns the rights to the project.. A acquired the asset "Kiev area" Year Nisanova and Zarah Iliev. They own 87% of shares in the IFC.

Recall Dmitry Shumkov in 2014 bought from the Moscow government building area of ​​21,000 square meters. m Varvarka for astronomical 3.4 billion rubles. He wanted to turn the asset into a 5-star hotel with 320 rooms and approximately 50,000 square meters. m. Investment in the project were estimated at about $ 300 million. Moreover, as the hotel operator considered Dorchester Collection (owned sovereign wealth funds of the Sultanate of Brunei Brunei Investment Agency), Oetker Collection and Chinese Mandarin Oriental. All was good.

Also in July 2015 at a reception that Shumkov organized in St. Petersburg, with their songs made herself Carla Bruni, the wife of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy. But the December 4, 2015 in Moscow Shumkova found hanged. The body was discovered by a security guard in a private dressing room apartments busiNames in the tower "Federation" in Moscow-City, presumably after 5 hours after death, which followed as a result of asphyxia (was found hanged on tie. 5 December 2015 RF IC announced a pre-investigation of the case. It is said that the death was beneficial new hotel owners in Varvarka ...

As partners pilfered assets

Shumkov was an investor in the technology industry. Through the company "Center of computer networks of interaction" (TSVKS) owned a blocking stake in the "Moscow Internet eXchange» (MSK-IX) and a blocking stake in the Russian market leader CDN (Content Delivery Network, the content delivery service) NGENIX. Shumkov was co-owner of one of the largest in the world ( "Russian platinum") platinum deposits of Norilsk-1.

Since the beginning of the 2000s Dmitry Shumkov invested in development projects. It was the investor-scale project for the reconstruction of a number of buildings in the Kitai-Gorod Travel and down the street Barbarian, which is a significant part of the "charge" of the construction of the park. So, he bought a number of buildings in the Kitai-Gorod Travel, immediately adjacent toerected on the site of the demolished hotel "Russia" park "charge". In 2014, investors bought in the Moscow Government building complex in Varvarka, 14, building 1 and 2, also in the immediate vicinity of the future park.

We note in particular that Mr Shumkov together with the Museum of Moscow and urban policy and the construction of Moscow City complex organized a series of free tours "Travel charges", timed to the Day of Knowledge and the Day of the city. And here emerges detail: a guide became Olympic champion Tatiana Navka! Recall woman August 1, 2015 officially became the wife of the press-secretary of Russian President Vladimir Putin - Dmitry Peskov. And what could bring Shumkov Navka said that the businessman had access to the most influential people of the country.

September 8, 2011 Dmitry introduced Shumkov implemented together with OJSC "Gazprombank" Russian management of modern university system to the Chairman of the Government Vladimir Putin.

In September 2012, immediately after the APEC summit in Vladivostok Dmitry Shumkov etc.edstavil President Vladimir Putin complex technological equipment, which is equipped with a Far Eastern Federal University (FENU). According to the Russian President, the technological equipment FEFU not inferior to the leading universities of the world. But Shumkov doing business not only for the sake of business. It is in 2006, together with Academician Oleg Kutafin initiated the creation of centers providing free legal assistance to low-income citizens. As of June 1, 2015 more than 756 permanent centers provide free legal aid to the population has been created in Russia. The Association of Lawyers of Russia operate 84 regional offices and more than 500 local offices in which work centers also provide free legal assistance.

In the end, after his death, "partners" Shumkova all taken away. 13% stake in IFC, according to the register, left Artem Dyumina, general director of the sports complex "Olympic". The New Times in February 2016 reported that Artem Dyumin - the younger brother of the governor of the Tula Region Alexey Dyumina!

The complex is now under controlstructure Shumkova ex-partner, the owner of the "Alliance" and "Russian Platinum" Musa Bazhaev! But it became known that Shumkov out of joint with Bazhaev "Norilsk-1" project and expects to receive its share of up to $ 500 million in June 2015. Note that Alex Dyumin not just a new governor of Tula, and Vladimir Putin's former bodyguard, who considered him a friend. Dyumin was a security officer in the Security Service of the President during the previous presidency of Vladimir Putin c 9 August 1999.

And in 2007, when the Prime Minister was appointed Viktor Zubkov, Dyumin became chief of his security. Interestingly, when the government was headed by Vladimir Putin, he became personal adjutant Dyumin Prime Minister. At a certain period while working adjutant Dyumin began to combine the post of chief of SBP management - employees of the unit have been Putin's personal guard. In Shumkova was not depressed. Businessman actively developed the business, however, sometimes it calls "corruption issues", donated to charity, he loved his kinshipennikov. But after a series of successful trades took and hung up! Immediately after that, his influential partners shared virtually all assets Shumkova, heirs virtually nothing. It seems that the investigators will have to talk with so many influential people.