The Audit Chamber to classify the probe of RIA Novosti

The control authority checked the state media holding company in early 2013 and was not satisfied with the results.
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According to sources close to the Accounting Chamber auditors agencies coded scan report of FSUE RAMI "RIA Novosti" for 2012.

- Checking conducted, but the data is coded, - says the source.

Another source familiar with the situation, told "Izvestia" that checks the financial activities of "RIA Novosti" auditors conducted earlier this year.

- Materials testing took place under the heading "for official use" and may not be distributed to third parties.

Data on inspections often made secret when it comes to the identified numerous violations. For example, as a result of inspection of the "Skolkovo" Foundation in autumn 2012 the auditors of the Accounting Chamber found a violation ... and coded data.

Director of the Institute of Globalization Problems Mikhail Delyagin also says that identified serious violations may result in imposition of secrecy on the results of the audit "RIA Novosti".

- It is difficult to imagine what could be the secret expenses at "RIA Newlyspine. " But if the test is classified civilian object, it indicates serious violations - suggests Delyagin.

The FSUE RAMI "RIA Novosti" was unavailable for comment. Former chief editor Svetlana Mironyuk agency also did not respond to phone calls. The Audit Chamber was not able to quickly provide the "News" comments on the financial inspection in the public media holding.

In 2013, in view of the Accounting Chamber (AC) "RIA Novosti" hit twice. Also, the agency Sergey Stepashin (who then headed the joint venture) checks whether effectively controlled by the Russian property abroad. In a report to the Government Accounting Chamber said that some federal property abroad either not used or controlled effectively. Total number of such "problem" objects auditors counted 11.8% of the total number of Russian real estate. Among other remarks of the Accounting Chamber concerned objects, reports "RIA Novosti" on the right of gratuitous use. They foreign representatives were supposed to stayHolding CTBA. The Accounting Chamber found that the federal property is subject to seizure risk, loss and destruction as a result of illegal actions of third parties.

On Monday it was reported that, according to the presidential decree, "RIA Novosti" will be eliminated. accommodate created Federal State Unitary Enterprise "International Information Agency" Russia in its building today. " CEO of the new company's president appointed Dmitry Kiselev. The last five years Kiselev served as Deputy Director General of VGTRK. Expand its RTR platform, ITAR-Tass and the "Rossiyskaya Gazeta".

FGUP RAMI "RIA Novosti" - Russia's largest media holding, which is financed by the state budget. The structure of "RIA Novosti" includes "Prime" projects, The New York Times, RAPS, the Digit and other agencies. "RIA Novosti" also owns the newspaper "Moscow News". The agency is a contractor and operator of the media center for non-accredited for the Olympic Games 2014 journalists and has the status of a national host agency and the nationalotopula Winter Olympics. Holding Budget "RIA Novosti" amounted to 2.9 billion rubles in 2013.