Prosecutor General's Office made a request for Berezovsky's mansions

The supervisory authority will seek to transfer real estate to Russia's ownership.
Prosecutor General's Office announced today its intention to seek transfer of Russian two mansions that belonged to the late Boris Berezovsky. Both are located on the Mediterranean coast of France, and were purchased disgraced oligarch. According to the Russian law enforcement bodies - the funds illegally earned at home.

The reason for the application of the Prosecutor General was the start of the trial of French citizen, Jean-Louis Borda. The case is considered in the Correctional Court of Marseille. "Jean-Louis Bordeaux incriminated committed in complicity with Boris Berezovsky legalization of criminally acquired property by carrying out transactions in estates Chateau de la Garoupe and Clocher de la Garoupe on the Mediterranean coast of France, Cap d'Antibes", - said the official representative of the Prosecutor General's Office Marina Gridneva. According to her, these properties were acquired on the money stolen in Russia, Boris Berezovsky and the participants created their transnational criminal community.

How many times told the "Kommersant", in relation to Mr Berezovsky in Russia Variousie the time investigated several criminal cases involving theft of funds in especially large amounts, and money laundering. In absentia two sentences were handed down, in which immigrant received a total of 13 years in prison. However, attempts to extradite Boris Berezovsky, has received asylum in Britain, in Russia to serve their sentences were not successful.

As part of the execution of sentences and new criminal cases, law enforcement agencies have repeatedly sought the arrest of Boris Berezovsky's assets. In particular, in 1999, the Swiss prosecutor's office at the request of Russia has blocked its accounts in 20 banks of the country. According to media estimates, they were about $ 70 million. The decision was made in the course of investigation into the embezzlement of "Aeroflot" by Swiss firms. Subsequently, officially on the fate of these funds are not reported. In summer 2002, the court of Marseille opened an investigation of the transaction for the purchase in 1997 to Boris Berezovsky, for € 22 million, two villas - Chateau de la Garoupe and Clocher de la Garoupe (it is about them and says the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation). July 30, 2007 Basmanny Court at the request of the Prosecutor General onrevived arrest Clocher de la Garoupe. The measure was adopted in the framework of the case against Boris Berezovsky of embezzling $ 13 million of the bank "SBS-Agro", some of which allegedly went to purchase real estate. In August 2004, Krasnogorsk district court at the request of regional prosecutor's office has decided to withdraw from the businessman's daughter Catherine garden in the village of Petrovo Far Moscow region. Court invalidated the decision of the Executive Secretary of the President of the 1999 sale of the house and a plot of Boris Berezovsky "LogoVAZ". In November 2004, the villa has been returned to the state.

Note that, according to French media reports, shortly before the death of Boris Berezovsky, some potential buyers offered € 180 million for the two neighboring French villa. It was believed that the real estate developers are interested major UK. However, the investigation of law enforcement agencies of France, apparently made it impossible to purchase.

Legacy poor oligarch

Talk about the complete bankruptcy of Boris Berezovsky's seem premature. Property there - believe in it, and the relatives of the deceased, and Russianprosecutors. With this faith, even Russia is ready to defend Russian citizenship posthumously to the former enemy.

Frustration, antidepressants, bankruptcy - so sad strokes drew us all last week, the last days of the disgraced businessman Boris Berezovsky in London. By suicide portrait oligarch "worn turtleneck" mingled pile of messages from "close friends", from which it was clear that if Berezovsky is not dead, then very soon it is absolutely not what it was like to live. And he lived in the house is not his, and his ex-wife Galina Besharovoy, and servants all pouvolnyali, and finally even took $ 5 thousand. Airfare. Obviously, to Moscow, the usual business class scheduled flight. The depth of the financial hole explain the loss in litigation with Roman Abramovich. The latter, incidentally, in the wake of hypertrophic pity for the dead should seem noble to forgive until the end and not paid debt of $ 56 million. Although it should be clear that the sum of this for Berezovsky's small, it is comparable, say, to its costs ideological support for the development of Ukrainian democracy (assome estimates, about $ 60 million). Whatever it was, the British media unanimously recognized bankrupt, all assets of assigning him a villa in France, as well as the brightest proof of poverty just remembering that held the auction house Christie's sale of paintings by Andy Warhol, "Red Lenin". However, the works of art are sold at times just so, and the proceeds (just over $ 200 thousand.), They say, is not always enough even for a month accustomed to Berezovsky's life.

Meanwhile, despite the sour tone of the financial assessments, Berezovsky's heirs still prefer to remain silent, but the Russian Prosecutor General's Office expressed its vehement desire to receive from the state debts of the deceased attributed to him. According to the consolidated business "Aeroflot" and LogoVAZ they now account for about 3.3 billion rubles. ($ 110 million). Get them is possible only if you are not burdened with debt obligations Berezovsky assets still exist, and court cases on them will be solved in the framework of the Russian legal system.

Where to look

Just before moving to London, Berezovsky has received from Abram¯ $ 1.3 billion as compensation for "Sibneft". It is believed that approximately the same amount he has taken out abroad. Five years later, Berezovsky claimed to be at least tripled it, but Forbes magazine, for example, did not believe him, considering in 2008 his condition is still at $ 1.3 billion. Incredulity can be explained repeatedly identified Berezovsky lightheadedness when preparing documents. He himself had measured his wealth in view of oral agreements. However, not always without reason. In 2008, after the death of one of its key partners, Badri Patarkatsishvili, Berezovsky filed a lawsuit against the heirs with the requirement to give him half of Patarkatsishvili's assets, which according to official documents were estimated at $ 3 billion. In 2012, after much debate, the parties reached an amicable agreement, the details of which are unknown, but according to reports, Berezovsky had to get 30-50%. At the same time the eldest daughter of Patarkatsishvili says that her family has returned nearly 90% of the father's property under his control. However, perhaps this was achieved through cash payments, because, according to some reducediyam, Berezovsky is just at the beginning of this year expected installment from the heirs of Patarkatsishvili for up to $ 400 million. Due to specific assets, according to sources, Berezovsky could move stake in food companies Imlek (100%), Subotica (100%), Knjaz Milos ( 100%) and Bambi (72,76%), operating in Serbia and other countries of South-Eastern Europe.

In the hypothetical Berezovsky and inheritance may be Russian assets. Last summer, for example, the staff of the Federal Bailiff Service of the property found a businessman, then sold out for 109 million rubles. What was that for the property have been reported. Berezovsky did not attach importance to this fact, saying that at home in his various stashes left at least 150 billion rubles. If you go back to the real numbers, it is believed that at the time of Berezovsky's death owned two villas in France -Chateau de la Garoupe in Cap d'Antibes worth $ 394 million and a house on the Cape Ferrat, estimated at $ 92 million, as well as several small houses in the UK and at least two yachts that in total, according to various estimates, drawn to the $ 500-700 million. However, all this, according to the British lawyers, or locatditsya pledged, or are assets frozen by the court.

The chances of Russia

In Russia, Berezovsky brought against a total of 13 criminal cases, the majority of which he was formally charged in absentia. There were no significant financial penalties, however, require only two charges - of embezzling 214 million rubles. the airline "Aeroflot" and 140 million rubles. from automotive and AvtoVAZ LogoVAZ companies - extended in 2007 and 2009, respectively. By 2012, assigned to a Berezovsky's collection amount in these cases has reached 3.3 billion rubles. ($ 110 million). It should be noted, in part compensation were obtained in both cases. In 2010, "Aeroflot" succeeded in freezing the Swiss company accounts Andava, owned by Berezovsky. Keep these accounts $ 52 million "Aeroflot" were transferred in August 2010, but in mid-June 2012, the company filed a lawsuit for $ 85 million (2.5 billion rubles). Berezovsky in London's High Court, which still conducts its consideration of the case. The claimant in the failed transaction between AvtoVAZ and LogoVAZ based Berezovsky, speaking about the government of Samararegion, which estimates the damage in 997 million rubles. Of these, the regional budget in the last year have returned RUB 74.3 million. thanks to found and sold property Berezovsky.

Return the rest of Russia has tried more than once. In 2010, the Basmanny Court of Moscow has imposed on Berezovsky's apartment in New York arrest, which, however, the US side has not been executed. Followed in 2011, Berezovsky's arrest of two yachts in France (their cost is estimated at $ 19 million) was later removed because it became clear that they were not registered to a businessman, and he created in the interests of the family trust Itchen Trust. In April 2012 the Prosecutor General's Office reported that the amount of $ 17 million Boris Berezovsky arrested property in Europe, but did not specify which specific assets in question.

In general, the battle for the disgraced oligarch money Russia is losing. And not the fact that in the case of the remaining section of the inheritance after the situation will change. Firstly, if it turns out that all remaining after Berezovsky's property is in the trust property, to them, as in the case described the arrest of the yacht, it will be impossible to apply the legislain either Russia or England - only the rules of a particular trust. Secondly, if Berezovsky simultaneously recognize a citizen of Great Britain, the question of his legacy will be resolved under English law, and Russia has yet to prove to the court in London legitimacy of its claims. However, there is the Russian side has a trump card. Firstly, the duration of residence in the UK on the fact of receiving citizenship does not affect much, but no one deprived of Russian citizenship Berezovsky. Secondly, according to the President's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, the businessman a few months ago sent Putin a letter in which he expressed a keen desire to return to Russia. However, the question of nationality in any case will be decided by the English courts, lawyers say the UK. Their Russian counterparts, however, argue that there is nothing to decide: Berezovsky - ours.

Heirs not mad

According to the Russian Civil Code on inheritance Berezovsky can claim only his six children from three marriages. To some of them already owns the property, formerly used in the disposal of bizesmena. For example, a trustee of the trust Itchen Trust, which account for many properties, is Ekaterina Berezovskaya - the youngest daughter from his marriage to first wife Nina Korotkova. Two children from his second marriage with Galina Besharovoy too, most likely, better-off, because that's what Besharovoy managed to get a record even for the English law compensation. The official divorce, ending in 2011, the settlement agreement, brought Berezovsky's ex-wife, according to various estimates, from $ 200 million to $ 300 million. In order to pay such compensation, Berezovsky sold the yacht by Darius. In addition, in the course of divorce proceedings with Besharovoy entrepreneur gave her 6% trust Itchen Trust, as well as a penthouse in the area of ​​Kensington Palace in London. In the last year before his death, Berezovsky claims against a third, civil, wife, Elena Gorbunova, with whom he also has two children. In late 2012 she filed for her ex-husband in court, claiming that Berezovsky had promised her some of the money obtained from the sale Wentworth Park estate in Surrey, but did not keep his word, spending, she said, everything on hand and debt. The estate was sold for$ 38 million, of which Gorbunova, according to her, had to move a little more than $ 8 million. In addition to payments, according to Gorbunova, Berezovsky has pledged to buy her children a different housing for two years. As a result, the court is not only suspended initiated entrepreneur of the sale of the two French houses, but froze some of his other assets for a total amount of $ 325 million. Due to the fact that the final decision on the lawsuit Gorbunova yet, most likely, on the disputed assets will qualify and the other members of the big family of Berezovsky. He himself, in an interview in 2002, said that in the event of his death, all assets are to be split equally between his three wives and children. However, no official information about the will has yet been received. However, even if there is a will be held in the UK first procedure for establishing ownership of the property. It is possible that a portion of Berezovsky's assets will be recorded in the control and nominees. After that, all the issues of debt and other costs will be settled. Only the remaining money will be divided amongheirs. How many there will be, until the end no one will know. According to British media, Berezovsky spent huge amount on a variety of people in recent years. Sunday Times writes that British Prince Michael of Kent, a relative of the Russian emperors, he gave half a million dollars. Sacked driver told the court that his salary was $ 13.5 thousand. Per month, and demanded to pay him compensation for dismissal. Berezovsky himself has repeatedly said that he had never believed their money, preferring to live in debt. "There are people who are working in order to live well, and there are people who live well, in order to operate, - he explained his principle journalist Natalia Gevorkyan.- I belong to the latter, this means that you do not earn money. life, and to arrange life so that you can not do not make money. "