Central Bank found a pseudobank on the Internet

The regulator never gave a license to a certain Metro Neal Guardian Bank.
The Bank of Russia has found a site lzhebanka: www.mngb.ru offers banking services on behalf of Metro Neal Guardian Bank, the regulator said yesterday. License for banking operations and accreditation of representative offices in the Russian Central Bank did not issue such an organization. Central Bank gave information about the site to the Prosecutor General.

representative of the regulator did not respond to the request as this was discovered lzhebank how many people might be affected by his work.

The site www.mngb.ru said that Metro Neal Guardian Bancorp headquartered in Washington and in Moscow, the bank allegedly running from January 2015 for a perpetual license of the Central Bank. two phones are also listed on the website - offices in Moscow and for some reason, New York, but the call yesterday, "Vedomosti" failed on him - no answer. The site also indicates the TIN and BIN, but in the database "SPARK-Interfax" organization with such data no. This site claims that the bank operates in 29 countries, has 250 offices and nearly 1,000 ATMs.

Metro Neal Guardian Bancorp, said on its website, provides three kinds of credit cards, as well as make transfers and payments through Raiffeisenbank, Qiwi, PayPal, Web-money and RBC Money. RBC Money was not aware of the existence of this organization and the so-called partnership, said his spokesman: "None of the customers or users of the complaints [about the organization] have been reported." "Raiffeisenbank never entered into a partnership with Metro Neal Guardian Bank. Logo Raiffeisenbank has been used by the organization without the consent of the bank ", - says representative of the bank.

Most likely, the information about the services on the website is not true, indicates the partner BMS Law Firm Alim Bishan: "Once a person is calling - he immediately falls into the hands of professional psychologists, which displays it on the adoption of the necessary solutions to them. As a rule, this kind of scheme most painfully hit the socially vulnerable segments of the population with low levels of financial and legal literacy, which are conducted on such proposals. "

Similar cases - are not uncommon, he says. "A common occurrence in such cases - a criminal case on suspicion of committing fraud on a large scale, sometimes law enforcement officers torturedXia added impute something else - for example, organizing a criminal community. Typically, in such cases, many defendants - both victims and suspects, and the damage could run into billions of rubles. Put that this kind of business is always enough resonance ", - he concluded.