The owner of GC "Miel" Grigory Kulikov arrested in Latvia

The authorities consider his extradition to Russia, where a criminal case will be initiated. 
Chairman of the Board and owner of GC "Miel" Grigory Kulikov arrested in Jurmala on May 8 at the request of the Prosecutor General of Russia told "Vedomosti" representative office. The issue of extradition of a businessman in Russia, he added.

Main Investigation Department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs is investigating a criminal case against Kulikova at h. 4 Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud on a large scale), reminded the representative of the Prosecutor General's Office. According to him, the businessman is accused of embezzling in 2007-2008. more than 85 million rubles. "A number of individuals and entities." But "Kulikov fled from law enforcement", said the representative of the Prosecutor General. Therefore, in November 2014 it was announced in the federal and in September 2015 - the international wanted list through Interpol.

In December, the Interpol NCB in Latvia Kulikov discovered on the territory of this country and delivered notify the Russian Prosecutor General's Office. That response in January passed a request to extradite a businessman in Russia, describes the representative of the Prosecutor General.

The representative of the Interpol headquarters in Lyon Divertpopped request "Vedomosti" in the State Police of Latvia. Its representative Dayris Anuchins declined to comment because the issue is in the competence of the Russian law enforcement agencies.

Kulikov accused of fraud by means investors in the construction of the cottage settlement "Barvikha Village." The criminal investigation into fraud by means of "Barvikha Village" investors under investigation for four years. The investigative authorities charged top managers "Miel" among them - former heads of "Miel - Residential Real Estate" Savely Orbant and Sergey Kasatkin, as well as the head of sales department of the holding "Miel" Lyudmila Arkhipova, wrote earlier "Kommersant". According to the newspaper, the company received from investors about $ 50 million. The residential complex has not been completed. "In the history of the" Barvikha Village "settlement construction were made by the management mistakes", - he admitted "Miel" a year ago, saying its full readiness to cooperate with the investigation.

However, the group itself binds the actions of investigative bodiesregarding the company and its shareholders with the internal corporate conflicts with former top-manager, said the representative of "Miel". Previously, the company accused of one of its former leaders - Natalia Tikhon (now - partner "Metrium groups") that the one in 2010-2012. kidnapped in "Miel" is not less than 2 billion rubles., including $ 20 million loan to "Barvikha Village" construction of the village. The criminal case against Kulikova also has a custom character, aimed at undermining the business reputation and image of the group, noted a year ago, the representative of "Miel".

Nevertheless, the corporate conflict "to the current activities of the group of companies has nothing to do with not", he assured the representative of "Miel". And he Kulikov, already more than a year as a distancing from the operational management of the company, he adds.

"The investigation, the impartiality which we very much doubt, trying to force Grigory Kulikov admit guilt in stealing, which was not, and deliberately turned a blind eye to the claims of the" Miel "companies to the former partner - gave" Vedomostipits "lawyer Natalya Kulikova St. Nicholas. - Despite more than 40 arbitration cases won and prejudice has arisen, the criminal case against Tikhon was discontinued for the fourth time. " In her opinion, this is a classic example of the involvement of security forces in the corporate conflict on the side of one of the participants.

Tikhon transferred via a representative, that nothing to do with it does not investigate, but "Kulikov just takes the public's attention from the essence." "As for me personally, that authorities of the investigation and the prosecutor's office for a long time dealt with unreliable denunciations Kulikova GL and its proxies, give them an objective assessment, to me there are no complaints," - said Tikhon. Earlier Tikhon told me that was a co-founder and managing partner of JSC "Miel-New", who worked in the primary market of residential real estate - no relation to the direction of the country real estate and the project "Barvikha Village," she did not have. The statements in his address explained Tikhon attempt to put pressure on her in order to waive the requirementI have my share in "Miel-New".

In the Baltics, the negative attitude to Russian, so these countries if there are grounds usually give Russian citizens, says lawyer Vladimir foal. However, according to him, if a person has made significant investments in the economy of the country, it may be grounds for political asylum.