Oysters will be bred near the "Putin's Palace" in Gelendzhik

OOO Yuzhnaya Citadel obtained 1000 ha for breeding of oysters and mussel. The water area is at Cape Idokopas not far from Gelendzhik, near the so-called Putin's palace. The owner of Yuzhnaya Citadel previously worked for the company that managed the palace.
Origin source
Akvaferma at the palace

At the end of December 2015 Commission to identify areas with fish of the Azov-Black Sea Territorial Department of Federal Fishery Agency granted the company "Complex" on the allocation of plots with the area of ​​254 hectares and 290.8 hectares and exhibiting them at auction for industrial aquaculture project, to be out of commission meeting minutes . Lots (lots 3 and 4), which was allowed to grow Pacific oysters, Mediterranean mussels, beluga, Russian sturgeon and haarder, located near Cape Idokopas near Gelendzhik. This place is in a beautiful part of Krasnodar region became known thanks to the construction there is a resort complex which became known in the media as "Putin's Palace" - a building area of ​​17.7 thousand sq. M. m on a plot of 678 sq. m. m. According to the extract from the Unified State Register of rights to immovable property and transactions with it (USRR) April 28, 2016, the owner of the resort is of "complex", initiated the allocation of land for aquaculture.

What is "Putin's Palace"

In late 2010,iznesmen Sergei Kolesnikov, who calls himself a former partner of a friend of Vladimir Putin in St. Petersburg - a co-owner of the bank "Russia" Nikolay Shamalova, wrote an open letter to President Dmitry Medvedev, where he spoke about the business, which supposedly ruled in favor of Putin's inner circle. One of the projects - the construction on the cape near Gelendzhik Idokopas palace complex. In the spring of 2011, the complex, as reported by "Kommersant", bought for $ 350 million former co-owner of "Novorossiysk sea trading port" (NCSP), Alexander Ponomarenko. As he said himself, "Kommersant", the seller was made by Nikolai Shamalov.

Ponomarenko said that "for a long time was not engaged in this project", and sent for comment to the RBC Roman Zinoviev, CEO TPS Group, which "deals with this subject." Zinoviev said that the company will leave RBC questions without comment. TPS Group belongs to a trust acting in the interest of families Ponomarenko and his former partner on the NCSP, the State Duma deputy Alexander Skorobogatko.

According to an extract from the Unified State Register, LLC "Complex" owns the building "Palace PuTina "from March 2015 and the land beneath it in May of 2013. According to SPARC, in September 2013, "Complex" owns offshore "Savoyan Investments Limited", registered in the British Virgin Islands. Its beneficiaries are not disclosed.

Rosrybolovstvo appointed requested competition for "complex" areas in April, but in the number of "complex" market participants are no longer there. Competition April 20 won the company "Southern Citadel" from Gelendzhik to pay for plots 304.2 thousand. Rub. and 357 thousand. rub. respectively, received them in use for 25 years.

As clarified by RBC, a month before "Southern Citadel" has won another auction sites in the waters near the Idokopas. March 25 Azov-Black Sea Territorial Department of Federal Agency for Fishery held other bids on the distribution sites on the Black Sea, next to the "Putin's Palace". They "Southern Citadel" won two plots with total area of ​​422.1 hectares, intended only for the production of mussels and oysters. For them, the company paid 2.36 million rubles.

Thus, the total area of ​​all plots inherited "Yuzhnnd the citadel ", 966.9 hectares. Their border runs along the coastline from the village up to the Cape Divnomorskoe Idokopas, on which is "Putin's Palace".

According to SPARC, CEO and sole owner of the "South of the citadel", established in July 2015, Alexei Vasilyuk. He confirmed RBC his victory at the auction, but the project for which the needed areas, would not comment, citing trade secrets.

As of October 2015 Vasilyuk also served as CEO of the registered in Moscow, OOO "UK" Investbud ", which, according to SPARK, to October 29, 2015 was the managing company" Complex "(owns" Putin's Palace ") and LLC" Azure berry "(owns the nearby wine farm).

Asked whether linked in any way "complex" and "Southern Citadel" Vasilyuk said: "I do not know." Get a comment representative of RBC "Complex" failed.

Chairman of the Board "Abrau Durso" (distributes "Azure berry" wines) Pavel Titov told RBC thatBy "Investbud" Now is not related to the wine project.

Import substitution shellfish

The minimum volume of production in the areas of "South of the citadel", which allowed to extract only oysters and mussels - 263.3 m; in areas where it is supposed to catch more and haarder, beluga and sturgeon, -. 12.7 m in the waters of the correct thing would be to organize the plantations of mussels and oysters, the president of the All-Russian Association of Fishery Enterprises, Entrepreneurs and Exporters (VARPE) Alexander Fomin "The costs of organizing such production is not very large, but the demand is there." According to him, investment in such a project could amount to several hundred million rubles, the payback period - 5-7 years. Restaurateur Kirill Martynenko, co-owner of Boston Seafood & Bar and Torro Grill, noted that after the introduction of the embargo of the product demand for Russian seafood grew significantly.

Seafood from the European Union, the main supplier of oysters and mussels on the Russian market, are on the list of prohibited for import to Russia in August, 2014. In June 2015, the first government lifted the embargo with malcove trout fry oysters and mussels, without the supply of which is impossible to develop import-substituting production.

According to the president of the Association of industrial and commercial enterprises of the fish market Vitali Kornev, shellfish consumption in Russia amounted to 5.8 ths. Tons in 2015, the majority (5.5 ths. Tons) accounted for imports. The volume of production of mussels in Russia in 2015 amounted to 119.3 tons, it will remain the same in 2016, and at the end of 2017 is expected to grow to 200 tons, said RBC representative of Federal Agency for Fishery. The amount of oyster production in 2015 amounted to 30 tons, up to 50 tons is forecast in 2016, he added.

Chairman of the Bar "Starinskiy, pots and Partners" Eugene pots notes that obtaining at the disposal of the water area of ​​the site can be associated with the desire of the owner of the adjacent territory to restrict access to your site from the sea. "In fact, it is the only legal way to close to the sea access to the object, - he says. - Being in possession of permits to conduct economic activity in certain parts of the waters, the company can ensure that the ban onpresence there of foreign boats. Get a certificate stating that the presence of boats, etc. could have a negative impact on business, for example, lead to the death of young mussels or oysters will not be difficult. "