Orthodox businessman Boiko-Veliky suing Google for slander

The entrepreneur demands to remove the publication on Blogspot blogging platform.
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The well-known businessman and public figure, chairman of the organizing committee of the party "People's Movement" Holy Russia ", Vasily Boiko-Veliky and his agricultural holding JSC" Russian milk "filed a lawsuit to arbitration court of" Google ". Boyko believes that the Google, as an administrator Blogspot blogging platform (official brand service - Blogger), is obliged to delete the text placed on it, allegedly defaming their business reputation and the reputation of "Russian milk".

As told "Izvestia" representative of "Russian milk" Elena Bogachev, it publication July 28, 2014 "Moscow Themis continues to" rot "from the head" blogger Peter Ivanenko. The blogger expressed harsh criticism of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region and the judges of "Russian milk". In particular, it is alleged that a judge of the Moscow Regional Arbitration Court Natalya Sevostyanova lobbied the interests of the group of companies "Russian milk". For this president agroholding allegedly gave the judge 1.5 hectares of land on Novorizhskoe highway, where it has built shopping mall. Among this information is completely onprovergayut.

It may be noted that Vasily Boiko-Veliky since 2007, is under investigation on charges of illegal acquisition of land in the Ruza district near Moscow. Buying land units from local farmers 3.6 thousand. Hectares of land, according to investigators, accompanied by fake documents.

- At the moment, the matter Boiko-Great is not closed and we - told "Izvestia", the press service of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Moscow region.

Boiko-Veliky founded agricultural holding "Russian milk" in 2003 in the Ruza district of Moscow region. Currently, it consists of a dairy plant, livestock farms, on animal feed production plant for cattle, companies producing vermicompost and soil soils. Name Boiko-Great (he added the last name of the currently second in 2007 in order to, in his words, to stand out from among the other Boyko) became widely known in the light of the reforms on the agricultural holding companies. In 2010, he ordered all employees "Russian milk" pass course "Fundamentals of Orthodoxculture ", and being married - married. Boiko-Veliky believes that the introduction of food sanctions against the United States and the EU will help domestic manufacturers of dairy products get to the market, and the products of its agricultural holding will occupy a niche deceased Finnish and Lithuanian competition.

- We are interested in the removal of the publication Ivanenko with Blogspot, and c of the online resources and blogs that have published the text - told "Izvestia" a spokesman for the company "Russian milk" Elena Bogachev. - Dissemination of slander aimed at providing illegal pressure on the judges, in the hope that they will consider cases involving the agricultural holding and biased decisions not in favor of JSC "Russian milk".

"News" is not able to contact the service Ivanenko by Blogspot and Google in the Russian division said it does not comment publicly trials.

- The owner of Blogspot platform is Google, and the general rule of the resource owner must be responsible for the information posted on it. - He said "; Izvestia "lawyer Galina Arapova, director of the Center of protection of media rights. - And all those who reprint this text in social networks and blogs are in fact distributors. Each claim may be brought in this chain. But the plaintiff in this case, the right to choose with whom to sue.

Bogachev of "Russian milk" says her company has addressed with the requirement to reprint refute a number of other online resources such as compromat.ru, and they have fulfilled the requirement - at "compromising material" is really taken by the Board of Directors treatment "Russian milk", to challenge the publication Ivanenko.

Lawyer Alexander Ganzer of the "College of Media Lawyers" believes that "Russian milk" thereby saving time while trying to install defamatory, inconsistency actually published information and oblige the defendant to remove them.

- If the company was presenting some material requirements, most likely, they will be denied. A requirement to delete a post and publish a refutation, if the information in the post were really norochaschimi likely to be satisfied. To do this, Boiko-Veliky must prove that the controversial publication in the first place, it discredits the business reputation, and, secondly, this publication is a report on the facts (not opinions). The defendant can prove the opposite and lead evidence that the posted information false. In this case there is a presumption that any false defamatory information, ie reverse the burden of proof lies with the defendant, unless the court found that the published opinions is not - said Ganzer.