Yandex for the year increased the search share in runet to 56.5%

Quarterly revenue of the Internet company grew by 29%.
Yandex reported that its search share in the Runet - both on desktop computers and mobile devices - in the I quarter was 56.5%, and in the first quarter of last year was 54.7%. In the fourth quarter of last year, the company's share was the same 56.5%.

The company increased its share of devices with Android operating system Google to 46.3%, in the first quarter of last year was 38%, in the IV quarter of 2017 - 45%. The number of search requests in Russia increased by 10% compared to the first quarter of last year.

In 2015, Yandex complained to the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) on manufacturers of smartphones running on the Android operating system. Those refused to pre-install the search engine "Yandex." FAS agreed that Google thus violated the law on competition. Last year, an American company signed an amicable agreement with FAS, and in the summer of 2017, Yandex agreed with manufacturers of smartphones about the pre-installation of its search engine in alternative mobile browsers, among them Samsung Internet, Xiaomi and UC Browser.

Consolidated revenue of Yandex in Q1 (in comparison with the first quarter of 2017) increased by 29% to 26.6 billion rubles, or up to $ 464 million. Net profit - by 126% to 1.9 billion rubles. ($ 32.3 million). Profitability on net profit was 7%. Adjusted net income increased by 7% to 4 billion rubles. ($ 70 million). Adjusted EBITDA increased by 12% to 7.7 billion rubles. ($ 134.5 million). The EBITDA margin was 29%.

"We started this year with confidence, increasing revenue by 29%," says Arkady Volozh, the head of the Yandex group of companies. "Our investments bear fruit." "The main drivers of growth were Yandex. Taxi »,« Yandex. Vertical ", a new business unit media services, as well as experiments. These areas of business accounted for more than 20% of the company's total revenue in the first quarter, "Volozh said.

Most of the proceeds of "Yandex" receives from the sale of advertising. In the first quarter, as compared to the 1st quarter of 2017, the revenue from the sale of advertising grew by 17%, in the structure of total revenues, advertising revenues amounted to 86%. Revenues from advertising sales on Yandex's websites increased by 22% to 66% of the company's total revenue.