New developments of an old loan

Unexpected involvants may appear in the case of embezzlement (almost 2.8 billion rubles) in Petrocommerce Bank in addition to his former vice-president Denis Milovidov.
As part of the "Petrocommerce" (in 2015 connected to the bank of FC "Opening") criminal investigation of embezzlement from the bank almost 2.8 billion rubles. metropolitan police raided the former Deputy Chairman of the Board and Advisor to the President of the credit institution Denis Milovidova. According to the newspaper, it was he who in 2012 signed a loan agreement with the Zlatoust Metallurgical Works (ZMZ).

According to the original version of the investigation, these funds were allegedly obtained in 2012 in the form of credit Zlatoust Metallurgical Works (ZMZ), owned by at the time, investigators could consider Vadim Varshavsky. Meanwhile, as it became known edition, in fact may emerge documents that prove deliberate collusion then the bank's management with the representatives of the company did manage at the moment Chelyabinsk now.

In "Petrocommerce", dated 27 June 2012 with the stamp "for internal use" our disposal was a copy of "the bank of the Protocol operational meeting. The meeting was held in the presence of President Nikitenko VN bank vice presidents and heads of the departments financial institution. That is attended by all the top management of "Petrocommerce". One of the solutions (para. 2.2) points from the meeting reads as follows: "First Vice President Milovidov DK in the period to 29.06.2012 to carry out credit transfer "Metallurg Trust" in the amount of 2.7 bln. rub. with the creation of a reserve of not more than 21% from the balance at the Bank Company Masterking balance with simultaneous transfer to other Bank loans with 100% reserve on Masterking balance. "

In other words, it follows from this document, the whole operation to the movement of credit Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant monitored by the Bank's management.

With a search warrant to the former deputy chairman of the bank and adviser to the president, "Petrocommerce" Denis Milovidov police officers arrived at his country residence in Gorki-2 Odintsovo district late last week. Himself an ex-banker, according to "Kommersant" most of the time with his family abroad, according to some sources, in Switzerland, and his home outside Moscow, visited only occasionally. Milovidova Lord was not at home at this time, and a search conducted in his absence.

After making the arbitration courts 2014-2016 years to recognize credit for ZMZ actually fictitious, it seemed that the story will not have a continuation. According to the newspaper "Novye Izvestiya" Vadim Varshavsky to the fictitious credit "Petrocommerce" Zlatoust plant has nothing to do. But the New Year searches of the general director of Rostov steel plant have shown that it is not. The case of the loan was initiated at the request of the bank "Opening" May 6, 2016 goals, and the prosecution could have, apparently, is Vadim Varshavsky.

Who and what is trying to substitute a businessman? The now publicly available documents, including a copy of the minutes of the meeting in the operational "Petrocommerce" Bank of 27 June 2012 with the stamp "for internal use", may shed light on this. To understand all the complex schemes that are built around this case, we had to conduct their own journalistic investigation. The results were impressive.

Features of the national search

But first briefly tell you about the features of the search, which was held at the home of Vadim Varshavsky. A court order for permission to search the place of residence of a businessman was received in the court of another September 3, 2016. Intelligible answer to the question why a search warrant, police officers came to the owner only on the eve of the New Year, law enforcement officers are not given.

Let us state the assumption that law enforcement officers were counting on surprise. Before the New Year the people relaxes and waits for Santa Claus, rather than the police. The businessman explained that he has a witness status (and therefore, he is not entitled to know on what basis to it, law enforcement officers broke into the house at half past six in the morning) and did not allow the place of investigative actions, even urgently arrived lawyer. On the psychological pressure, which can be assumed not limited to the police at once. The information about the search of his home appeared in a number of online publications before they are completed. This information journalists can only get from someone from the persons who were related to the conduct of the search. This means that the service information has been "merged" in violation of the press law.

But the strange thing is that the investigators, as might be expected from their actions, did not know at the time of the search, that in the case of the loan had already been court decisions that have recognized the fictitious loan. But the investigation has lasted for half a year! More than a strange situation, is not it? Especially because of any "new circumstances" in this case, nobody knows anything.

The loan, which was not

The situation looks more ridiculous because ZMZ, formerly part of the group "Estar" Vadim Varshavsky, along with other enterprises of the group, came under the control of "Mechel" holding back in the fall of 2009. That is precisely the management of "Mechel" could give instructions to the Directorate of ZMZ, on which account to transfer the money the bank "Petrocommerce".

"Estar" group was in financial difficulties due to the 2008 crisis. "Mechel" has taken over the management of companies "ESTAR" through its structures ostensibly for the purpose of rehabilitation and prevention of social tension. But in fact, these assets could be used for very different purposes, such as withdrawal of funds abroad. Plans for this are quite simple and well known to all. The company, for example, is burdened with bogus loans. The money through offshore output to overseas accounts, and most claims against the company. This is followed by bankruptcy proceedings.

It is not excluded that it is in this scheme seems to be hit and ZMZ. What is very interesting, in the judgment of the court to conduct a search indicates that received almost 2.8 billion rubles could be withdrawn in the offshore Masterking Trading Limited Company. That is, Vadim Varshavsky, according to the court order, unaware that it was he owns the offshore company. Of which became known to the public, "the bank Protocol operational meeting" CB "Petrocommerce", dated 27 June 2012, has a stamp "for internal use", it is clear that this is not so. The bank may charge the first Vice-President Dmitry Milovidov "to implement the loan translation" Metallurg Trust "in the amount of 2.7 bln. rub. with the creation of a reserve of not more than 21% from the balance at the Bank Company Masterking balance with simultaneous transfer to other Bank loans with 100% reserve on Masterking balance ", only in the case of a preliminary agreement with the heads of ZMZ. And they are in June 2012, submitted to as fixed arbitration courts of all instances, the instructions "Mechel" group. As I think, the investigators who conducted a search of the mansion today Milovidova wanted to get more information on both this meeting and other circumstances of the case

Those individuals that have participated in this meeting (and those who had him involved) and were notorious Protocol, could not understand that law enforcement agencies will sooner or later get to this, and a number of other documents are placed, as they say, all the points over «i», and it seems that without further ado, it could take the lead.

Perhaps New Year searched and interrogated Warsaw was calculated that he would make hasty steps: decide, for example, to resist, or, indeed, become nervous and decides to escape. In this case, it is possible to be applied more serious measures, including detention. The press was also important to make a "shot" in advance. In layman always remembered the first scoop. Subsequent denials have, as a rule, do not matter, they are no longer "information occasion".

Why Otkrytiye opened the case?

Recall that for the return of the loan made by the bank "Opening", which has absorbed "Petrocommerce" bank, he also made a statement to law enforcement agencies to initiate criminal proceedings.

As is known, the central bank gives the group a solid credit resources. Observers interpreted such financial regulator generosity takeoff history of the banking group and its owner Vadim Belyaev. It is, if you believe the journalistic investigation conducted by the newspaper "Top Secret", began dating after Belyayev on the tennis court with Boris Nemtsov and Boris Mints. Vadim Belyaev invited Boris Mints in a financial group, which gave impetus to its rapid development. Mintz is known for its proximity to Anatoly Chubais. It is not surprising that with his arrival the bank began to cooperate with RAO UES and VTB.

It is also known that some members of the current Government in the 90 included in the Commission on Economic Reforms, chaired by Anatoly Chubais. Can it be considered an accident that after joining them in senior financial positions in the country group "Discovery" was involved in the reorganization proceedings of larger banks that withdrew the license? For example, the "Discovery" with assets of 240 billion. Rubles swallowed "Nomos-bank" with assets of 640 billion. Rubles. Also it was absorbed and "Petrocommerce" Bank and other banks. In late 2014 it was "Opening" was chosen Sanatorium bank "Trust". The collapse of the "Trust" was a resonant event. But even more amazing was the amount allocated for refurbishment "Trust" - a record 127 billion rubles.. However, this record is going to be overcome, as the "Opening" soon requested more additional 47 billion. Rubles.

The most amazing thing in the biography Vadim Belyaev that he was seen in the support of so-called non-system opposition in 2011-2012. February 1, 2012 "progressive" banker-liberal, if leaked to the media information on the stage of the Kremlin Palace appealed to those present in the hall of the people whom he himself had invited to a private performance of "Cirque du Soleil", with a call to go to the upcoming opposition rally on Yakimanka and Swamp area. A few days later at the Swamp gathered more than 100 thousand people. And he Vadim Belyaev, who came to the area, along with their staff, do not even hesitate to speak on the same day during a protest action in a live TV channel "Rain", where the answer to the question why he called on the people in the hall, "the Kremlin" to enter the streets.

New songs of the old loan

After all the new circumstances, experts believe that the claims of the bank "Opening" Vadim Varshavsky unlikely to have a legal perspective, as already have court decisions over the entire history of a loan almost 2.8 bn. rub. In this case, it is not clear what "openness" was required to write a statement to law enforcement authorities and to raise the whole story from 2012, the loan? "The statements of the victims of my involvement in the deal - not that other, as an attempt to give legitimacy to a loan agreement between the bank" Petrocommerce "and ZMZ, declared invalid by the courts at all levels of the arbitration system and courts of general jurisdiction of Russia", - commented on the situation told "Kommersant" Vadim Varshavsky himself. According to the businessman, on this occasion, he filed a counter-statement to the GSU Research Affairs in Moscow to the bank "Opening". In it, he states that 2.8 billion rubles. do not exceed the limits of the bank "Petrocommerce", passed in a single day "accounts opened in the same bank ZMZ, OOO« Metallurg-Trust "and« Masterking Trading Limited », which is 21 fee returned all the money to various branches of KB "Petrocommerce" ..

How can we assume that 2.8 bln. Rubles in the current situation is not easy in the financial sector for the "discovery" of the bank at all would not be superfluous. With regard to the "Mechel", then Vadim Varshavsky from holding a long history of difficult relations. Warsaw in recent years has aggressively and successfully bombarded the company Igor Zyuzin's claims, arguing that "Mechel", in his opinion, uses the understatement of the tax base in the country, unjustified bankruptcy of the holding and the withdrawal of money abroad.

Thus, the interests of the owners and management of the financial group "Mechel", we can assume quite similar. One need funding, others will hardly like the businessman who constantly delivers them lawsuits.

However, the days are long gone dashing nineties. In addition, let us not forget that the iron and steel industry - the backbone of the economy, and the Zlatoust plant, like all other businesses who find themselves in the hands of frank scam - the most important part of this strategic sector, and the sooner triumph law, the more successful the country will exit from economic crisis.