Otkritie Bank was sunk by Rosgosstrakh

The insurance company and the bank of the same name, which belong to Danil Khachaturov, have been transferred to the owners of Otkritie and, ultimately, the government; for free, but with impressive debts.
The "Rosgosstrakh" that was just bought by "Revelation" will become one of the main items of the Central Bank's expenses for the bank's sanation. The Central Bank will spend 250-400 billion rubles on the capitalization of FC Otkritie. The estimation is preliminary, so the sanation will most likely become the largest in history. Prior to that, the Bank of Moscow was the record holder, for the improvement of which the state allocated 295 billion rubles.

As The Bell writes, the Central Bank considered various options for solving the problems of the "Discovery" from the beginning of 2017. The complex inspection of the bank began in May 2017. Information on the withdrawal of assets from the bank from the Central Bank "not yet." In the case of the "Discovery", one of the main items of the Central Bank's spending will be the support of the newly purchased Rosgosstrakh bank. The purchase of an insurer with tens of millions of customers (only for MTPL - 21.5 million) was the last major transaction of the "Discovery" on the way to the status of "too big to fail."

OSAGO brought huge losses to Rosgosstrakh (in 2016, the net loss of the company was 33 billion rubles, in the first half of 2017 - more than 23 billion rubles). But the shareholders of the "Discovery" expected that the deal would turn it into the largest private financial group in Russia with assets of 4-5 trillion rubles and 55 million customers.

Former owner of Rosgosstrakh Danil Khachaturov was to become a minority of this largest group. How did it end? As The Bell found out, Khachaturov, as a result of the sale of Rosgosstrakh, did not receive a stake in the Otkritie group as planned.

On the sale of Khachaturov Rosgosstrakh "became known at the end of last year. The deal was supposed to be cash-strapped - the insurance company, RGS-bank and other assets of Khachaturov, including real estate, had to go to the Otkritie group. Prior to the decision of the regulator to reorganize the bank, it was planned that Khachaturov would receive a minority stake in the holding company Otkrytie for his assets. "Vedomosti" estimated the future package of Khachaturov at 8%.

The deal on the sale of assets is closed, but Khachaturov did not receive any package, sources close to the bank and to Khachaturov himself told. One source close to the businessman, interprets the deal as follows: Khachaturov actually gave the company, getting rid of unprofitable business. Now it is a problem of the state. The Central Bank promises that Rosgosstrakh and other companies of Otkryt Bank's group will continue to operate in a normal mode and serve customers. Chief executive director of the insurance company Nikolaus Fry hopes that the decision of the Central Bank will help the company overcome the crisis in the segment of compulsory motor TPL insurance.

In fact, the debts incurred by Khachaturov and the shareholders of Bank Otkryt will now be paid by the Central Bank of Russia and the Russian budget.