Andrey Vdovin gutted a couple of banks

Banker Vdovin is already celebrating another banking adventure abroad, whil his VIP clients are getting prepared for unpromising courts in Moscow.
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Now lose the license may ATB, who suffers from the actions of unscrupulous shareholder. The most important thing is to know the bank's clients - Andrey Vdovin have left Russia, moving to Hanover, Germany. And now the main task of the banker - not follow the conscientious performance of their obligations ATB. Vdovin is now engaged in demonization of other banks, trying to divert suspicion from himself.

Just the facts tell a different story: no money Vdovina, ATB almost lost the support of the Corporation gosdeneg Sakhalin Development. And on New Year's vacation ATB decided not to work. You can not be removed deposits or recharge them. It is worth thinking about the state of ATB.

Beginning of the End

One of the largest banks in Russia - the Asia-Pacific Bank (ATB) starts to have problems on the actions of its main shareholder. Andrei Vdovin - ATB key owner and Chairman of the Board of Directors acknowledged publicly that the bank has ceased to carry out operations with corporate clients. In fact, he admits that ATB has ceased to lend to the economic sector in Russia.

Most interesting is that ATB has been selected for the development of Sakhalin's economy (to emphasize the importance of the project, the bank specifically moved to the Sakhalin region). But now, when ATB problems arising due to the questionable activities Vdovina, the state does not seek to invest in the ATB. If back in August of this year, the Sakhalin Region Development Corporation stated that before the end of 2016 plans to enter the capital of ATB, but now publication has learned that the Corporation refuses to invest in the business in the region through the ATB. And in this we have to thank Andrei Vdovin, who has long earned a reputation as "the Ripper banks." This was even dedicated to the story on the famous TV channel.

2016 showed that Vdovin, who is known as one of the most successful long-living bankers in Russia, it is not as successful as they think. Rather, everything suggests that it is in Russia in fact bankrupt, and just juggling financial institutions with which he takes money abroad. It is important to emphasize that Vdovin long been engaged in the withdrawal of money from the country (it is worth mentioning that he was for many years wanted to acquire a bank in Latvia - in this country it's best to display the day of Russia). Now the businessman faced with unforeseen problems.

M2M has become a problem

December 9, 2016 the Bank of Russia revoked the license of M2M Private Bank. Vdovin partners bought it 10 years ago, and began to develop as a bank for wealthy clients. Under this "sauce" was opened "child" in the Bank of Latvia. The official version - wealthy clients needed services in Western banks, but the channel for the transfer of money was actually opened. Throughout 2016 the Bank of Russia turned a blind eye to the main activity of M2M - yes, the Central Bank introduced some restrictions, but in fact worked for a bank, and spent the scheme.

In the summer of 2016, even the central bank has become impossible to ignore the outflow of capital through M2M, and Vdovin had to buy shares in the M2M ATB balance. From the side it seems that it is a normal transaction - the bank buys the shares of another bank in order to save. But if Vdovina banks. In fact, the businessman has shifted the risks M2M ATB bank depositors. Sakhalin bank became suddenly lend Moscow M2M, volumes have grown so much that even the Central Bank has forbidden build up credits (on the Bank of Russia said in a press release).

But the interesting thing is that the Central Bank, still seeing strange allow operation of M2M (almost certainly recognize them illegal, but leave it to the competent authorities)
Vdovina buy M2M at the expense of ATB. The regulator, which has to protect the banking sector of the country from unscrupulous players, gave absolution Vdovin on all his actions. The result is that with the permission of the Central Bank, ATB healthy bank buys almost empty bank M2M. And investors are suffering.

If you look at the statistics, we ATB attracted more than 75 billion rubles of deposits of physical persons. The bank was chosen for the development of the Sakhalin region (for this state allocates from the budget tens of billions of rubles). But the central bank is not stopped.

Vdovin tangled in testimony

After the withdrawal of the license in M2M, Andrei Vdovin became confused in the testimony (well, all his quotations are stored in the media). More recently, the press service of the ATB said that ATB credited M2M only 2.5 billion rubles. But Vdovin had to admit that the figure is much more -. 6.5 billion From the banking practices such obligation is not met in the first place. And the chance to get them back, virtually none. But Vdovin on Friday said he hoped to do so. How? Good question. After personally Vdovina almost no money.

It is possible to speak because Vdovin suddenly decided not to return 204 million rubles, which he had taken on credit from Baykalbanka. Or because the oligarch Roman Abramovich has decided to sue the Vdovina (a claim is registered in Cyprus). The fact that Abramovich (or rather its structure Millhouse) gave Vdovin loan by $ 150 million to purchase shares of "ABC of Taste". And now Vdovin can not give credit. However, bankrupt, of course, can not be called Vdovina - all this time banker to transfer money to their foreign accounts. He does not hide that he bought a house in London, and in any unpleasant situation, he could easily leave. And live in the funds derived from the Russian.

Behavior Vdovina clear: everyone wants to capitalize if it is allowed. Question one - why the Bank of Russia, which sees the banker activity leads to the ruin of the bank (and its customers), and it can cause serious benefit from the fund DIA - why knob so the bankers are still engaged in banking activities? The answer is only one - perhaps the central bank is advantageous to shield such bankers. Now the central bank has decided to centralize the supervision of banks - Olga Polyakova concentrate in their hands the surveillance of all Russian banks. Will it work? Time will tell. But the main thing - the Central Bank leadership no criminal liability for their actions. Therefore, the bankers are thriving such as Andrei Vdovin.