Alexey Kuznetsov will spend six years and pay billions

The Basmanny District Court of the former First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of the Moscow Region, issued from France at the beginning of the year, sentenced to 14 years in prison and paid more than 13.6 billion rubles.
The defense insisted that the statute of limitations had expired on most of the episodes charged against him. The court did not agree with this, however, since the ex-official counted out the time spent under arrest in Russia and abroad, he had only six years to stay.

Judge Irina Vysheva did not fully announce the verdict, limiting herself to the introductory and resolute parts. She found Aleksey Kuznetsov guilty of all the crimes that the Investigative Committee charged him with: ten episodes of fraud on a particularly large scale (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code), nine launders (legalizations) of the kidnapped (part 3 of article 174 of the Criminal Code), and also in three especially large embezzles (part 4 of article 160 of the Criminal Code). At the same time, the judge noted that for nine frauds (in the housing and utilities sector with a loss of 3.613 billion rubles), Mr. Kuznetsov was appointed six years in prison, and for another, related to the theft of 7 billion rubles. the Moscow Region Mosobltrastinvest company allocated by the Moscow Region Government for the construction of a shopping center has six years and seven months. All laundering of the stolen, and the money was withdrawn abroad, where they invested in real estate, in particular in the purchase of hotels in the Alps, was evaluated by judge Vyrysheva at four years. For embezzlement, she appointed the former deputy prime minister for another six years and six months. At the same time, the judge noted that for each crime, Mr. Kuznetsov is deprived of the right to occupy leadership positions in the state and municipal services for two years.

Having partially completed the terms, Mrs. Vyrysheva appointed Alexey Kuznetsov 14 years of general regime with a ban on work for three years. Note that the state prosecution requested so much for the official, who also offered to fine Mr. Kuznetsov for 1 million rubles. The judge did not impose penalties on him, and deducted from the final term the years and months spent by the accused in anticipation of extradition from France to Russia, to the SIZO, as well as those who had been left in prison after being extradited to their homeland (based on one year in custody for one and a half colony). The term of house arrest in France was also set off in the sentence.

As a result, according to the calculations of the defense, he had only six years and three months to serve.

In addition, the court granted the claims of the victims, filed with the former deputy prime minister. Their amount was clearly unbearable for the accused 13 billion 660 million rubles. However, the property, objects of art and antiques seized as part of the investigation will go to repay the damage.

When the judge asked Mr. Kuznetsov if the sentence was clear to him, he nodded his head, barely audibly saying “yes”.

The defense of Mr. Kuznetsov, who initially admitted his guilt and even tried to get the court in a special order, is going to appeal the court decision. Lawyers believe that the punishment should not be so severe, since the statute of limitations has already expired in a significant proportion of the episodes charged with guilt for Mr. Kuznetsov. The investigation and the court considered that it was being suspended, since Mr. Kuznetsov was wanted.

Note that the accomplices of the thefts, including Valery Nosov, the former deputy of Mr. Kuznetsov, are serving a 16-year sentence for the same crimes, and the former wife of Deputy Prime Minister Zhanna Bulakh (Bullock) received 11 years in absentia after the USA refused to extradite her, whose citizenship she has. In total, of the participants in the criminal group led by Mr. Kuznetsov, six people were previously sentenced to various terms.