Russian space and bad premonition

The Russian Khrunichev Space Center will be headed by Alexey Varochko, Ph.D., with a thesis cooked up in the Belgian "scam diploma factory".
If deputies with doctoral degrees, bought in the underground passage under Kievsky station, sit in the State Duma, this is worthy of laughter, but nothing more. However, in a situation, which will be discussed below, is no longer a joke. When there was information about the appointment of the supposedly Doctor of Economic Sciences Alexei Varochko as general director of the Center. Khrunichev, Ph.D. got to the RSL and found there a catalog card in his name, in which the work was written: The essence of the mortgage, budget and investment in the rise of the new economy: a brief scientific report for the degree of Grand Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). - M .: Brussels, 2004. - 35 p.

A mortgage specialist at the head of one of the key space enterprises? So be it.

Doctoral in Economics on 35 pages? It's funny, but some famous dissertations in mathematics were even shorter. However, it is noteworthy that the organization that issued this "degree" ("New" wrote about these Brussels degrees of "Grand Doctor of Philosophy").

They are awarded by the so-called "World Information and Distributed University" in Brussels (which, apparently, should be renamed to New Vasyuki within this column). Victims of Belgian crooks were at least 50 Russian officials, deputies and individuals. How did we know? On the unsuccessful for AG. Varochko and other customers of this factory to the confluence of destinies, the Brussels shop that issued these "degrees", tried too much to simulate the activities of this VAK by sending abstracts and full texts of works to the RSL. Apparently, according to the covenant of Peter the Great - "that everyone's stupidity was visible".

What kind of office this "World Information and Distributed University" - it was clear about 10 years ago. "Un moulin a diplomes" (mill of diplomas) - this is how it is characterized by the publication of January 31, 2008 in the Belgian "La Libre".

"University" (the same as the "European Academy of Informatization"), this one has no sign of registration as an educational institution in Belgium and awards non-existent academic degrees. I was in charge of this sharashka by a certain Eduard Evreinov. "New" wrote about him in № 134 from November 26, 2012. I will quote this publication of Alexander Mineev:

"The founders ... indicate that the academy" was established ... by the decree of the King of the Belgians Albert II ". In fact, everything is simpler. With the help of a local lawyer, the founders of the academy received for her the status of a legal entity in Belgium. To do this, it is enough to compose a charter with good goals ... to apply to the administration ... and wait for publication in the official bulletin of Moniteur Belge. The entire page of the ballot is formally signed by the king. European Academy, as well as other ASBL (societies without profit goals), they sent an extract signed by the adviser to the Ministry of Justice. Its something "academicians" and represent as a special royal decree. "

We decided to check this information - getting a doctor's candy wrapper in the next "New Vasyukinsky Intergalactic Academy of Sciences" was a strange man in this post - and sent a request to the center. Khrunichev:

    Does the information correspond to the fact that A.G. Varochko received the degree of the "World Information and Distributed University in Brussels"?
    Does the information correspond to the fact that A.G. Varochko there are no other academic degrees?
    Are there documents on the degree of A.G. Varochko in the personnel department, other competent departments of the Center. Khrunichev?
    Does A.G. Varochko extra charge for his academic degree, other tangible and intangible benefits due to his academic degree?

This request was answered:

"The scientific degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences was awarded to" ANO VAKK "(January 29, 2004), a copy of the diploma is in the department for personnel management of the enterprise; other academic degrees. Varochko does not currently have. The contract does not provide extra charges and other advantages for academic degrees. "

So, the press service of the Center. Khrunicheva in her official reply confirmed to us that the doctor's of their boss has the same price as the doctor's sausage wrapper. Thank you for your honesty, colleagues! "World Information and Distributed University", in which the "dissertational" work of A.G. Varochko, like ANO VAKK (not to be confused with VAK), "awarded" him a Ph.D., are Russian autonomous non-profit organizations established in Moscow in 2002 and liquidated in 2012.

Both organizations are registered at the same address, the three founders of both organizations are the same individuals. "ANO WAKK" has the same right to award academic degrees, as well as the "ANO Society for the Protection of Animals". In the Russian Federation, degrees are awarded by the state in the person of the VAK. The same VAK recognizes some academic degrees obtained in other states, and issues an appropriate official document about it. How and why vigilant personnel of the regime enterprise took a bottle of diploma of a private bench, remains a mystery. The managerial qualification of a person who is ready to acquire such a false "academic degree" speaks for itself.

The appointment of an outstanding scientist to the head of the Khrunichev Center is likely to strengthen the Pacific underwater group of artificial Earth satellites.