What is owned by the Gadzhiyev brothers

The vegetable warehouse in Biryulyovo, the right to close which is contested by the Investigative Committee, Rospotrebnadzor and the Moscow government, is not the only asset of the Gadzhiyev brothers. They have a lots of assets: farms, and a bank, and a security agency.
All tenants Pokrovskaya vegetable base in Biryulyovo were yesterday notified that within two days must leave the territory with the property, though on Monday, local officials claimed that the company will continue to work, told "Vedomosti" business owner "Jay service" shopping area, Maxim Sayapin which leases here. The reasons for the closure of the tenants are not reported.

Rospotrebnadzor sent to the court documents to close the base because of health disorders, he said yesterday "Interfax" the chief state sanitary doctor Gennady Onishchenko. According to him, the court held today.

City Property Department has already prepared the materials for the termination of the lease the two sites, which are located on the base, even five is a check, told "Vedomosti" representative of the department. Area sites and grounds for termination of the contract he did not name, but said that the operator Intercession ovoschebazah - ZAO "Novye Cheryomushki" is not only leased, but also their own land - 20 sites covering nearly 20 hectares. The company itself "New Bremushki "in the Report indicates that its vegetable base covers more than 35 hectares.

Calculations of "Vedomosti", based on data Rosreestra give more modest figures: ZAO "Novye Cheryomushki" owns at Stupinskiy passage, 1, plots with a total area of ​​at least 14 hectares and non-residential buildings with a total area of ​​at least 109 thousand square meters. m.

Sayapin evaluates daily basis turnover of 70 million rubles. - About 20% of the total turnover of fruits and vegetables in the Moscow region. Revenue that "Novye Cheryomushki" shown in the financial statements in 2012 amounted to 1 billion rubles, net profit -. 490 million rubles.

In the mayor's office convinced that the closure of the base in the capital market will not be affected. In 14 major vegetable bases in Moscow, comparable in size with the Intercession, selected free areas and tenants are to move from Biryuleva, said the head of the department of trade and services Alexey Nemeryuk. Now the authorities are "redirected logistics flows." While the prefecture of Southern district picked up two sites, which redirect the trucks have already left the regions on the base of Intercession: Swipe up to 500 trucksstyat Melitopol on the street, 5, and up to 400 - in 5108 projected Travel, Nemeryuk said.

Honorary President of the "New Cheryomushki" Magomed Tolboev (test pilot, Hero of Russia) promises to challenge any decision of the authorities to close the base. "We have worked for so many years, there was no claim from the RTN nor Onishchenko. And then one tramp killed a man - and all were claims. We are here to do with it? "- Resents Tolboev. He says he will seek then close all markets in Moscow. "All workers are working, and all in the same position. We are suffering from the illegal ", - he said, adding that employers are not allowed to check the real registration in the visitor or purchased.

According Tolboeva, "Novye Cheryomushki" is not just ovoschebazah, as a holding company. In the suburbs it has 5,000 hectares of land on which grow to 10 000 tonnes of vegetables a year, 5,000 cows and 3,000 sheep and goats. According to SPARC, "New Cheryomushki" belongs to the wholesale fruit and vegetable complex "Zelenograd" (revenues in 2012 - 192 million rubles from the rent and another 260 million rubles -.. Have the same name by the trading company), two agrofrmy Ozersk district near Moscow - "Sosnovka" and "Emelyanovka", they are engaged in the production of potatoes, onions, beets, milk, etc. (revenue "EMELYANOVKA", in 2012 -. 282 million rubles, "Sosnovka." - RUR 243 million )..

The owners of the "New Cheryomushki" - natives of Dagestan brothers Aliaskhab Hajiyev (29.46%) and Igor Isayev (64%, data of the company for the year 2008). Isayev previously named Ibrahim Hajiyev, he, like Forbes said yesterday, changed his name after he went out of trouble with the police.

Brothers do not only vegetables and goats.

Even in 2010 Isaev owned two wineries Moscow - Moscow Plant of Sparkling Wines (MKSHV, 65.5% of the shares) and RISP (in which 52% - in MKSHV, and another 15% - in Isayeva). In September 2013, in the list of affiliated persons MKSHV no Isayev, the company has opened only four owners with a total share of about 23%, including partner business Dagestan Magomed Talaev (2.8%). Revenue MKSHV in 2012 - 2.56 billion rubles, RISP -. 467 million rubles. Even in Isayev has agrofirma "Kalausskaya" in the Stavropol region, to grow grapes, and a third security"Concord" gentstva.

The brothers and the financial sector: Isaev Hajiyev and own a small bank RBA (share - 77.9 and 11.1%, respectively). For the main indicators of the bank is in fifth hundred in Russia. This year, he moved the head office from Rostov to Moscow. Analyst "BKF Bank" Maxim Osadchy says "surprisingly modest" turnover on hand RBA Bank (account 20202 form 101), which in August, for example, amounted to only 1.2 billion rubles. Bank assets at 3.7 billion rubles. (September 1). "This is not the turnover that can be expected from the bank servicing Biruliovsky vegetable base, comparable in scale to" Cherkizon ", with its huge cash flows," - said the expert.

Get the RBA comments, Isayeva and Hajiyev failed.