Aeroflot went into nosedive

Due to its top management, Russia's largest airline can go broke. 
Savelovsky Court of Moscow is planning to question the Deputy Transport Minister Valery Okulov in a criminal case on the theft of the airline nearly 123 million dollars in the second half of the 1990s. Defendants in the case of fraud on a large scale runs the former deputy general director of "Aeroflot" Nikolay Glushkov. According to investigators, from April 1996 to April 1999, he made a fraudulent embezzlement of 122.654 million dollars of assets of the airline.

The trial against Glushkov held in absentia because he left a long time ago, the Russian Federation and, according to some, living in the UK.
The largest airline has long been mired in financial and corruption scandals, which is at the center of its top management.

Scandal international flight?

A year ago, "Aeroflot" management has become a party of loud international scandal, told The Moscow Post in the Federal Air Transport Agency. After all, the US leasing company ILFC wants to take away the "daughter" of "Aeroflot", "Vladivostok Avia" is more floorsus aircraft. This could lead to the disruption of air traffic throughout the Far East. It is no secret that the work of "Aeroflot" (as well as its constituent subsidiaries) have long been dissatisfied with many foreign companies, cooperating with the Russian aviagigantom. However, not all of them were resolved in the legal battle with the "Aeroflot".

That's just the American leasing company International Lease Finance Corp. (ILFC), which provided aircraft for the "daughter" of "Aeroflot", "Vladivostok Avia", broke down and demanded to take away "Vladivostok Avia" more than half of the aircraft that will stop airline flights. Specifically, International Lease Finance Corp. Demand from "Vladivostok Avia" to stop the use of three aircraft Airbus-320 and two Airbus-330. This is due to the fact that until 26 December "Vladivostok Avia" was not able to return ILFC is long in the amount of $ 5 million.

Curiously, earlier ILFC tried to solve the question of the world, but "daughter Aeroflot" ignored all Americans claim. As a result, ILFC has addressed in court and expelled
a note to the general director of "Vlaivostok Air "Dmitry Tyschuk, as well as in the" Aeroflot ". In the end, these aircraft have been the subject of legal proceedings. Moreover, soon "Vladivostok Avia" may lose three Yak-40, which are not equipped with the system, warning dangerous proximity to the ground. All this will lead to the fact that "the daughter of Aeroflot" in general remain without aircraft, and Far Eastern air traffic will be disrupted.

His is not a pity?

At the top managers of "Aeroflot" has a much more important task. For example, an increase in the premium for the members of the Board of Directors. Before you blow a second wave of economic crisis, the top managers of the Russian aviagiganta achieved that now each of the members of the Board of Directors for the year will receive, on average, up to 3,8-5 million rubles. "Premium". Thus, the members of "Aeroflot" Board of Directors and top managers continue to "milk" aviagiganta, in fact, the withdrawal of the budget money, as 51.17% of shares of JSC "Aeroflot" belongs to the state represented by the Federal Agency for State Management property.

And on this background top-managers of "Aeroflot", "lazy" to allocate at least $ 5 million. for "Vladivostok Avia" to pay debts to the International Lease Finance Corp. Moreover, it is unclear who is in his pocket went to these fabulous prizes, as in the consolidated financial statements of OJSC "Aeroflot" IFRS do not reveal the exact number of employees to which this fee is necessary. It is also unclear why the background of falling demand for air travel and flights because of a new financial crisis, "Aeroflot" management decided to increase personnel costs by 32% (from 250.4 million dollars to 330.5 million US dollars).

However, that data that "Aeroflot" has increased by one third the number of their employees, have been reported. Where went the difference in the size of $ 80.1 million -. A rhetorical question!
By the way, Mr. Savelyev activity has repeatedly been criticized by the other shareholders of "Aeroflot". So, for example, damage from financing activities was dealt the National Reserve Corporation (NRC), Alexander Lebedev, who controls about 30% of the shares aviagiganta.

After all, the revaluation of securities of & laquo; Aeroflot "has become one of the reasons why the loss of the National Reserve Bank (NRB), included in the NRC, in the first nine months amounted to more than 1.9 billion rubles. Of course, Mr. Lebedev was extremely dissatisfied Savelyev activity as general director of "Aeroflot". In late 2010, the resignation of Vitaly Saveliev has demanded member of "Aeroflot" Board of Directors Sergey Aleksashenko, director general aviagiganta accused that he has hidden a number of financial data. The request for resignation Savelyev Aleksashenko appealed to the Minister of Transport Igor Levitin and deputy head of the Ministry of Economy Alexander Levitsky.

By the way, this is not the only financial scandal involving Mr. Savelyev. After all, he is actually engaged in misuse of budgetary funds "Aeroflot", which are used to finance the private football club CSKA, for which he is ill Saveliev. Note that these targets general director of "Aeroflot" has spent more than $ 5 million. Although CSKA nothing to do with "Aeroflot" has not.

Saveliev - this is not the only top manager "Aerolot ", involved in major financial scandals. It is no less tarnished reputation is Vadim Zingman, who previously was a colleague of the current head of the airline is still at work in the Ministry of Economic Development. Then Zingman Savelyev together and continued to work in the AFC "System", where Vadim Y. was the director of the department for relations with public authorities, and Vitaly - the first vice-president.

So, now Zingman became Deputy General Director of "Aeroflot" to work with clients. This may also cause the inspection of certain claims of the Prosecutor General, as Putin has promised to check on the state company "affiliation". A Savelyev and Zingman considered affiliated with the owner of AFK "Sistema" Yevtushenkov. However, it is worth noting that Vadim Y. and Vitaly had a long experience in the St. Petersburg banks in the period of the "dashing 90".
So, Zingman at the time was the manager of the Northwest regional center "Inkombanka", the most liquid assets which after bankruptcy was deduceenes in a number of controlled Vadim Yakovlevich firms. In this case, we are talking about "Lenenergo" shares, BMP, Baltoneximbank, FGR, MMP.

Moreover, Zingman was also a wonderful "specialist conclusion currency". Also in the media wrote that Zingman brought 4 million. Dollars from SZRTS "Inkombanka" the Committee of Economy and Finance of the city and firms controlled by Yuri Rydnik. A patron Zingman in St. Petersburg was considered none other than the then Deputy Prime Minister of the Government Ilya Klebanov, who later became ambassador for the Northwestern Federal District. So, in fact, the withdrawal of assets from SZRTS "Inkombanka" Mr. Zingmanom conducted in the presence of a serious "political roof".

"Pilot" judgment seat?

Capital City Court quashed the former trade union leaders of "Aeroflot" pilots who were accused of extortion. As it turned out, the Criminal Procedure Code norms were violated during the process. BelTA The Moscow Post the prosecutor's office. The Moscow City Court decided to cancel the sentence of the former executive director of the union Sheremet'yevskiy aircrew (SHPLS) Alexeylyapnikovu, vice-president of the trade union Valery Pimoshenko and former pilots of "Aeroflot" Sergei Knyshova.
In March 2015 they were sentenced for extortion of 30 million rubles from the flight director of "Aeroflot". The defendants then received five and a half to six and a half years in prison.

The case is still it seemed doubtful. But with the identified violations of the Criminal Procedure Code, it may be fabricated. In particular, the protection of trade union leaders point to the fact that one of the most important evidence of the state prosecution had accused record telephone conversations with the flight director of "Aeroflot" Igor Chalikov, as well as among themselves. In the process of not only heard the records themselves, but even not announced their printout - prosecutor only referred to them! Moreover, in the court records are missing many important questions asked by the parties to the witnesses, and the answers to them. The Court of First Instance did not examine some evidence presented by the defense, and unjustifiably dismissed some claims lawyers!

The judges took the version of "Aeroflot", cozasno which Shlyapnikov Alexey and Valery Pimoshenko offered leadership "Aeroflot" help in reducing the costs of payments to pilots and threatened disclosure of compromising information about the airline. In exchange, the Hatters and Pimoshenko demanded 100 million rubles. In the course of the "dialogue" with the "Aeroflot" the sum was reduced to 30 million rubles. The criminal case was investigated by the article about the attempted theft of property by fraud on a large scale.

"Hopefully, with the new examination of the case the court will avoid the abuses that were committed in the first trial. In this case, we will have reason to hope for an acquittal ", - the defender Alexey Makarov Mikhail Shlyapnikov said.

In mid-2013, representatives of the Moscow City Court SHPLS achieved recognition of the rule of law in Moscow, pledged to "Aeroflot" the decision of the state labor inspectorate to pay all employees flight crew of more than 1 billion rubles. for the work in 2011-2012 at night, and in particularly hazardous conditions. According to investigators, gentlemen Hatters and Pimoshenko from August 2013 began prelag the flight director of JSC "Aeroflot" Igor Chalikov reduce payments.

It was about "saving" 400 million rubles., For which, according to the case, asked the negotiators themselves as the rollback of 100 million rubles. Mr. Chalikov said this in PBS, after which all his negotiations with the trade union leaders have already passed under the control of operatives. According to another version, the aim of the leaders of "Aeroflot" was to neutralize trade union organization, and instead of the Russian professional pilots to hire cheap foreign pilots (probably from Asia). A July 15, 2014 the head of the airline Vitaly Savelyev even declared that "Aeroflot" ready to hire 26 foreign pilots to work. Incidentally, in the trade union movement is the main organizer of Savelyev believe (or rather, "customer" of the criminal case against the leaders SHPLS).

By the way, according to representatives of SHPLS in August 2013. Deputy General Director of "Aeroflot" Igor Chalikov proposed executive director Alexei SHPLS Shlyapnikov "friends" - namely, to conclude a collective agreement.


& laquo; Aeroflot ", according to experts, is one of the most corrupt Russian airlines, general director Vitaly Savelyev corruption component increased due to the" temporary closure of information "for advice. almost any corruption schemes can be carried out during this period and as partners to choose their friends, as it was with Tina Kandelaki, received without a tender for 64 million rubles contract.

Top management at "Aeroflot" too corrupt: that is only the recent case of Andrei Kalmykov, who, according to the investigation, concluded contracts for the carriage of passengers, provided distinct advantages with its affiliated companies close relatives.

Full "span"

"Aeroflot" may soon become bankrupt. The reason - the transition to the "Aeroflot" private airline "Transaero" with debts 260 billion rubles. Experts point out that in the budget there is no money to spare, and "Aeroflot" has a net profit of only 240 million rubles. Debts "Transaero" may bring to the liquidation of the state company. It is only on loan servicingin will spend 9-10 billion a year.

In the pre-crisis years, when the net profit of "Aeroflot" was, on average, 8-9 billion rudder, he could not cope with the maintenance of "Transaero" debt, respectively, it is foolish to think that "Aeroflot" to do the task now is not to give and 300 million rubles a year. It will be recalled that in December last year, the company "Transaero" appealed to the government for help, citing the possible failure of the Christmas flight program. But in May of this year, "Transaero", ending the year with a loss (14 billion rubles), and debts, "increased" in value by 30 times (to 61.2 billion rubles.) - Due to revaluation reserve capital "Transaero" has become positive. After that, the federal government has "pumped" aviation business "Transaero" budget money.

As a result, VTB has provided the airline "Transaero" a loan of 9 billion rubles under the state guarantee. But this year, banks began to resent - the debts amounted to 260 billion rubles. Currently, the Russian socio-economic crisis - the federal budget deficit in Septemberthis year, almost a trillion rubles. In this situation, active fighters against corruption. Further investigation of the affairs of the union "Aeroflot" may reveal violations of airline managers and bring them back to a single prosecution.