Roman Abramovich is suspected of participating in the FIFA scandal

Abramovich's football school is suspected of deliberately destroying evidence.
Origin source
In the corruption scandal in FIFA may be implicated Russian billionaire and owner of the English football club Chelsea Roman Abramovich.

This was reported by the British edition of the Telegraph with reference to the 39-page report of the former head of the investigation chamber of the Ethics Committee of FIFA, Michael Garcia.

The organizing committee "Russia-2018", which undertook the preparation of an application from Russia for the holding of the World Cup, used computers leased from the Football Academy. Konopleva - which is owned by Roman Abramovich.

During the investigation, computers were seized, but only a very small part of the data was obtained from them. Most of the information was destroyed immediately upon the return of computers to the academy.

The report says that there are no assumptions that Abramovich personally sanctioned their destruction, but his direct connection with the organization, allegedly involved in the disappearance of potentially important information, can nevertheless become a "source of embarrassment" for the owner of Chelsea.

Corruption scandal in the International Football Federation began in the spring of 2015. A number of FIFA functionaries were accused of money laundering, bribery and financial crimes in the distribution of places for holding world championships in Russia in 2018 and Qatar in 2022.