Putin didn't help Master Bank

Master Bank's passion for doubtful operations cost it its license, the Deposit Insurance Agency — the record amount of 30 billion rubles to pay to the depositors, and those who obtain cash —  increased rates.
The central bank yesterday revoked the license of Master-Bank. This is not a very large bank with assets of 75.2 billion rubles. (72 th place) was one of the leading retail banks in the Moscow region: more than half of the money - 47.4 billion rubles. - He attracted from investors, its ATM network - the third in the country, Master card, Bank enjoyed more than 3 million people, it allows you to receive cards in many outlets (by acquiring turnover in 2012 exceeded 37 billion rubles.).

But not only because of the collapse of the Master Bank has caused a great resonance. Law enforcement authorities and the bankers called it one of the largest market players cashing. Now the channel is blocked.

Case "Masters' fears

Master-Bank "has been involved in conducting large-scale suspicious transactions", said the Central Bank, it was one of the reasons for revocation of the license. For the market it was not secret.

"Why did the Central Bank only now discovered it? He and Rosfinnadzor have all the necessary tools to determine this is the maximum for a month or two "- outraged vice president of RSPP Victor Pleskachevsky. Most professionalsaccording to his assurances, it was obvious that the bank sooner or later, under pressure from the regulator or the creditors had to "lie down".

Last spring, the Interior Ministry suspected of two former employees of the Bank Master in cashing of 2 billion rubles. and urged the Central Bank to check the Master Bank, but no answer came.

In July, security forces announced that they have uncovered an underground group of bankers who cashed 36 billion rubles for five years. The organizer of the investigation said Sergei Magina, told "Vedomosti" two sources in law enforcement bodies and a banker. On the involvement in the case and checked the Master-Bank: The investigators drew attention owned bank to the armored car carrying a group of the cashed money, other interlocutors noted "Vedomosti".

Bank in a cousin of the president of Russia which was part of the Board of Directors Igor Putin managed to repel all attacks. In autumn 2010, Putin became the vice-president of Master-Bank, but at the end of the year left the bank. In March 2011, he returned to the Board of Directors and according to the information on the bank's website is still in its structure until now.

Master-Bank was one of the largest and nWhen this cheap washout areas, says "Vedomosti" employee of the company has ceased to be a client of Master Bank three days ago. Now cashing rates rose sharply, says the man, providing such services, if earlier it was possible to find an option for 5%, it is now cheaper to 7% of nothing.

"We knew that he was in a dense development of law enforcement after year history of the armored car with unaccounted money - says former client Master Bank. - A little while ago we were told that we should immediately withdraw from the bank account by the end of the year it will not. "

New record

Ready for it, and the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA). A few weeks ago it was reported that DIA has accumulated the necessary amount of payments under the Master-Bank, told the treasurer of a small Moscow bank, many have closed the limits on the interbank market, although public scandals with the security forces already have reduced them to a minimum.

Investors Master-Bank will not return the money. DIA assesses the pre-payment amount of 30 billion rubles. 47.4 billion of funds of natural persons. ACB promised until 4 December to begin payments, and they are 1.5 times higher than the recent anti-record: the depositors of the bank "Pushkino" DIA will pay 20 billion rubles.

new broom

Tightening the position of the Central Bank for banks, such "masters", according Pleskachevsky, it may be associated with the arrival to the presidency of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina.

The situation has evolved so that the Central Bank was forced to apply the extreme measure of exposure, she said, speaking yesterday in the Duma.

The Master-Bank was checked, but for the revocation of the license of the Central Bank management did not wait for its completion, said a person close to the regulator.

In August, the bank received a Master Central Bank regulations assessed additional 336.7 million rubles. reserves and 9 August regulator has limited the Bank's authorized activities for six months. But the bank has challenged this decision in court.

Capital Master Bank -. A little more than 9 billion rubles, but the first deputy chairman Mikhail Sukhov said "Russia 24", the bank's assets is less than its liabilities, at least 2 billion, at least 20 billion granted to companies and individuals associated with. owners. Bank credited the shareholders that the CNIzilo capital to a negative level - is, according to the Central Bank, the second reason for withdrawal of the license.

Predpravleniya Bank controls the Baker family of Boris.

New issues

Since yesterday, every fourth bank in the country, problems with bank cards. In reporting "wizard" indicated that his partners in the card business to the end of 2012, there were 270 banks. They released 3 million cards, of which 167,500 salary. Processing center Master-Bank serves about 150 banks, has specified the Association of Russian Banks. At points where it stood terminals, pay card was impossible yesterday.

Master-Bank was the sponsor of Visa and MasterCard in more than a hundred banks. Affected by the collapse of the bank can and outlets: they risk not get revenue, which accounts for those customers who paid off cards Master-Bank.

Sberbank offered to take over the processing of the Master-Bank. Central Bank, according to Sukhov, has supported this idea.