Leonid Teif bribed Russian officials to stop his American business

An investigation into the activities of Tayf, who in the United States is suspected of receiving kickbacks of $ 150 million and money laundering, was conducted in Russia. To stop a criminal case, a man gave bribes to Russian officials, the AP learned.
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The former deputy general director of Voentorg OJSC (established by the Ministry of Defense) Leonid Teif, who in the US is suspected of money laundering, deception of immigration authorities, fraud and kickbacks, gave bribes to Russian officials to thwart the investigation against him at home. This is with reference to unnamed sources reports the Associated Press (AP). The corresponding statement, according to their data, was made by American prosecutors.

Currently, Teyf is in prison in the United States. There he is accused of illegally laundering millions of dollars in local banks and plotting to kill a man suspected of having links with his wife. A Russian was placed in custody last December.

The scheme for obtaining the former deputy head of Voentorg kickbacks was also investigated in Russia, the agency notes. The Russian, as it turned out in the United States, "bribed Russian officials to stop this business." The American prosecutors were told about this by “confidential informants”.

The Russian authorities, according to their data, suspected Teyf of withdrawing approximately $ 39 million from the country to US bank accounts in 2010 and the creation of money-laundering companies in America.

Such accusations against the Russians are now being put forward in the States. Between 2010 and 2012, Teif, according to US federal prosecutors, was involved in corrupt activities. The case file indicates that it was he who found the contractors to fulfill the orders of the Russian Ministry of Defense and, before concluding the contract, demanded that they agree to transfer part of the money received from the department to him and his accomplices. In total, US law enforcement officials believe Tayf received kickbacks of $ 150 million. According to the materials of the case, he deducted these funds from Russia through foreign accounts.

Lawyers for Tayf, commenting on this, stated that the charges against their client are based on dubious legal theories. Referring to chronic health problems of a 57-year-old Russian, they asked to be released from custody. However, the arguments of the local prosecutor's office that Teif could escape if he was released, helped convince the North Carolina federal judge to leave Teif under arrest.

If the former deputy head of "Voentorg" is found guilty of bribery, illegal firearms and the organization of murder for hire, he faces up to 20 years in prison, writes AP. The next court session, at which the Teif case will be considered, should be held in April.

"Tayf works in secret, he has people who will carry out his orders, he has a family, property in many foreign countries and a lot of funds that he used to bribe foreign officials," AP interlocutors quoted the prosecutors quoting. The Russian, in their opinion, is also "able to influence law enforcement in Russia."

In addition, according to employees of the US oversight agency, Teif is involved in a story with threats of violence. In particular, he asked a certain person to "take care of or send to the hospital a certain employee suspected of theft and another person to whom Teyf owed money," writes AP referring to prosecutors. Also, a Russian, according to their version, was planning the murder of his former housemaid's son, who was suspected of having links with his wife. In the end, the killer Teif supplied with firearms, but the murder did not take place, the AP interlocutors say.

Before his arrest, the deputy director of Voentorg lived in the capital of North Carolina, the city of Raleigh. The cost of his mansion in December last year was estimated at $ 5 million.