Alexander Dyukov can easily outshine Mutko

What secrets hides the past of the future president of the Russian Football Union, Alexander Dyukov.
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In the last decade, 51-year-old Alexander Dyukov has been associated with Gazprom Neft and the St. Petersburg football club Zenit. February 22, he will become the head of all Russian football. And in St. Petersburg they still remember that Dyukov, who held leading posts in the seaport of the city and in the Petersburg Oil Terminal CJSC.


Where is the confidence that, on the eve of the men's holiday, Alexander Dyukov will become the president of the Russian Football Union (RFU)? Everything is simple here - Alexander Valerievich is the only candidate for this post. However, if a nominal rival had appeared, this is unlikely to change anything. Dyukova was supported by all football heavyweights - Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of the State Duma Valery Gazzayev, President of the Russian Premier League Sergey Pryadkin, President of PFC CSKA Evgeny Giner, President of Spartak Leonid Fedun, President of Krasnodar Sergey Galitsky. Due to the fact that there is only one candidate for the kingdom in Russian football, it was not possible to get acquainted with any Dyukov program. According to his previous statements, it can be understood that he is against the limit on foreign players in the Premier League (now no more than 6 foreigners can enter the field on the same team), but he expressed this opinion as a club official. Now he will have to go to the state rail. The same Vitaly Mutko, the president of the RFU in 2005-2009 and 2015-2018, was a consistent supporter of the limit.

In general, big football appeared in the life and career of Alexander Dyukov in 2008, when he, through Gazprom, became president of FC Zenit, without dismissing the management of Gazprom Neft. It should be noted that, under Dyukov, the St. Petersburg club achieved the highest successes in its history - it won three gold at the Russian Championship, the Cup of Russia, the UEFA Cup and the European Super Cup. In addition, under Dyukov, Zenit made record transfers for Russia in 2013 — he bought the Brazilian Hulk and the Belgian Witsel at once for 100 million euros! It is unlikely that in the foreseeable future, given the economic situation in Russia, we can count on such luxurious purchases by domestic clubs.

Alexander Dyukov remained the president of Zenit until 2017, and now he is still the chairman of the club’s board of directors. However, operational management is already on other people.

Supercar career

Now Alexander Valerievich is a public man, and soon he will become even more public. In the 1990s and early 2000s, he was also known, but only in certain circles, as they say.

Career native Leningrad developed rapidly and vertically. He graduated from Shipbuilding - Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute. Then he rose to the Sovex JV from ordinary engineer to deputy general director. In 1996, Dyukov joined the Petersburg Oil Terminal for the position of Director of Finance, and soon became the company's General Director. And in 1998, a talented manager already occupies the position of director for economic issues in the open joint-stock company “Sea Port of St. Petersburg”, and soon again becomes the CEO of this enterprise. It is curious that for some time Alexey Miller, the current head of PJSC Gazprom, was his subordinate.

Next in the service list of Dyukov will be the petrochemical company Sibur and, finally, the JSC (now PJSC) Gazprom Neft, which he has been heading from 2006 to this day as General Director. However, we’ll dwell on the work of Alexander Valerievich in the Petersburg Oil Terminal and the Seaport, because these companies, which is not a secret for many in St. Petersburg, were tightly “watchdoged” by the “shadow owners” of the city. Those times just left some spots on the professional biography of Dyukov.


After the collapse of the USSR, the main ports on the Baltic remained in the Baltic States, and therefore in St. Petersburg they reconstructed and expanded the existing Sea Port. In addition, a large-scale oil terminal was created at the port, called the Golden Gate. In 1996, CJSC Petersburg Oil Terminal was chosen as the operator for the project. The St. Petersburg Fuel Company (PTK), which, according to some sources, was controlled by Vladimir Barsukov (Kumarin), the leader of the Tambov criminal community, could be connected with the terminal. Although there is an opposite opinion. In the 1990s, the port and the terminal were subject to clashes between criminal gangs. Barsukov himself, in fact, was arrested in 2007 and is now serving a sentence for the assassination attempt on the owner of Petersburg Oil Terminal CJSC Sergey Vasilyev, which happened in 2006. Recall that at this time Alexander Dyukov is directly related to the seaport and the oil terminal, which is located on its territory.

The correspondent of "Our version" managed to talk with an employee who at the beginning of the 2000s worked "under Dyukov" in the port and terminal: . He is a talented financier. As for the interaction with the "fraternity", and then there was no way out for him, Alexander Valerievich acted only on the basis of documents, without any agreements "under the table." There is a clear opinion that issues of a global nature in this regard were decided by completely different people: there was a time when the port tried to capture various groups almost every month. But in terms of raiding it was impossible to do this, because Dyukov scrupulously followed all the documents, the “absorption” was simply not technically implemented. And the fact that they are now writing on the Internet that Dyukov was allegedly on a short foot with Tambov’s, or he knew Gennady Petrov well, who was later arrested in Spain, that’s not true. I had to communicate, but on purely business matters. ”

Indeed, “on the Internet” it is easy to find articles about Alexander Dyukov’s difficult connections, but they are published in the blog mode, which automatically casts doubt on their sources. The real media, which analyzed the activities of the Sea Port and the oil terminal, did not confirm this information with publications. Also, never have claims to Dyukov and law enforcement agencies.


In general, Alexander Dyukov does not like publicity too much. As president of Zenit, I rarely gave interviews, and such very streamlined, dryish ones. However, in an instant, Alexander V. burst into the gossip. In 2011, the famous socialite, the owner of a network of fitness centers, Olga Slutsker began to appear at parties in the company of Dyukova. Rumor has it, because of her oil and football manager was forced to divorce. Olga Slutsker herself was more distinguished by family squabbles in the media sphere: her ex-husband Vladimir Slutsky worked as a senator of the Federation Council from Chuvashia in 2002-2010. In 2009, they divorced and rapidly divided the children.

Here is a portrait of Alexander Dyukov turned out. From February 22, he will begin to lead all Russian football and, probably, we will learn more about him. Note that Dyukov will not be easy to surpass the achievements of the predecessor at the head of the RFU - under Vitaly Mutko, the Russian team won the European championship in quarters and the quarterfinalists of the world championship.