Uralsib Bank


Vladimir Kogan to formalize his control over financial Uralsib Corporation


Thus, he will get and related businesses.

Last setup: how Nikolay Tsvetkov left the Forbes list


The banker's wealth does not exceed $200 million, and he is unlikely to return to the list of billionaires.

Siege of Vneshprombank: the bank is looking for new investors


The bank, established due to the former manager of Menatep Alexander Zurabov and Artur Chilingarov's son, is disconnected from the bank payment system (BESP) and tries to find the money to replenish capital.

The Central Bank announced that "Putin's friend" will rescue Uralsib


The Bank of Russia announced the reorganization of Uralsib. Vladimir Kogan, a private investor, called the "friend of Putin" by the media, will rescue the bank.