Bearings to Vladimir Tokarev

The deputy minister of transport and his wife could not get rich at 200 billion rubles on the emergency replacement of wheels from the Russian system to the American one.
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Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak instructed the Russian Ministry of Transport to cancel the order on the mandatory transfer of Russian cars to cassette-type bearings from 2021, Deputy Prime Minister Ilya Dzhus told reporters.

According to PRIME, "a fundamental decision was made to the Ministry of Transport within 24 days to invalidate the order of the Ministry of Transport dated October 25, 2019 regarding mandatory transfer to cassette-type bearings from January 1, 2021." Thus, the Ministry of Transport must cancel within a day everything that the Deputy Minister of Transport Vladimir Tokarev actively lobbied, almost from the moment he was appointed to the ministry last fall. But the decision to transfer the Russian fleet of freight cars from roller to cassette-type bearings was made by him already at the level of the Council for Railway Transport of the CIS countries.

But common sense in the government still prevailed over the lobbying interests of one official.

“To the one who developed this concept, Donald Trump should give an order for promoting American industry,” experts said then. The fact is that the production of cassette bearings in our country, in fact, is not localized. Bearings for Russian cars themselves are made by Americans and Swedes, who will not share technology secrets with us.

But Vladimir Tokarev was not embarrassed that he made the country's strategic industry dependent on foreign enterprises. Indeed, according to the most conservative estimates, the re-equipment of cars should cost Russian Railways and other owners in the amount of 180 to more than 220 billion rubles. Considering that back when Tokarev was the deputy head of the Directorate for the repair of passenger rolling stock of Russian Railways, the company Wagon-Service was registered for his wife, it is obvious that cassette-type bearings should enrich the family business significantly.

In addition, Tokarev and his partners in the railway business were unlikely to be indifferent to the upcoming privatization of the car repair companies VRK-1, VRK-2 and VRK-3, which would also not be left out of the global re-equipment that he imposed on Russian industry.

But the government, it seemed, thought that the country did not need another crisis of rail transportation and the resulting price increase, and therefore they decided to cancel the emergency re-shoeing of cars. However, it has already been noted that every rise of Tokarev to power, and this is his third appointment only to the post of deputy minister, results in the loss of state funds, dubious transactions and criminal cases. So, if Tokarev is not fired in the wake of the cancellation of the order he fostered, he will come up with something new. And hardly he does it just for fun.