Vagit Alekperov prepared a will

The LUKOIL stake owned by the businessman will be transferred to a special charity fund in a single lot. Probably, this is an attempt to save their assets before the future attack from Rosneft.
The main shareholder and president of Lukoil Vagit Alekperov told at the bottom of investors in London that he is worried about the future of the company and has already taken care of the fate of his stake. This is reported by a correspondent of Vedomosti.

"This is already on paper, including in my will that the package (owned by Alekperov - Vedomosti) can not be divided or fragmented, because I, of course, worry about the future of Lukoil. A fairly long period of time devoted to the development of the company. I do not admit that heirs will be able to spray this stake, which will lead to some unpredictable actions, "Alekperov said.

According to him, he has a succession plan. "Who will this be a successor, you will learn about it. I'm thinking about who can lead and replace me. But these will not be my close relatives, "Alekperov said. At the same time, he stressed that the company will remain public: "We have never had a plan to make a private company from Lukoil."

 In January 2015, Alekperov said that the shares of Lukoil owned by him will be transferred to a special charitable foundation, heirs will not be able to dispose of them directly, RIA Novosti reported. "The stability of our company will be provided not only during my life, but also after," Alekperov noted.

In October 2017, he mentioned that he was thinking about a successor, whom he would need to prepare for the next three to five years. "If I was asked if this is my son, the answer is no. This work is too complicated to bequeath to my son, "he explained. At the same time, the businessman did not rule out that his son Yusuf will remain working in business. The president of Lukoil told RBC that, before taking his son to work, he sent him to work in Siberia for more than two years. "I understood how people produce oil, how well they repair, and smelled oil," he added.

Alekperov has only son Yusuf, he is 27 years old. He graduated from the Russian State University of Oil and Gas. Gubkin. In 2016, he headed the rating of the richest heirs of Russian billionaires according to Forbes. The publication estimates that he can receive $ 8.9 billion in inheritance.