Girl and death in Uzbekistan

Instead of Karimov's daughter, Swiss investigators slipped her double.
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Live Gulnara Karimov, the eldest daughter of the late president, the Uzbek authorities have not been shown to the people. Nearly a year, as Islam Karimov passed away, in Tashkent - a new leadership, and almost everyone with whom Karimov was at war, was already released. Even the nephew of the deceased president Akbar Abdullayev was released from prison, although he "leaned back" from the Uzbek bunk, he immediately fell for the Ukrainian. And only Gugusha Karimova is still still under arrest, or even in the grave.

In December last year, the Uzbek authorities barely escaped a major international scandal. Two employees of the Swiss prosecutor's office were given the opportunity to interrogate in Tashkent, two days, on December 9 and 10, in Tashkent the allegedly under house arrest of Gulnar Karimov in the corruption case - their conversation lasted a total of 23 hours. Foreigners were really presented with a certain woman, who, however, did not tell them anything distinct, except that she lives, they say, in a special annex to her Tashkent mansion. But the fact of the matter is that Gugushi has not been in Tashkent for a long time, and this is reliably known to all of her former surroundings.

Moreover, Gulnara Karimova - a lady stately and tall, above 180 centimeters. And guests from Switzerland presented a woman at least 20 centimeters below Gulnara. To understand the "decorators" from the special services is no wonder: finding an Uzbek to grow up to be Gugoshe is very, very difficult. It is said that President Shavkat Mirziyayev personally persuaded all those who understood the Swiss not to report anything to the press - this, in particular, explains the fact that the interrogation became known only a month later from the publication of The Wall Street Journal. Moreover, the testimony of the woman questioned in Tashkent was never filed with the corruption case investigated by the Swiss prosecutor's office. But why did the Uzbek authorities not present the real guests to foreign guests? Is it because they have no one to show?

Aunt Gugushi speaks of the niece only in the past tense

Last summer, the nephew of Islam Karimov, 33-year-old Akbar Abdullayev, was released. It was expected that the imprisoned person imprisoned for 4 years from the appointed 15-year term, the businessman will go to the Crimea, where his mother Tamara Sobirova lives - the sister of the widow of the late Uzbek leader Tatyana Karimova. But before the Crimea, Abdullayev never got there. At first, he decided to go to the Dominican Republic to heal and rest after a long time. There, he closely communicated with Verkhovna Rada deputy Dmitri Dobrodomov, who heads the largest Lviv media holding ZIK.

After informing Abdullayev about the shocking details of the "house arrest" of Gugushi Karimova and, probably, about her not completely voluntary withdrawal from life, Dobrodomov promised his counterpart the loudest publicity of this sad history. The case remained for small - Abdullaev was supposed to come to Ukraine to personally denounce the Uzbek authorities in the murder of Gugushi or bringing her to suicide. And on January 14, after spending the New Year holidays at the resort, Abdullayev landed in Borispol, where he was to meet his new friend Dobrodomov. But instead of deputy to Abdullaev came the SBU. It would seem, from where did the Ukrainian secret services know about the intentions of an inconspicuous foreign guest? This unflattering question should be addressed to the deputy Dobrodomov. After all, except for him, no one could know the true reasons for Abdullayev's visit to Kiev.

And now six months have passed, and Karimov's nephew is still languishing in the Pechersky SIZO of the SBU of the city of Kiev. They arrested him for a year. Why and why - do not say. The explanation of the detention is ridiculous - they say, there is a certain threat to Abdullaev's life, and the best way to neutralize this threat is the grids of the Pechersk Central. Meanwhile, Tamara Sobirova leaves no hope of rescuing her son, who, she believes, already had enough of the dashing in Uzbekistan. Sobirov flatly refuses to talk about the fate of his sister's eldest daughter, but whenever there comes a talk about Gugusha, tears come down the face of an elderly woman. And for some reason Sobirov persistently speaks of his niece only in the past tense: "she was," "she loved" (about food and drinks), and so on.

By the way, in the autumn of last year in the material "Girl and Death" our publication already reported that Gugusha Karimova had real estate in the Crimea - in the resort Beregovoi, on the "first line" from the sea, she owned a boarding house and a hotel. They sold them in mid-November last year - just a few days after news agencies reported the death of Gugushi.

Why is the nephew of Islam Karimov kept in Ukraine

It would seem strange: Kiev has no complaints about Abdullaev. That is, in general, no. They detained him allegedly for some long-standing request of the General Prosecutor's Office of Uzbekistan. But in fact, at the end of last year, Karimov's nephew was officially released, and, it would seem, law enforcement officers did not have any complaints against him. Part of the term he served, and the new head of state amnestied him. Why then are Abdullayev kept in Ukraine?

Here is the version: today Uzbekistan sells gas to Russia, and could sell it to Ukraine at the same price. Or even cheaper, why not? I remember, 10 years ago, during the first "gas war" of Kiev with Moscow, the Ukrainian "Naftogaz" planned to solve all the problems by purchasing 7 billion cubic meters of blue fuel in Tashkent. Then the Ukrainians did without Uzbeks, but now Kiev without them is nowhere - the European "reverse" has become too expensive. And from Russian gas to "unflagging", it seems, finally refused. But gas is still needed, and its own fuel to the Ukrainian economy can not do. The right amount could be supplied by Uzbekistan, and even at a reduced price, when convincing arguments were found in Kiev. And Abdullayev, who was trapped in the Ukrainian cage, has nowhere more convincing argument. Do not sell us gas at the price that we say, and he will tell the world about the terrible death of Gugushi Karimova. Pokachchetes then with the reaction of the international community.

Akbar Abdullayev and Gugusha Karimova were connected not only with family relations. They were engaged in entrepreneurial activity, and later political. Both were considered "pro-Western" aspiring politicians, at least as the Uzbek press wrote about them. It was Gugusha on the eve of Akbar's arrest that tried to arrange for him a private meeting with Islam Karimov - bypassing his mother, Tatyana Karimova, who, apparently, was the initiator of the criminal prosecution of her nephew. As a result of this never-held meeting, Gulnara wrote in her social network that the mother was so angry that she promised to "destroy" me. However, the mother and the eldest daughter had been at loggerheads for a long time: Tatiana could not forgive Gulnara for telling her father about the connection between her former wife and her younger sister Lola, Tatyana Karimova's favorite.

"They will surely kill as they killed Gugushu"

At the moment, the cases are as follows: Akbar Abdullayev is applying for Ukrainian citizenship (he earlier abandoned his Uzbek passport and acquired a Dominican passport). He believes that this is the only way he will be able to avoid being extradited to Tashkent, where he "will certainly be killed as he killed Gugushu" - this is how the prisoner told the Kiev prosecutor Marina Kim. And this statement was recorded. And the fact that the siloviki relocated an important prisoner from the city prison to the Pechersky Central SBU, although Abdullayev himself insisted on house arrest, testifies that the fears of the Uzbek prisoner have the most weighty reasons. After all, as the political refugee from Tashkent, the presbyter of the Baptist church Vlad Sekan, recently testified in Kiev, where he himself took refuge, there is no way to avoid reprisals if the head of the National Security Service of Uzbekistan Rustam Inoyatov is interested in it. Taras Shepel, head of the Arbitration Chamber of Ukraine, said: "It's strange that Abdullayev, who has not committed any crime, is being held behind bars - is it because there is no other way to ensure his security from the security agencies?" But they are certainly aware of the very specific intentions of Uzbek colleagues. Uzbek counterintelligence agents, as you know, famously doomeless not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia (remember at least last year's attempt to kidnap Rakhmiddin Kamolov at Domodedovo airport).


Half a year ago, when he took office as president of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyayev promised to "tell the truth about Gulnara Karimova" - which, he did not specify, exactly. But he did not tell me. Why? Is it because the news about the death of Gugushi Karimova could blow up the republic? Mirziyayev, however, promised a lot - and declared amnesty to the political prisoners (only three of them - Samandar Kukanov, Muhammad Bekzhan and Rustam Usmanov were released), and return to their homeland all those who fled from the repression of Karimov. And in the end only "authorities" returned - Gafur Rakhimov and Salim Abduvaliev.