Vekselberg was involved in a conflict with Putin's oligarchs

Viktor Vekselberg's move with Rusal crossed the road of Timchenko and Rotenberg.
Mr. Vekselberg, who owns, together with Leonid Blavatnik 15% "Rusal", soon will become a $ 1 billion 17% shares Mikhail Prokhorov. It is said in the business circles close to the Kremlin are not happy billionaire Gennady Timchenko and Arkady Rotenberg.

"I think we will close the deal within a month", - Mikhail Prokhorov, Bloomberg said.

It is for what to take?

Recall that once Vekselberg began to show interest in the "Rusal" and he had problems. Late last year, the company Viktor Vekselberg "T Plus" left the head of the Perm branch of Sergey Boguslavsky. Analysts say the billionaire is afraid of revealing corruption schemes with the governor of the Perm region Viktor Basargin. Questionable due Vekselberg has with other governors. Mr. Boguslavsky headed the branch since 2011 - almost the whole period of governor Victor Basargin. In the period of his leadership had an active phase of implementation of the investment program of IES-Holding.

Also Boguslavsky - an active participant in the political process of the Kama region: in 2011 he was a faven deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm region. He always supported the territorial authorities in the Parliament, especially during their confrontation with the opposition. By the way, after the arrest of the governor of Komi Vyacheslav Gayzer many troubled regions of the head. Head of the Perm region, seems to have to worry together Viktor Vekselberg. After all, they have much in common.

So, in May of this year, the closest ally and vice-governor Viktor Basargin - Kirill Markevich resigned due to check corruption. An unscheduled audit of the Prosecutor General, switchgear and the presidential administration suddenly struck by Basargin. Right after revision in the unplanned vacation in an unknown direction immediately left oversaw information block ex-deputy head of the administration of the governor of the Perm region Kirill Markevich. He announced his resignation on facebook Markevich. The officer described himself as a victim of "information warfare."

Security forces have already begun to check tenders for coverage of the Perm government, which became winners of the structure, controlled by "PR Empire" Markevich. His company "Ural-Inform" was literally pumped public money. But rather, it is a blow not to Markevich, a hint Basargin.


Recall, back in February 2011, the corruption scandal broke when it emerged that Vekselberg, brokered a deal with the building at Krasnaya Presnya. We draw attention to the fact that he bought it from Hungary to 7 times cheaper than sold to the Ministry of Regional Development. Interestingly, and where did the difference go? Rumor has it that the then head of the Ministry of Regional Development Basargin and Vekselberg simply "sawed" allocated money. Incidentally, "Renova" active structure "boss" in the Perm region. In particular, ZAO "Renova Stroy Group Perm" is implementing the project of building the center of Perm. At this time, while the subordinate Basargin continue "mahinirovat" with the budget money, the housekeeper of the Perm region is on the verge of collapse.

High technology Vekselberg

In 2013, the FSB, the Interior Ministry and other law enforcement agencies began to check the facts "diversion of money" from the science city "Skolkovo", one of the sopredsegivers of which is Viktor Vekselberg. 140 million rubles provided "Skolkovo" subsidiary "Renova" (owned by Vekselberg), according to some, illegally transferred to foreign companies account. In 2010-2011, the "Skolkovo" fund transferred 93.5 million rubles to the Russian branch of the company "Renova Management AG, Switzerland," affiliated with the president of the Fund Viktor Vekselberg. Also, more than 52 million rubles were transferred to seven foreign companies.

Member of the Board of "Renova" Andrew Storch made a statement that "Renova" and its head have invested in the creation of the Russian innovation center more than 3.5 billion rubles. Moreover, according to Storch, personal investment in innovation city Viktor Vekselberg totaled more than $ 25 million. However, investigators from the Interior Ministry assured that the accounts of several foreign companies, (Jurong Consultants Pte Ltd, Urlich F Kunz & Partners AG, UBS Swiss Financial Advisers AG, Maxmakers Ltd et al.) "Skolkovo" fund was transferred for the period from 2010 to 2011 about 52.4 million rubles.

In addition, 93.5 million rubles were transferred to the account of the Russian filala "Renova", a foreign company JSC «Renova Management AG, Switzerland." As is known, the chairman of the "Renova" Viktor Vekselberg, the Board is also the President of the Fund "Skolkovo". Recall, April 6, 2009 Federal Department of Finance has initiated a lawsuit against Victor Vekselberg on suspicion of his involvement (together with two Austrian entrepreneurs) of fraud related to the company by Sulzer, which Vekselberg owns 31 percent of shares. Billionaire in Switzerland does not go, so to speak - holed up in the Russian Federation. Search manipulation in the "Skolkovo" will resume in July. Russian Audit Chamber revealed that one third of the members of the grant committee "Skolkovo" fund is directly related to companies applying for a grant. Damage may reach 7 billion rubles. The fact that in 2013-2015 the fund "Skolkovo" in the framework of the internal control system checked 121 project participants have received grants totaling more than 7 billion rubles, which is 73% of the total amount of grants issued!

5 of the 15 members of the "Skolkovo" Grant Committee; directly were either founders or managers of companies that claim to project participant or receipt of a grant! Those. Grants were given to ourselves !!! It seems Mr Vekselberg have yet to answer some questions. Returning to the "Rusal". Earlier, London Arbitrage has put an end to the dispute Sual Partners Viktor Vekselberg and Leonard Blavatnik with En + Oleg Deripaska and Glencore the veto shareholder UC Rusal: the court ruled that each co-owner of Rusal could block decisions of the other shareholders, including on related party transactions.

Interestingly, the dispute between UC Rusal Oleg Deripaska and the two minority shareholders of the company - Sual Partners (15,8%) and Glencore (8,75% through Amokenga Holdings) - started six years ago. Then Sual opposed UC Rusal deal on supply of aluminum and alumina trader Glencore. The contract is estimated at $ 47 billion. Sual considered it unfair conditions and applied to the London-based arbitration. But it seems that further Vekselberg will have to compete not with Deripaska and with Timchenko and Rothenberg, that will end badly for him.