Integrated space thefts

Whose fault was that Vladimir Putin had to watch the first launch from the Vostochny cosmodrome from a trench?
Origin source
Six months after the first launch from the cosmodrome "East" the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation filed another case of theft of funds that occurred during the construction of a space protracted. 50 million rubles were intended for construction in the territory of "Eastern" administrative-business complex for VIP guests.

The five-star hotel, air-raid shelter for 500 people, catering complex, swimming pool ... And most importantly - a special observation platform from which high-ranking guests of the cosmodrome "East" - the first persons of the country, the MIC leadership experts "Roscosmos" could watch the launch. Administrative and business complex, which includes all of the above, were to be built in the framework of the federal target program "Development of Russian space centers for 2006-2015" and the subprogram "Creation of providing infrastructure Baikonur East."

However, the April 28, 2016, the day when the second attempt soared into the sky rocket "Soyuz-2.1a", arrived at the launch site the head of state and the accompanying persons were crowded on hastily assembled a temporary site. As they say, it is actually out of the trench. And the reason for this - not the desire for increased security. As you can guess, the reason of theft.

I Took, but not yet!

"At least 50 million", mentioned in the November 17 open criminal case - is, of course, not all of the estimated administrative and business center, and "modest" 30% of the cost of design work. Total in 2013 for the design of the federal budget has allocated 143 million rubles. The task was assigned to JSC "Ipromashprom" and the subcontractor responsible for the execution of works, was the private project organization LLC "Design and Construction Company" Mikos "". Founder and CEO, "Mikos" Sergei Ostrovsky, incidentally, has already been convicted of embezzlement in the construction of "East".

The story of the unfinished for VIP guests - this is just another episode. Ostrovsky - the main person involved in the criminal case opened under Part 4 of Art.. 160 of the Criminal Code (embezzlement), but not the only one. However, it must meet by law will not be instantiated until officials - employees of "Roskosmos" and JSC "Ipromashprom" Design Institute. The investigation of the circumstances involved in the Federal Security Service. Investigators believe that the theft took place in accordance with the
"Carefully planned, complex and secretive" scheme.

Who are these people?

"Unidentified person is" of course, I would like to consider. The state contract, which was concluded with "Ipromashpromom" specially stipulated that the works should be held only "proven, agreed and approved by the project organization", proven by previous projects. By and large, I believe in Sledkome, "Mikos" entrusted the work were not even on the shoulder, did not have the human and technical resources. Get this order Sergey Ostrovsky managed "with the support of friends," Roscosmos employees ", JSC" Ipromashprom "and PKU" Directorate of the cosmodrome "East". Connections, acquaintances and "protection officers" Roskosmos "have helped to conclude a contract. They worked when, in December 2013, it became clear that nothing has been done, and acts of acceptance it is necessary to sign.

Because of false acts in January 2014, "Mikos" received a score of 70 million. To somehow cover up a failed task, Ostrovsky attracted to the project work of their subordinates of OJSC "31 State Design Institute of special construction" ( "31 GPISS), which in combination worked as the chief engineer, and acquaintances of the architectural bureau - they were paid 10 million rubles . The rest of the money is taken out and cashed.

Ostrovsky Ties in the "okolokosmicheskih" circles explained the previous experience: a design engineer, "31 GPISS" specialist, he participated in the design of a number of facilities in Baikonur and Plesetsk. Because, and was promoted to the senior group of chief engineers on the project "East". Apparently, the high patronage saved for a long time director of the "Mikos" and to investigate embezzlement scheme. Now investigations are aimed at exposing accomplices Ostrovsky from among officials, "Roskosmos" PKU "Directorate cosmodrome" East "and JSC" Ipromashprom "emphasize the Investigation Committee.

Administrative and business complex at the spaceport "East" has yet to be built. In October Glavgosexpertiza finally issued a positive opinion on the project documentation. FNA "Engineering" won in the tender for the construction (2.7 billion rubles).

Space deja vu

In the summer of 2016, Sergei Ostrovsky, according to the verdict of the Gagarin district court in Moscow, received 5 years in prison and a fine of 800 thousand rubles - the court found him guilty of embezzlement during the construction of the cosmodrome "East" 14.5 million rubles. Engineer filed an appeal, but on October 26 the Moscow City Court left the decision is in force. Thus, the new charges will be brought against Ostrovsky already in prison. Currently we considered a number of criminal cases related to corruption, theft and non-payment of wages at "East" building. Thus, a criminal case against the head contractor of the company "SK" Severstroy "" from Irkutsk
Sukhoverkovo Hleb, who is suspected of unpaid wages 78 employees.

Completed recently, and investigation of the criminal case against the former head of Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Spetsstroytehnologii" at Special Russia Vladimir Shamailova and entrepreneur
Renata Syamiullina. They are accused of commercial bribery ( "rollback") for the use of outside contractors to perform state contract for 207 million rubles. for the construction of a number of facilities at the spaceport. rollback amount appearing in the case, - 5 million rubles.


Cosmodrome "East" in the Amur region began to build in 2012. The construction was accompanied by numerous large-scale corruption scandals, which almost led to the failure of the project. April 28, 2016 with the "East" was made the first launch of the carrier rocket. Final commissioning of the first stage of the launch site is scheduled for the end of 2016, the construction of the second stage should be completed in 2012 year; construction of infrastructure - in 2023.