Oleg Budargin gobbles up Rossetti

Employees of Rosseti face the Day of Judgement. 
The court directed the indictment against top managers of IDGC of Centre, which is part of "Rossetti. Its leaders suspected of embezzling more than 240 million rubles. "Ugolovka" in the ranks of state corporations has long been commonplace. And the center of these stories are not quite cleanly is main leader Rossetti.

"Central" IDGC

IDGC of Centre - perhaps the most "turbulent" Company "Rossetety". Exactly one year ago on the management of IDGC of Centre workers complained publicly of "Energy Trust". They accused the unit of Rosset in fact raider capture the enterprise. The petition reached the Russian Business Ombudsman Boris Titov. Things reached the point that as a result of "reel" behind bars all the top leaders of the "Energy Trust", who are there still! The case concerned the endless economic lawsuits between the two offices. There were about 30, and every one of IDGC of Center Tver lost. Market participants are not without reason to believe that after this unit directly Rosset decided to resort to violent methods. As they say, not without patronage Oleg Budargin!

The king is naked

As they say independent experts, "Rossetti" in fact are nothing more than as a commercial "pacifier". That is really the power company shares are not worth anything. Management "Rosset", according to experts, "in the eye does not see such goals as the commercial component, that is, in the end the firm's profits.
Methods Budargin reign and his entourage compare with the methods of the Soviet enterprises (read "soviet") stage. Simply put, Budargin "stupid", "eat" the money is not efficient from an economic point of view the case. Not coincidentally, the influential rating agencies assess the action "Rosset" and its subsidiaries virtually at zero cost. Zero in the truest sense - one share of energy companies is estimated at ... .0 rubles 00 kopecks!

In the debt as in silks

"Rossetti" - to put it mildly, does not like to devote outsiders into their financial affairs. However, it is known (at least in the public domain), is impressive. And depressing tone. For example money "successes" of the company over the past year. So, the net loss "Rosset exceeded 30 billion rubles. Every year the energy company debt is growing by an average of more than 5 per cent! So, how can so quickly "Rossetti" roll to the bottom, considering them to a greater extent and the monopoly weave extended network of branches? And because in a country like Russia, it all depends on the individual leader. Here, "Rosset" very unlucky ...

"Severe" Chelyabinsk "kickbacks"

For years riotous color blooms corruption in one of the largest divisions of "Rossetti" IDGC of the Urals. Thus, in the department of IDGC of Ural "Chelyabinskenergo" "cut" and "kickbacks" for a long time are the usual methods of farming. At the same time, the main persons involved in the theft experts call the supreme management of the company, and another former governor Mikhail Yurevich South Urals! In recent years, from Chelyabinsk division mysteriously disappeared millions! As suggested by independent observers money corny could leak when, of course, "closing eyes" Yurevich, senior management in the pockets of "Rossetti", that is, the Oleg Budargin!

"Northern Lights"

Even louder "lit up" scandal "in" Lenenergo ", as the structure of" Rossetti ". The organization held nearly 15 billion rubles, "Tauride" bank. All anything, no one would eat, but ... Money held in a credit organization, has long been in the stage of bankruptcy and a readjustment! Things reached the point that the Federal Property Management Agency to intervene in it. To close the "hole" in the "Rosset" division, the agency has allocated nearly 30 billion of public money!

"False Dmitry" "Rosset"

"Affairs" in the "Rosset", of course, not only solves one Budargin. As it is seen, in all the "gray" schemes "and there is always a" gray cardinal. " In the case of "Rossetti" is of course a former right-hand man Budargin Dmitry Gottlieb. Rumor has it that he copied financial "gaps" of their numerous IDC on the alleged contingency Corporation. These difficult cases, of course not done selflessly. How to write the independent media, Gottlieb received up to 5 percent of "sliding" amount for each "write-off"!
