In Komi criminal proceedings have been instituted against regional power engineers

Under the investigation was former deputy director of Komienergo Dmitry Vylegzhanin, accused of kickbacks of 13 million rubles.
In Komi, another criminal case has been instituted against former and existing high-ranking regional power engineers. In the framework of the criminal case on commercial bribery, Dmitri Vylegzhanin, ex-deputy director of the branch of PJSC IDGC of the North-West, Komienergo, was detained. According to the investigation, while working in the PAO, he twice received kickbacks totaling more than 13 million rubles. from contractors for acceptance and payment of work. Investigations against power engineers, according to some sources, were the result of testimony given by Konstantin Romadanov, former deputy prime minister of Komi, who was on trial in the former head of the republic Vyacheslav Geizer, under a pre-trial cooperation agreement.

Dmitry Vylegzhanin, former deputy director of Komienergo, a branch of IDGC of the North-West, was detained in Syktyvkar. In the near future, the officers of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Komi will appeal to the court for the arrest of the suspect. At the moment, Mr. Vylegzhanin is charged with two episodes of commercial bribery committed by a group of persons on a preliminary conspiracy, in a particularly large amount (part 8 of Article 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). According to the regional SC RK for Komi, being Deputy Director of Komienergo, Mr. Vylegzhanin received from the representatives of contractors a total of over 13 million rubles. for unimpeded acceptance and payment of work under the contracts of the contract with PJSC "IDGC of the North-West".

According to some reports, a whole series of criminal cases against former and current leaders of the energy sector in Komi was the result of a pre-trial cooperation agreement concluded by former deputy prime minister Konstantin Romadanov with the prosecutor's office. He, we recall, was held on the "Gaiser case", which is now being examined in the Zamoskvoretsky court of the capital. In it, we will remind, it is a question of that the former heads of republic have created a criminal community with the purpose of plunder of budgetary funds and the state property. The case against Konstantin Romadanov was allocated to a separate proceeding, and he had already received seven years in prison. Meanwhile, it was he who oversaw the energy industry in the region's government, so he was able to tell investigators a lot about the abuses in it. It is interesting that the same Mr. Vylegzhanin, according to unconfirmed reports, previously owned the fitness club Gold Jim in the capital of the region, and among the investors of this facility he was called Mr. Romadanov.

Let's note that earlier, as Kommersant reported, the criminal case was opened on the basis of part 4 and part 8 of Art. 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in relation to the Director General of IDGC of the North-West, Alexander Letyagin and his deputy Pavel Shiryaev, Deputy Director General of IDGC of the North-West, Director of the Komienergo branch Valery Drydt and his deputy Yevgeny Sesyuk, as well as top managers LLC "Mechanized Column No. 24" and LLC "Tyumenkosvyaz". As the investigation reported, even in this case, the energy sector received illegal business compensation from business structures for facilitating the unhindered acceptance and payment of work under the contractual agreements between organizations and IDGC of the North-West. At the start of the investigation, the sum of the gifts was estimated at 5 million rubles. Operative support of both investigations is carried out by the staff of the regional FSB department.