Igor Chaika will tell students where the money comes from

The son of the Russian Prosecutor General became a teacher at the University's Enterprise and Corporate Governance Department.
"Business Russia" and the Institute of Growth Economics. Stolypin announced the opening of a new department at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) - Entrepreneurship and Corporate Governance. The department was created on July 14, 2018, it was headed by the authorized representative under the President for the protection of entrepreneurs' rights, the co-chairman of "Business Russia" Boris Titov. This is stated in the announcement of the press conference, which was distributed on Friday by the press office of the business ombudsman.

The department became a part of the School of Business and International Competences of MGIMO. In 2018 the department will launch a basic course on entrepreneurship and corporate management in MBA and Executive MBA programs. In the 2019 academic year, the courses of the department will be included in the basic disciplines of the MGIMO faculties. The MGIMO website says that in addition to educational goals, the department faces the task of forming a new image of entrepreneurship, a modern view of the development strategy of the economy and the state, development of entrepreneurial and leadership competencies in the future elite of Russia. "

Among the faculty members are ABH Holdings Chairman of the Board of Directors Peter Aven, President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Russia Alexis Rodzianko, Shai Granovsky, Irina Khakamada, David Yakobashvili, and the founder of Innovations of the World LLC and ZAO T-Industry, the business ambassador "Business Russia" in Moldova and the Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika Igor Chaika. It's about Igor Yuryevich Chaika, the press service of the business ombudsman confirms. He will teach the disciplines of "Company Strategies" and "Development of New Markets, Future Markets".

Igor Chaika is 30 years old. In 2011, he graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy named after Kutafin (Institute of Private International Law). I started doing business while studying. He was the founder of a number of companies, including LLC "Innovations of the World", LLC "Aqua Solid", LLC "Company" Golden Age ". In February 2014 he became an advisor to the governor of the Moscow region on sport, culture, tourism and youth affairs. In the summer of 2015 he left the post of adviser to the governor, deciding to focus on business projects. His company "Charter" is considered one of the largest operators for handling garbage.