Igor Chaika burrowed into the garbage of the Yaroslavl region

The younger son of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika firmly intends to become a garbage king of Russia: his company Charter will become the operator of municipal waste in the Yaroslavl region.
The company "Charter", which belongs to the youngest son of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Igor Chaika, has become a regional operator for the management of municipal waste in the Yaroslavl region. Since September 1, it will take care of the collection, transportation, sorting, and processing and disposal of waste in the region. "Charter" LLC is already working as a garbage operator in the Eastern and North-Eastern districts of Moscow, Yaroslavl, and will also handle waste in one of the Moscow region zones.

"Charter" LLC (according to kartoteka.ru, belongs to the youngest son of Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika Igor) signed an agreement with the Department of Environment and Nature Management of the Yaroslavl Region on organizing activities in the region to handle solid municipal waste. This was reported by the press service of the regional government. According to the document, starting from September 1, 2018, the company will start working in the region as a regional operator for municipal waste management and will ensure the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, disposal and disposal of waste. The agreement is calculated until December 31, 2026.

Director of the department Dmitriy Penkov said that Mr. Chaika's company plans to replace garbage collection containers, update the fleet of municipal waste disposal equipment, as well as to bring garbage dumps to the normative state and create waste sorting and reloading stations. Until September, a complex of preparatory and organizational arrangements, regulated contracts will be held, the official specified.

The press service of the Government of the Yaroslavl Region draws attention to the fact that Chartera LLC has been successfully implementing pilot projects in the region for the collection and removal of municipal waste with the use of new modern equipment equipped with the GLONASS system for replacing old containers, separate collection of garbage "in Uglich, Breitovsky municipal district and in Dzerzhinsky district of Yaroslavl.

It should be noted that Chartera also works as a waste management operator in the Eastern and North-Eastern districts of Moscow, and as a result of the competition will become a regional operator in the Noginsk cluster of the Moscow region.

The competition for the right to become a single operator for the management of solid municipal waste in the Yaroslavl region (the initial price - 16 billion rubles.) Was held in April. In addition to the Charter, Yaroslavl Spetstekhuborka Ltd. participated in it, it was withdrawn from the auction because of violations in the documentation.